IPhone :: Delete Photos Selectively From Camera Roll?
May 14, 2012
I have thousands of photos on my camera roll. I do know you can select individual photos to delete off the roll and you can select more than one at a time but is there a better way? I keep hoping there would be a way to select groups of photos from my camera roll while my phone is connected to my macbook pro through iphoto. I was told you are only able to delete photos on your phone via your phone basically one at a time.
iPad 2, iOS 4.3.2, productivity tools and apps
When I create a new album and copy some pictures from the camera roll to the new album, they stay on the camera roll, and when I delete one of the copied ones from camera roll it also gets deleted from the new album, how can I avoid this?
Once I have moved a photo from the camera roll to another album I want to delete the image from the main camera roll album. If I try to delete I get a message that this image will be deleted from all albums. I want to just delete from camera roll. Is this possible?
Can I create a new album and moved the pictures out of the camera roll into it then delete the pictures from camera roll and they still be in the aalbum if so how do I do this?
I'm able to create as many albums as I want under the main camera roll. from what I can see, I can add photos from my camera roll to an album but the two images are connected. so what happens is when I try to create albums according to event or subject, if I wanted to delete the original from the camera roll, it also deletes the copied image. What gives? Is there a way to have multiple albums on iphone where images won't be deleted?
I uploaded all my iPhone camera roll pix to iPhoto but I did not click "delete from iPhone." Now I want to delete the entire camera roll in the iPhone, not invidually but all at once. How do I do it?
I have photos in my camera roll on my iphone 3 and want to import them to my computer, I guess this has to go through Itunes and I thought I had done it by snyching in the photos bit. A folde has appeared in my pictures but it is empty What am I doing wrong or not doing?
1. Camera Roll - 178 2. Photo Library - 33 3. iPhone - 33 4. Personal 1 - 22 5. Personal 2 - 51
My camera roll has all the photos, Photo Library & iPhone have the same number and the Personal 1 & 2 are divided properly. What I would like to do is move the Camera Roll photos to the iPhone folder so they sync to my computer OR have the Camera Roll sync to a folder on my computer but I am unable to do this. How can I move the Camera Roll photos?
I've run into a situation where the photos taken by the camera app are not saving to the camera roll, however strangely, the photos are still visible through the review mode in the actual camera app, and also when plugged into pc they are visible in the photos folder? Additionally, they are still visible by location under the places tab in the photos app, which suggests they are definitely there. I can still remove them from the iPhone but still have the issue of not being able to edit or view actually on the iPhone. What should I do? Using 4s on 5.1.1.
I have a unique problem in that when I take a photo or video using my iPhone4's camera it doesn't show in the photos app and it just says no photos are present. Same if I try to save any photo from the web or take a screen shot. But the thumbnail with the last pic taken shows in the bottom left corner of screen when I launch the camera app.
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, Windows 7, latest version of itunes
Im having a strange issue where when I take a picture I can review it immediately, But it does not show up in the camera roll folder. After a few moments it will show up in my photostream.
According to Apple, we are given 5GB of iCloud storage space, which includes photos and videos on the camera roll. When I restored my phone with an iCloud backup, my camera roll is empty.
I have backed up my photos to my mac, and selected the option to clear them from my phone, but they are still appearing on the phone and my camera roll is at 6.5GB. How do I remove these from my phone?
I have an iPhone 4s. I'm attempting to download all the photos from the camera roll. I tried to use the AutoImport that pops up when you plug the phone in, but that didn't download the photos in my Camera Roll. I then attempted to access the camera roll photos by going to Internal Storage DCIM100APPLE, but I get an error message that says the computer can't find that folder location. I've done this with the phone locked and unlocked. Also, going into the DCIM folder, I cannot even see the 100APPLE folder. There are over 600 photos/video trapped on my phone.Â
I uploaded photos from my previous phone. They were not put int he camera roll album but separate albums. How to delete an album or pictures from a album?
I have a photo in my camera roll on my phone that I believe is corrupted. I received it through the "Bump" app. After receiving the photo and adding it to my camera roll, when I go into that specific conversation in "Bump" the app crashes.
When I open my camera to take a photo, it shows everything fine, snaps a photo, and then crashes without saving. When I open my photos, I can go into every album except my camera roll, when I click on my camera roll it crashes.
I have Windows Vista and I can copy all the photos using the windows import photos, and when I click the "delete all after import" button, it will start to delete them, until it gets to that photo than stops.. And does not delete any photos out of my camera roll.
So I need a way to delete ALL of the photos out of my camera roll, without doing it manually, as that is clearly not a possibility. And a way to do it using Windows Vista.
i have added pictures from my camera roll into different albums. but every time i try to delete the ones from the camera roll, it asks if i want to delete the picture from everywhere or cancel. how do i keep them in the other albums, but delete them from the camera roll?
I want to restore my camera roll photos from a backup. I had problems with no service issue and it is ok now but I had to restore as new phone so could not able to get the photos. (forget to download them first). But I have the back up how can I get just these photos which is all I need from this back up.
I have an iPhone 4S with iOS 5.1. When I take a picture the picture shows up in the ca,era roll, but not in Photo Stream. I do have iCloud and Photo Stream enabled. I can see older photos in Photo Stream. This used to work before. Also, is there a way to add photos from your camera roll to Photo Stream?
i deleted some photos from my Camera Roll (on iPhone 3GS) using cable connection to my PC. I then went to Photo Stream (the photos were, correctly, still in there) and put some of them in Albums in the Photos app. Some, but not all, have now re-appeared in Camera Roll - and, very unhelpfully, not in the order they were taken. I don't want these photos in Camera Roll but can vaguely accept and understand if the app HAS to copy the Photo Stream photos to Camera Roll if you put them in Albums and they are not in Camera Roll already but then why are there 2 photos (in different Albums) that this is not happening for?