Motorola Droid Bionic :: Cannot Hold A 4G Connection

Oct 13, 2011

My Bionic is reallying driving me nuts with this. It will contantly flip from 4G to 3G and then back again. I can be in the middle of downtown Dallas and have full bars and it will do this fliping every 10 or 15 minutes. This kills the batt and screws up all my push apps like Activesync email. I can have the phone sitting in one spot and the 4G signal will go from full bars and slowly drop to no bars then 3G. Other times full bars 4G and bam right to 3G. I have a VZ 4G Mifi sitting right next to it and the signal meter nevers leaves full and works like a charm the whole time. Funny part is until earlier this week it was fine so I just dont get it.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Apps Cannot Get Data Connection

Nov 17, 2011

Im having the same issue as a lot of other people (so i read). Mine has progressively gotten worse. My data connection shows active (sometimes it doesnt) but I cannot transfer data. After multiple restarts/battery pulls, i have data connection but NO app will transfer data except the web browser and dolphin. Even Gmail will not sync. So i can surf the web, but cant check my gmail app, pageonce, etc, etc. Wifi/bluetooth work fine. MOST of the time I can still text / make calls but not always.

I am hesitant to do a factory reset as the last time i did this, it did not change the problem and i was stuck with nothing because i had no data connection to connect to my google account with (nor wifi, i was on vacation).

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 4G Connection Just Drops A Lot?

Sep 29, 2011

I've had the phone since Monday and have not had a pleasant experience in terms of signal. I manage a little over 300 lines for my company so I know what our signal is and isn't in places. All of our phones typically get great 4G signal and 3G signal around here and especially inside the building. Since I've had the Bionic though it's been really flaky as a lot of others have mentioned. 4G just seems to drop a lot. I've done a lot of speed tests (both on the phone and also tethered to a laptop) and the biggest inconsistency is the upload speed. I am getting 0.05mbps on my upload, but closer to 5-6 on download. The phone itself has been fine, all apps work, speeds are good when browsing actually works and the network doesn't drop. I called Verizon today and he had me check the box for data roaming which was not on by default. So far the signal has been pretty solid where it doesn't drop but it didn't make any changes to my speeds.

I have a Thunderbolt here that gets 20 megabit plus on both uploads and downloads so I know speeds in this area are fine. The Verizon tech pointed me to an update in November that *should* address something with 4G but he wasn't clear on what exactly that was. One other issue I've been having is Wifi. It takes a long time to detect that I am close to my access point. Are others seeing the same issues with uploads that I am or do I possibly had a device with a bad radio?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 3G Connection Completely Gone?

Nov 29, 2011

So, I've had data loss all the time and it's not too troublesome cause it always comes back. However, this time it hasn't come back. My 3G connection has been dead for three days. I work in 4G and its fine, but when I come home in 3G it's completely gone. I've tried everything short of knocking it around like an old tv set.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: No 3g/4g Connection For Over 24 Hours?

Dec 25, 2011

I began the day yesterday with coverage, but into the evening and through today so far, I have had zero connection. My family members have verizon phones and are able to connect to 3g. I have pulled battery, sd card, and sim card, to no avail. I am updated to 5.5.893, and the connectivity issues are not any better.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Browser Says No Internet Connection

Sep 30, 2011

How do you get the internet back?, The browser says "no internet connection.. I must have disabled something

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Extremely Slow Charging By USB Connection To PC

Dec 8, 2011

When connecting my Droid Bionic to my laptop via USB cable for charging purposes, the phone will charge very slowly. I have left the Bionic on the cable for 3 1/2 to 4 hours and only see an increase in the charge of the phone of about 10%. I have installed the Motorola mobile drivers, and still no better performance. I have used multiple cables, and tried different USB ports to see if ther was any change. I have attempted while the laptop is conneced to power, and when it is running off battery, no difference.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Wifi Very Poor And Loses 3g And 4g Connection

Sep 20, 2011

I barely get a signal standing in front of the router! I dont even use it anymore. The phone also drops both 3g and 4g for no apperent reason.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Duplicated Playlists On Computer Connection?

Oct 19, 2011

I have Motorola drivers (5.2.0) installed. I previously used Motorola Media Link to transfer my iTunes playlists songs to the phone's removable microSD card weeks ago. At a later time, on two different computers with the drivers installed, when I plug my phone into my computers (to charge only) and later disconnect the phone I've found two copies of each playlist on the phone in the stock music app. One is empty and the other is normal. If I reconnect the phone to the computer and disconnect again I get another empty copy of the playlist.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Receiving Notification AOL Connection Error?

Apr 28, 2012

Over the past two days I began receiving a notification AOL "connection error". I do not believe this is an issue with AOL since other devices are not having the same problem. I tried a battery pull and factory data reset but the notification continues.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: CDMA / 4G And WIFI Connection Stability

Mar 19, 2012

I have a Bionic. The device works very well with apps, but seems to have difficulty with some WIFI points and keeping connected to the 4G or 3G networks. I am in the New Haven, CT area near I95 and I have friends with an HTC Thunderbolt that can easily get the 4G consistently. This is my second Bionic, the first one stopped functioning even after factory reset. Most Single AP WIFI will connect, if not airplane mode toggle is a workaround and will allow it to see the AP and connect. Any enterprise network with multiple APs with same SSID will give me a connection problem about half the time. Once it starts the Connecting, Disconnected, Scanning loop, I must airplane toggle. This does not always correct the issue.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bluetooth Automatic Re-Connection Is Not Corrected

Dec 14, 2011

My Bionic software upgrade came through early this morning. Unfortunately, the upgrade did not correct the Bluetooth Automatic Re-Connection issue.

Is there any hope for this issue? I have a Panasonic Connect to Cell through Bluetooth Home Phone System.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Enabling Data Roaming Fixes Connection?

Nov 15, 2011

Been having horrendous problems with data connectivity. I take the train from Baltimore to DC every day, and w/my OG Droid, never had problems, even if one or two location only seemed to have 1x available. With my Bionic, however, I am frequently dropping my data connection completely (moreso than it seems when I bought the phone in September -- not 100% sure since I wasn't paying close attention to it those first couple weeks).For the heck of it, I thought I report it on twitter and see what kind of response I would get from @VZWSupport. (I always get better Comcast support from their twitter folks than from my local office).Got a response (see attached graphic).They told me to enable data roaming. Really? Anybody had success with that? I'm worried about running up a huge bill.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Corporate Sync Not Working - Connection Error

Sep 19, 2011

I am getting through setting up my corporate sync> I can get through the following setup steps:

Open Applications tray, select My Accounts
Select Add Account
You will be at the Set-Up accounts menu with several other social network icons

Tap on Corporate Sync:
Enter: Domain nameuser name
Enter Password
Use secure server should be checked.
Enter Email address
Enter Exchange Server Address
Tap on Next to submit settings.

Handset will check with server and verify if successful. If you receive error could not auto detect server, touch OK to manually enter the server name. It then appears that I have connected to my exchange. I can then open up the email account settings and review/change the settings and I will always get the prompt that the update was successful. The connection error only appears when I open the account to check the inbox. The refresh symbol keeps spinning and eventually times out with the connection error.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 4G Going From Blue To White And Loosing Data Connection

Jun 24, 2012

It seems the last two months y wife (Razr) and I (Bionic) have been having issues with our 4g going from blue to white and loosing data connection. I thought this recent update last week would make it better but it hasn't. I hear different things from Verizon tech support and going in to the store. Tech support saying it may be a bad phone and had me pop out the sim card.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bluetooth Connection Lost - Disappeared From Notification Bar

Jul 12, 2012

I had my bluetooth on Connected to a handsfree device. Now I wasn't on a call but the bluetooth lost connection. Now with the standard Widget It had the little green Light like it was on but it Disappeared out of my Notification Bar, and it would not even reconnect even toggling the bluetooth on and off. A reset seemed to fix it but it was kind of Random.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Car Dock = Phone Through Speakers By Default?

Feb 6, 2012

My only "complaint" is that whenever a call comes in or when I make a call, it always has it on the phonespeaker and not over the car dock audio connected to the radio. I have to press the speaker button to turn it off each time.way to have it default to the speaker being off?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Transfer Files To And From Bionic To A Windows 7 PC?

Nov 28, 2011

Does anyone know of any surefire way to transfer files to and from the Bionic to a windows 7 PC?

I have been using Zumocast, but that's only a one way deal. You can stream and download files from PC onto the Bionic, but not vice versa.Also, I tried to download a 1.4 gig mp4 file but it doesn't fully download, and makes my notification area on my Bionic force close and the whole phone just wigs out and requires a reboot. So Zumocast needs to do some updates in order to support large file transfer.

Anyway, I am looking for a way to transfer files from my phone to my computer(s) wirelessly. I don't always have my USB cable around.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Put Bionic Into Field Test Mode

Nov 15, 2011

I can get a 4G signal rarely in home. At work and mobile I am usually 4G.I expect to be on 4G for a few years (5G anytime soon?) and was thinking of spending $$$ on a Wilson repeater to pick up 4G with a directional antenna and amplifier for home: url...I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator and the principals involved seemed sound to me.Also, does anyone know how to put the Bionic into Field Test Mode?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Zumocast On Bionic Playing Different Codecs

Nov 15, 2011

Has anyone had a lot of luck with Zumocast on the Bionic playing differenct CODECS? I seems to work awesome but has some CODEC limitations, is there any way to use another video player other then the default Android one (which it appears to be utilizing)?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic And FIOS Remote App?

Oct 2, 2011

Any one have any luck getting the FIOS Remote app working on their Bionic? I got it downloaded and followed all the directions but it wouldn't sync up. Home net is a std Verizon issued router (only thing custom is the net name, channel, and crypto key) and the Bionic is able to get on the wifi no problem.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Unthread Gmail On Bionic

Nov 6, 2011

Gmail is my email. I long ago disabled the "conversation" (threaded) view of messages in Gmail iitself on the web, and in settings on any device. However, I can't find a way to do this on the Bionic. There's no option in accounts > Gmail. I HATE having the emails strung together like they were text messages. One of the major issues is losing attachments (ex: photos) in earlier emails once additional ones have been added to the "thread."

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Overriding SD Storage?

Oct 2, 2011

Have experienced this with a couple of applications (Freecaddie Pro and My Tracks) the program is suppose to store to SD card and it saves to internal memory. Spoke to the developer of Freecaddie and he checked and it is suppose to save courses to SD but Bionic saves to Internal Memory. With My Tracks even when I pick "Save to SD card" is saves it to Internal Memory. What is up with that and is there a way to correct it?I know my SD card is working because I have moved pics and music to it without a problem.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Non-Motorola Cables Don't Work With Bionic

Sep 30, 2011

I had noticed this problem before with the USB not working with non Motorola cables (INCLUDING ones purchased from VZW before the release of the bionic)5. Issue: USB Cables:The XT875 can only be used with Motorola USB cables.Action: No work around required.Resolution: No resolution required, working as designed and approved by Verizon Wireless.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Car Phonebook Won't Hold Info?

Sep 9, 2012

My car loads my phonebook and it works for a day or so and then all ddisappears.What might be causing it to not hold the info?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Camera Will Not Hold HDR Setting?

Nov 19, 2012

I find that if I set the camera to HDR it stays there as long as I just open and close the camera. If I switch to video and back or switch from rear to front camera it no longer has the HDR setting I have to change it again. Same issue if I reboot. The setting does not want to stay on HDR.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: ICS Leak For Bionic

Jul 7, 2012

Has anyone installed any of the ICS leaks for the Bionic? If so, did you have any problems? How's it working?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Ring Tone Setting Cannot Hold

Nov 29, 2011

I have an app called classic ringtones that i use, but for some reason the razr will not hold the setting and reverts back to a stock tone after an undertermined amount of time....I set the tone, it works for a while and then; just like that its gone!

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic "My Accounts" Not Opening Correctly

Oct 11, 2012

When I go to "My Accounts" on my Droid Bionic, and then click on "Add account", I get the error message "Sorry! The application My Accounts (process com.motorola.setup) has stopped unexpectedly."

I wiped out my Bionic and then re-set everything up, and it was working fine until I added my FB account, and then removed the account. Now I can't add any new accounts at all.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Only Some Of Gallery Pics Transferred From Droid 1?

Sep 16, 2011

I used Google's https: to transfer all my apps from my Droid 1 to my Bionic. By and large it was seemless and quick. However, less than half of my Gallery pictures made it over. Because the Gallery is a stock app and not in the marketplace it is not on the the above market transfer desktop application.I also have astro and estrong on my device.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Motorola Site Home Crashes And Stops Unexpectedly

Apr 12, 2012

I go to apps > options > search and boom - "The application Homescreen (processcom.motorola.home) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." [Force close]I have confirmed other users are experiencing this.

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