IPhone :: Could Not Receive Or Emit Calls And That I Needed To Restore?
Apr 21, 2012
So suddenly my iphone told me it could not emit or receive calls and that I needed to restore the phone; this I attempted to do, following the apple site's instructions - recharge for at least half an hour then hold down (various) buttons to get the broken apple image; so far, so good. However, nothing ever progressed beyond this point and now three days on, I am nable to elicit even the apple sign from the phone.
Apple exchanged a new phone for me because of a water damage (I paid extra for it). The next day, my phone cannot find any network. I tried resetting the phone, restoring everything.It worked for like 1 hour, and then this message "Restore Needed. Iphone cannot make or receive calls. Restore from Itunes." pops up again. I bought it to Apple Gen. Bar, the guy said its probably because of my sim card that got the water damaged. I went back home and found a brand new 3G sim card that I forgot to insert when I got my phone a while ago . Used the new sim card, and few hours later..still getting that message! I tried restore, reset everything! My iphone was able to find my network, but it go back to "searching" or "no network" after a while. Went to Apple store again, told them that I changed a new sim card. The girl said she would restore the phone for me. After restoring the phone, it worked fine, obviously she send me home because she said there's nothing wrong with my phone. Today when I wake up, I saw the same message on my phone again. Tried the hard reset (home button + power), it asks me to connect to itune (or else I can only make emergency calls). Restart my phone (just the power reset), it was fine again, with network and everything. But this time, when I click into my download application, it pops back to the main menu. I deleted all the downloaded application and re-download them again, they worked fine.So, I'm guessing that I will most likely get the "Restore Needed. Iphone cannot make or receive calls. Restore from Itunes." message again. And because it works after I do a hard reset/ restore, there's nothing Apple Gen. Bar can do anything about it right? What can I do? I don't want to restart my phone 10 million times a day or restore it twice a day!
I recently had a repair done to my iphone. Afterword, I was told that I had to restore the os. I downloaded and installed the latest version (3.1.3) through itunes.
When it attempted to activate the phone I got an error message saying the phone either had no sim or the sim was locked and instructing me to disconnect the phone and unlock the sim.
My sim does have a pin, but the phone itself won't allow me to unlock it. It says 'restore needed' and directs me to itunes.
It seems like a catch 22 - can't activate without unlocking the pin, can't unlock the pin without activating. As it is, I can't use the phone at all.
My 2 year old iphone 4 was around 38% battery when I closed my eyes. (TV nap)
When I opened my eyes, the apple logo was showing. It repeatedly reboots. If I use a wall power adapter I can get logged in and look around for maybe a minute before it crashes and starts over.
While it is up, no phone service is available. The PHONE icon has a huge red dot on it. Online support database suggests charging it. But the battery shows as 100%, plugged in. If I remove the power cable, it immediately dies and is non-responsive.
My Iphone is saying Restore needed, but my phone has a password and will not let me get into itunes, i cannot do anything with the phone, how do i restore?
My iPhone 4S has been working on and off for as long as I've had it. There are times when I can't make or receive calls or send or receive texts.When I attempt to make a call, it never rings and when I try to end these calls, it doesn't register that the call has ended. People receive these calls but when they answer, there is silence. If people call me, I don't get any notification of this.
When I send texts, the loading bar at the top of the page never reaches the end - the same things happens: people receive the texts but when they reply it never reaches me.I have replaced the phone and it did t make a difference. I am with Vodafone and I'm always in full reception when this happens.When I connect to wifi, the text messages (but not missed calls) come through.
I have an iPhone with sprint, and it has worked more than amazingly prior to this. It wasn't until last night around 12am that this started. I have had the phone for 4 to 5 months now. The bars in the top left are flat and occasionally one will pop up. I can t make calls and texts are slow to or just don't send at all. I was messing around on my download app in the browser and it closed and then thu problem arises. I have deleted the app even turned on and off my phone several times and turned airplane mode on and off several times. Please help:/ this is not an issue with location, and everytime I make calls it just says "calling mobile..."
My phone will not make calls, but I can still text just fine. I want to make sure if it's a network issue or if something happened with the phone itself. I have never dropped it and I always have the projective screens/covers.
I can make calls but I cant receive all of the calls. What happends is the phone rings then you swipe the screen to receive then there is nothing but the call has been answered, sometimes(not all) I can put on the microphone to fix this but this does nt work all the time.
The person is on the other end and No "mute has not been hit" the only thing i can think of is a loose wire internally or a software problem?? that does not mean its right, hence I am asking?
i can't hear any sounds. when i try to listen to music, or go on Internet or anything, i can't hear any sound. but get this: when someone calls me, i can hear the ringtone.after restoring original settings and deleting all my contacts, most of my programs etc (and all my settings, which i've now restored), i noticed that the headphones icon is on the bottom of my screen. if i connect headphones (well, in-ear earbuds), i can hear sounds from my music player, Internet etc, but when i connect or disconnect them, it doesn't even let me choose an enhancement.
My phone dosent recieve texts messages but will recieve calls. A messages comes up everytime i try to go into my messages saying "the aplication messaging has stoppped unepectedly.
I have a blackberry curve 9360, My friend calls my phone and I never get her call, her call goes straight to voice mail and my phone doesnt ring. But we can text each other. I also tried calling her 3 times, she has an iphone and her phone doesnt ring or show history of my call. Im pretty sure my call didnt go through.
My iPhone doesn't recieve any calls. It calls people but when they answer they can't hear me at all. It tried rebooting but nothing happened. I tried unplugging the sim card but nothing changed. I inserted other sim card and it faced the same problem which means that the problem is from the iPhone not the sim card.
my iphone4 will not work unless plugged in and it has no wifi connection and it states it needs to restore to make calls or reicive them, yet if i unplugg the phone it shuts off and wont turn on again even when connected to the computer. i have reset it several times but it wont fix the issue i just get a note on phone : iPhone cannot make or receieve calls. Restore from iTunes. [URL]
I haven't been able to make or receive phone calls on my iPhone 4 for the past 3 days. I've restored the phone and network settings and it still doesn't work. The phone will "make" the call, but there is no connection via audio on either side of the connection. When someone tries to call me, the phone either freezes on the incoming call screen (and rings, and rings, and rings until I shut it down completely), or it just doesn't connect as far as audio, again on both sides of the connection.
There is something seriously wrong with my phone, I can call people and text people but I can't be called or texted except by my operator. I essentially have the worlds most expensive ipod touch, I have reset network settings. It is a 4S not that that makes a difference.
My ipone does not receive messages(sms) or calls. I don't get any messages when someone tryes to call or message me and the signals from my operator are perfectly good. The ones who are trying to call me doesn't get any message saying my phone is off or disconnected. For them it seems as if I don't bother to pick up the phone.