IPhone :: Increase The 4S Battery Life?

Mar 31, 2012

have to increase the iPhone 4S battery life!!!

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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BB Curve 8900 :: How To Increase Battery Life - With 6.5 - Hour Battery Life

Apr 30, 2010

I’ve got a BlackBerry Curve 8900 (ATT, running, and have had it since Oct. 2009. Battery life has always been OK - 24 to 48 hrs. between recharges.

Today though, after pulling it off the charger this morning around 8:00 a.m., I’ve noticed that I’m down to about 5% charge by 2:30 p.m. I have made no phone calls today, and have only sent/received a couple texts and rec’d two emails. I've never used a holster, have downloaded no apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both off. No keys appear to be sticking. Absolutely nothing, to my knowledge, of any significance has changed on the phone since October, yet all of a sudden --literally, overnight --I am experiencing this greatly diminished battery life. The only even remotely precipitating factor I can think of is that I did a battery pull yesterday, after deleting some old photos and emails.

I’ve searched the forum, and most of the suggestions are along the lines of “turn off bluetooth/wi-fi/update OS,” but as noted, I never used those anyhow, and the OS has always been good to me.

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Nokia Nseries :: Increase My 8's Battery Life?

Jan 16, 2012

How to increase my n8's battery life......my n8 battery is discharging in less than 7 hrs.

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BB Bold :: Get RIM To Increase The Battery Life On The 9900?

Nov 9, 2011

How do we get RIM to increase the battery life on the 9900?

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Samsung Galaxy S II :: How To Increase Battery Life

May 11, 2011

well every phone needs one right? and i just noticed a few things that this phone has that the s1 didnt, sooooin Voice Talk, turn off 'Wake up command', when voice talk is running, your microphone will be constantly on listening for you to call "Hey Galaxy!" (wake up command)double press home>menu>settings>voice talk settings>wake up commandturning vibration off, believe it or not, vibration uses more energy than max volumelimiting how much processor is used, an app like SetCPU can limit how much processor is used, and in what way, setting your processor to Conservative will increase battery life. turning off bluetooth and wifi when youre not using it will save unnecessary searches for signal turn off automatic background syncing make sure you fully close out an ap, either by hitting back till it closes, or menu>close poor or no signal will decrease battery life, as your phone will constantly be stressing to find a good signalif you really wanna go crazy use a solid black wallpaper, it wont use any LEDs at allont use live wallpaperssingle best thing you can do for your battery: turn brightness to 0, this is the difference between 6 hours of use, and 2, the s2 has an amazing powerful screen, and it will drain the battery if its maxed. download 'Brightness Level' an easy widget from the market used to quickly adjust brightness between when you want to show off, and when you want to be practical

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IPhone :: Charging The Battery Constantly (dock, USB Cable) Affects The Battery Life Of 4S?

Mar 24, 2012

I have already read enough of this great forum post, I hope in the future to helpbeginners like me, one day we had to IOS (formerly had a Galaxy S2) and now we are more than comfortable with my 4s!I have the cell phone constantly charging, either in the Dock, when I go to bed, Through The cable in my university (when I'm in class or on the computer in the Library), this because the phone if consuming battery (I have the iOS 5.0.1) and hate running out of battery (no phone) when I'm away from home.Then the doubt (I've already searched in many forums) is whether this is detrimental tothe battery of the phone, or simply when the iPhone detects that is loaded, just stops receiving load and nothing happens:

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: My Battery Needs Daily Charging - Save Battery Life ?

Jun 27, 2012

Just purchased iPhone 4S and it's sucking the life out of the battery. I've read several posts to turn items off to save battery life and nothing seems to be working.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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Nokia :: N900 Struggling To Save Battery - Not Get More Than 6 Hours Battery Life

May 14, 2010

So had my N900 for a little over a week now and overall I'm pretty impressed. Great phone, but still very much a work in progress. One of the main issues I have at the moment, other than no turn-by-turn navigation (sorry, had to mention it), is the battery life - or lack of!

On an average weekday I use the phone to send a few texts (no more than 10), scan the news sites (no more then 20-30mins total) and catch up on my RSS feeds (again, no more than 20-30 mins total). I'm not using the media player at all and I may make one or two short calls.

Bottom line is that I'm struggling to get more than 6 hours battery life out of it. I know smart phones are thirsty, but I don't even get to listen to music on my way to or from work!Here's what I've already done to reduce battery consumption:

Removed active widgets (such as ForcaWeather) from desktops and replaced with web shortcuts.Reduced screen brightness to 2 barsDisabled GPS & Network positioningDisabled IMDisabled BluetoothI've heard some mention reducing the amount of active desktops, but I think that kinda defeats the object of having a N900. May as well buy a lesser phone if you need to strip out all the functionality to get though the day. I'd be satisfied with 8-10 hours medium use. At the moment I'm getting around 6 hours at light use - got to be something I'm missing.

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Capacity - Battery Life Decreased After A Month

Feb 9, 2012

know the battery capacity of the XOOM (MZ601), mine is 3260mah Reason for the question is my xoom, replaced about a month ago used to give me 5 days life, now its 2 days, and thats just scraping in.... No SD card, same apps, same usage pattern

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IPhone :: Better Battery Life With 4.1?

Sep 3, 2010

I installed 4.1 on 3GS yesterday, and it feels like I've got better battery life or at least more accurate battery reading. After about a day of usage, i hardly used to get about 40% remaining at night, but today, I've got it on 54.

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IPhone :: 4.1 GM And Bad Battery Life

Sep 6, 2010

Last night I charged my phone to 100% from a dead battery, was finished around 2am. I used twitter and played a little fruit ninja, made a couple calls today and used some WiFi. I turned on my battery percentage and it was 47%... Pre 4.1 I would still have around 70% left.

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IPhone :: IOS 4 / Less Battery Life

Jun 28, 2010

I upgraded to iOS 4 last week & now my battery life is about 1/2 what it used to be.
It used to comfortably last a day, now it last about 1/2 that - I definitely have to charge it while at work each day.Anyone else found this?I'm hoping some solution can be found & slipped into an update - this handset is only a year old, so the OS upgrade should not have quite such a dreadful impact.

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IPhone :: Battery Life Not Getting?

Jul 7, 2010

I have put my iPhone to 0% then charged to 100% three times now. Before the third time, I downloaded battery doctor. It seemed pretty cool that it can show me how much time everything takes, so I decided to check again after charging to 100%.

When checking, I see that everything is lower than it should be. It's actually comparable to a 3GS, and not my 4.


For example, battery doctor says my phone can have 30hr audio playback, 5hr talk time on 3G, and 3G internet time is 5hr. This is all comparable to the 3GS, which really disappoints me.

Is it giving me 3GS times because it identifies my phone as an unknown phone, or is there something wrong with my battery?

If it helps, IIRC I had around 7 hours(maybe a bit more) of usage, and 1 day 19 hours on standby right before it went to 0%.

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IPhone :: 2G Battery Life After 3.0?

Jan 24, 2010

I just got a 2G iphone used, it is jailbroken and unlocked OS 3.0. I am trying to decide if i am getting crappy battery life (due to a worn out battery) or if my usage is normal. with heavy use I need to charge daily, if i dont use it alot it can last maybe 2 days - 2.5 days. ive never gone more than 2.5 days because I tend to use it more.

In this screen shot I tried to use it as much as possible yesterday. maybe 1 hour talk time. 30 mins ipod and the rest is safari, email and apps/games using wifi.

- BT off
- Wifi on
- Brightness to 30% (auto is off)
- Edge on
- All push and fetch is off.

So based on my usage if I replaced the battery usually $50 in my area will i notice a big difference? please post your usage with 2G and OS 3.0, screen shots if possible.

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IPhone :: Battery Life On 4gs?

Mar 21, 2012

My iPhone went for service bij t-mobile. Now the will not fix it because there is no warranty shield in the phone. I or anybody else never did something with this phone.
Now i have to pay for a refurbished iPhone but that is the last thing i will do because this is the faulth of the factory and not mine. And all this for a Homebutton that does'nt work very well.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Get A Better Battery Life In 4S?

Apr 12, 2012

How to get a better battery life in iPhone 4S, give me some tips n tricks....

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: What The Battery Life Is On The 4s

May 15, 2012

what the battery life is on the iphone4s. I've got a sony android and am charging it twice a day - not good for work!

iPad 2

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BB Curve 83xx :: Battery Life Lasts A Few Minutes - Tried New Battery

Feb 16, 2010

I gave my sister my old curve its about 1 1/2 yrs old. the day i gave it to her the phone worked just fine but after she flew back home the battery would only last her a few minutes. i told her to try a new battery but it still has not changed anything. i even got her to upgrade to 5.0 just to see if it would make any difference but it doesnt.

she barely uses any apps, and mostly uses the phone for emailing.on standby it will every 10minutes or so the battery life will go down by 10%, and after a few texts or a minute or two on a call the phone will just die. she can pretty much just use it when its connected to a power source.Seems like a phone issue but there is no warranty on it

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BB Curve :: Improve Battery Life/long Lasting Battery?

Dec 13, 2011

Okay, so I'm on the move a lot, travelling to and from University each day which can take anywhere between 1-2 hours getting there and getting back. I'm always on my phone during travelling as there isb't much else to do and I like to keep in touch with friends. I use Facebook and the internet a lot on their and I understand this is why my battery runs down so quick. Using it for I'd say 3 or so hours and the battery is done, I usually take my usb cable to uni so I can charge it ready for the journey home. Is there anyway I can get the same usage out of it and not drain the battery so much? I am thinking of getting a new battery first off as I'd say the current one would not be able to achieve good life againt, but is there long lasting batteries I can get?

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IPhone :: Ios4 And Battery Life On 3GS

Jun 22, 2010

Ok. So I updated yesterday without any problems and actually thought my battery life had improved slightly. Well I plugged in my phone to charge overnight and today have noticed the battery depleting rather quickly. Checked my battery status and it has a usage time of 6hrs and 59 min. and a standby time of 6 hrs and 59 min. I'm at work and have not been using my phone very much. I also closed out all of the "multi-tasking" apps in the "background" (just in case)and it hasn't helped. Any recommendations?

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IPhone :: 3G Battery Life / 4.0 Update

Jun 22, 2010

I updated yesterday to OS 4 on my 3GS and now my battery life is draining much quicker now. After limited use my battery level after 6 hrs is 40% when it used to be around 80%.Anyone else experiencing this problem?

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IPhone :: Battery Life Still Bad After Restore

Aug 10, 2010

I went back after only 1 day of using my jailbroken iPhone 4. Just installing MyWi, Five Icon Dock, and 3G Unrestrictor left my battery draining about 50-80% faster without even activating tethering and also a little unstable in general.

I restored to a pre-jailbreak backup and my battery is still draining about 50% faster. I don't have logs of my usage but I do know that browsing on 3G used to take 5% battery now it's 7-8% battery (better than the 10% when jailbroken).This kind of battery drain happened on my 3Gs after an update of one of the jailbroken apps and it SUCKED. it's making me regret jailbreaking my iPhone 4 since the restore didn't fix the battery drain.

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IPhone :: 4S Battery Life Down After Upgrading To Ios 5.1 ?

Mar 11, 2012

Battery Life down after upgrading to ios 5.1 ?

Info:iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: 5.1 Has Killed The Battery Life?

Mar 13, 2012

Down to 3hrs. No calls just a few emails. Same issue anyone?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Verizon 4s Battery Life

Mar 14, 2012

I read about sending a code or dialing a number to send to Verizon that would help extend the battery life of the iPhone 4s. Not sure what that does, if it helps at all, but I cannot seem to find it

Thank you.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4S Overheating And Very Low Battery Life

Mar 14, 2012

4S, overheating and very low battery life.

iPhone 4S

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IPhone :: My Battery Life All Of The Sudden Went To About 25% Off?

Mar 25, 2012

My battery life all of the sudden went to about 25% off what it was before. After a full charge the battery only lasts for about 3 hours even when not being used. I've turned off wifi, turned off location services, closed out of all apps to no avail. Is my battery shot? If so, why? I didn't use an iPad charger or do anything else that could have damaged the battery?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4 Battery Life After Update To IOS 5.1

Mar 28, 2012

never needed to post here before, but since I updated to iOS 5.1, my battery life really


iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Improve 4s Battery Life?

Mar 29, 2012

I've had the 4s since the day it was released and have experienced poor battery life from day 1. I've tried everything and I've loaded both software updates that were supposed to help but have not. Within the first 2 weeks of having it, the genuis bar replaced the phone as a troubleshooting step - same result. The batteries on both phones tested out fine by the genius bar. I've had it back to the store since the replacement and they wiped it and reloaded the software - no difference. I've eliminated all apps, turned off email, turned off all alerts, notifications and location services -- to no avail.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Why The Battery's Life Is Short

Mar 31, 2012

who knows why the battery life of iphone 4s is short?

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IPhone :: 4s Keep Shutting Off When It Gets To 15% Battery Life

Apr 2, 2012

It just shuts off, and once I put it on the charger, it will turn on with 18% or more. This has been happening for the past few days now, and I don't know what's going on.

iPhone 4S

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