IPhone :: Can Restore My Phone After I Choose To Set It Up As A New Phone

Jun 18, 2012

I reset my all my settings on my iphone 4s. thats where the trouble began. It then asked me to set it up as a new phone or restore it. I chose to restore it. I went about restoring as usual, but after the restoration, when it reset, the apple logo appeared and thats it. The phone never started up properly again. When I try to get past it and sync, it goes through most of the sync steps and then the phone resets itself. I've tried most avenues for fixing this. If i just set it up as a new phone will for now and then try to restore it from a back up will i loose all of my data, music, photos, etc?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, using a PC

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IPhone :: After Restore From ICloud, What Do I Choose When I Plug Into Itunes?

Jul 3, 2012

I have the basic 5gb free storage from icloud. I stored my contacts on there and thats pretty much it. My iphone4 got lost so I got a new SIM card and put it into my fiancees old phone (also an iphone4). When i put in the new SIM, it downloaded all of my contacts to the phone immediately. But now, I need to plug into iTunes to get my apps and music. Only problem is, for some reason the last time iTunes did a sync it only copied 60 contacts into my MacBook Pro address book. HELP!!!

iPhone 4

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Galaxy S5 :: Pop Up Choose Method Of Input On Phone Daily?

Jan 13, 2015

Choose method of input pops up daily on my phone.

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Sony Ericsson :: W518a Choose Mobile Network On Phone

Dec 3, 2010

The demo for this phone on the support page indicates I can manually choose which network I am using, however, my actual phone does not have that menu item. The problem I have is when the phone locks me into GPRS, it becomes a virtual paper weight. It works great if I can get it to lock onto Edge by walking around enough. I want to be able to manually choose Edge. Why can't I do this?

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HTC One M7 :: How To Choose Custom Backup From Dropbox To Restore

Dec 28, 2013

I've recently manually updated my phone's rom and it wiped off system data in the process.

Now during the first setup screens that you get the first time you start up the phone, I accidentally skipped the dropbox logon bit which would have triggered HTC backup to restore my previous phone settings from dropbox.

After realizing that, I setup my dropbox account but instead of using my existing backup it created a new backup folder.

So now I'm trying to figure out how I can get my phone to restore from my old backup folder on dropbox instead of the new one.

I've tried various ways and if I tamper with the new backup folder HTC refuses to backup from it saying the folder has been modified.

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IPhone :: Stuck On Apple Logo - Itunes Has Pop Up Saying "update And Restore" Can Hold "shift And Click "update&restore" To Choose A 312 Ipsw?

Mar 12, 2010

Today my JB'd 3G on 3.1.2 went into a funky state and I attempted to reboot. Since then I've been stuck on the Apple logo at start up and nothing.

So, i put the phone in DFU mode and Itunes 9 is giving me the option to "Update & Restore", HOWEVER, I dont want to do this because I want to stay on 3.1.2 for obvious reasons. I also have been reading stuff about SHSH but I have no clue what this is so one can assume I never did anything prior regarding SHSH.

When itunes has the pop up on the screen saying "update and restore" can I hold "shift and click "update&restore" to choose a 312 ipsw, or is that option only available if restoring without being in DFU mode.

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IPhone :: Bought Unlocked Phone - Will Restoring Backup To New Unlocked Phone Restore It To Its Original Locked State

Mar 4, 2010

So, I just bought a JB'en iphone 3g tonight.Went ahead and unlocked it using ultrasn0w.Connected it to my mac/itunes, and it asks "an iphone has been previously synced with this computer. setup as a new iphone -or- restore the backup of ***"So, since I had purchased apps using my *** phone (actually was an ipod touch that i got rid of), I'm thinking that I should restore the backup so that I can get my paid apps back for free.

-will restoring this backup to the new unlocked phone restore it to its original locked state (i.e. will i have to re-jailbreak/unlock)? or will it simply restore preferences, etc...?
-otherwise, if i call this phone a new name, is there a way to transfer my purchased apps to the new phone's account?

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Galaxy S6 :: Backup / Restore From Phone To Phone

Sep 17, 2015

I recently bought a factory-unlocked 32gb S6 (g920i) and spent the past few weeks setting up my applications, launcher, etc. For reasons that are not pertinent to my question, I've decided to return the S6 and replace it with a 32gb S6Edge (g925i).

Is there a way I can COMPLETELY clone all the apps, data, and settings between the two phones? I understand that the phones are close to identical but I suspect it is not safe to restore an S6 backup onto an S6Edge. Am I right about that? Assuming this is the case how can I preserve all my settings?

When I bought the S6 I migrated from a Moto X and it did a good job of installing my apps but none of the app-specific data or settings got transferred. Will SmartSwitch do this or do I need something like Helium?

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IPhone :: How To Restore MMS On Non-jb Phone?

Jul 28, 2010

I just updated to 4.01 since JB on a 3G is still buggy and slow. Is there a way to restore mms without restoring the phone to stock or using redsnow?

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Nokia :: E 72 Poor Quality Of Camera - Keep Asking To Choose Shooting Mode When Choose Snap Mode

Jul 12, 2010

I have just upgraded my Nokia N73 to the E72 and am very very disappointed with the picture quality of the camera.

It does not appear to be the same quality as the Carl Zeiss lens of my old N73 and many pictures seem to be out of focus. It has annoying habit of when i try to take a quick snap of continually asking me to chose a shooting mode and the therefore the moment has gone. I also use this camera function for my work and unless I can find advice on taking better quality pics then it will have to go back.Is mine a faulty unit or is there a knack of taking a picture without the camera moving which I think is causing part of the problems.

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IPhone :: How To Restore Jailbroken Phone Without Old Sim?

Mar 2, 2010

This may be a problem covered in a few places already, but I feel like I'm going crazy trying to find up to date answers to my questions, since it feels like the software is constantly changing. So I jailbroke a 3G 3.0 iphone that belonged to a friend. I had some battery problems so decided to update it to 3.1.2. So I downloaded the ipsw for this and the pwnage tool. I went through the steps and went into DFU mode, was prompted to go to itunes and restore with my costume ipsw. I did this, but can't use the 'shift-restore' trick to select the update. Now I'm stuck in recovery/DFU mode (not sure which) and can't even restore to 3.1.3 because I unlocked the phone and don't have the original sim. All I want is to get my phone back up and running on a 3.1.x OS.

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IPhone :: Phone 3Gs Error 29 - Will Not Restore

May 13, 2010

I got the device on craigslist and it worked, I tried to restore and it gave me this error and it won't let me restore. Not sure if it was ever Jail broken in the past. Last I looked at the about info, it said version 3.1.3, I think. I tried to restore it like 6 times already. I tried researching it but I can only find solutions for 3G, does anyone know if this can be fixed for iPhone 3Gs for good where I can restore future updates.

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IPhone :: 3G Selling / Restore As A New Phone

Mar 3, 2010

I'm selling my iPhone 3G 16GB today for $200 and moving to Verizon and the Droid. I'm going to miss my iPhone dearly but AT&T is bad in my area so I'm forced to switch.When they deactivate my iPhone, what do I have to do before selling it? Do I simply do a "restore as a new phone" with the current OS? I dont want the person that's getting my old phone to have my emails/contacts/credit card etc.Any help is greatly appreciated.

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IPhone :: Set Up New Phone Or Restore From Backup?

Mar 23, 2012

When I want to backup my iphone to itunes using a PC it asks me if I want to set up as new phone or restore from the backup. I don't want to do either. How do I get around this? I used to be able to find the answer to this just googling the question but the answer no longer appears anywhere. I also can't find it on the apple site.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1, backup restore failure

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IPhone :: How To Restore Phone Service

May 22, 2012

I need restore my phone service

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 4 :: How To Restore Phone From A Backup

Sep 9, 2014

how can I restore my iphone from a backup, my backup in there 's only one today and that of one year ago, where I find all other backups?

iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: IP 4 / Restore From Backup Or Activate As New Phone?

Jun 23, 2010

When you guys are getting your new iPhone 4s (mine is sitting in Memphis, TN and will be here tomorrow) are you "restoring from backup" to put everything you had on your old iPhone/3G/3GS onto your new iPhone 4? And if so are you running into any issues?

I'm trying to figure out if it would simply be better to activate my phone as new to avoid any headaches and worry about transferring everything later, but I can't seem to get some good information from those that have done either or. I'm afraid I might brick a new iPhone 4 if I try to restore it from an iPhone 3G 3.1.3 backup, or does it not work that way? I.e., will it just tranfer the files/music/pics/video/contacts/texts/apps/etc. to the iPhone 4 but not touch iOS4, or will it screw my new phone's OS up?

Also, I have been using an old Sony Vaio Windows XP laptop that was my primary iPhone 3G sync buddy, but will be switching computers next week when I receive a new i7 27" iMac. How do you move iTunes libraries to a new computer and re-associate your iPhone(s) with the new one?My iPhone 4 will be deactivating my old 3G and re-associating that account and phone number to the new phone. (rendering my 3G basically just a 16 GB iPod Touch) So what is the proper procedure when getting the new phone?

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IPhone :: Restore Phone Without Connection To Itunes?

Jun 3, 2012

I bought my iphone about two weeks ago. I thought i did something to it becaus the sound would not function. Every button works correctly, but i can not control the volume. If someone calls me, it rings. I can not listen to music outloud, BUT headphones work. i had just updated it to ios 5.1.1.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone 4 :: Cannot Restore Phone Via ITunes On Laptop

Sep 12, 2014

Got my Dad onto my old Iphone 4 (16gb)and it was going wonderfully, until, he managed to delete the app store, deactivate location settings (and stuff up find my iPhone) and all sorts of other delights!I am trying to reset the iPhone so that we can get it back and running but have a few issues:

1. He has changed email address and can no longer access email relating to apple id

2. He can't remember his apple password

3. I do forgot my password and it appears he has put in the wrong DOB (I have checked twice!)Â

Basically, I cannot turn off 'find my Iphone' which means I cannot restore the phone via iTunes on my laptop.

iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone 4 :: Stuck On Waiting On Phone During Restore

Aug 21, 2014

My iPhone4 needs to be restored but each time I give iTunes the okay to start the restore it'll extract software or w/e and then go to "waiting on iPhone" then it'll do that for hours on end until I finally unplug it, I've tried several times to redo it but it doesn't work. I don't actually use it as a phone I just hook it to wifi and use it that way and keep all my music on it because I have a phone and I received this for free but can't afford the phone service.

iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2, restore, recovery

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IPhone :: Phone Response Slow - Tried Restore Several Times

Jan 1, 2010

i am new to iphone, this is 1st time i took touch screen mobile..being an it engg i do have habbit of messing up with gadgets and then fixing :-pdid same with new iphone 3g.. restored it manytimes like 5-6 maybe.. within 3hours of time.. jailbroken with blackrain.. unlocked using cydia..actually i was trying to fix the gps, wi-fi and Internet problem that happens when u jailbreak it.

now the issue is.. browsing options on my phone is slow dont know whats the problem..
if i go inside any application its opening slowly.. takes arround 3 secs to open, for example camera, photos, settings and sub-menus.. everything is slow

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IPhone :: Phone Stuck On Apple Logo / WILL NOT Restore

Mar 8, 2010

I'm not sure if this question has been asked before but I NEED HELP!! My Iphone was recently not able to sync on Itunes. Everytime I would try and sync my music it would disappear from the itues menu but still say 'syncing'. Then I tried to restore it after this failed (by getting an error message) I tried to re-jailbreak it and now it will not leave the Apple logo. I've tried everything I know, hopefully someone else knows something.I Have an Iphone 3g with 3.1.2 firmware on it I believe.

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IPhone :: How To Restore My Phone W/o Updating To Newest Software?

Jun 5, 2010

I would like to restore my jailbroken phone to normal, then re-jailbreak to get rid of a bunch of crap on it. When I click on restore from itunes, it says it will update my software to the newest version, 3.1.3 which I do not want. I want to stay on 3.1.2 so my phone is still able to be unlocked.Anyone know how to get around that, as in restore to factory without having itunes download and install 3.1.3?

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IPhone :: Phone Restore To Factory Setting Without Upgrade

Jul 8, 2010

I need to restore my iPhone (currently OS 3.1.2) back to its original factory setting. If I do this through iTune, will I have to upgrade to the new OS 4.0?

I don't wish to do that, as I have a new ibootrom, so I near that jail breaking in the new OS is not yet possible unless I have made some smart decision in the past, which I don't know if I did. Anyway, is there anyway I can restore factory settings WITHOUT upgrading to the latest firmware, ie. keep in 3.1.2?

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IPhone :: My Phone Is Stuck In Restore Mode And I Need Help Asap!

Apr 15, 2012

My phone was running slow so I turned it off. When I turned it off and tried to turn it back on it had the little connect to itunes symbol so I went and plugges it in. As soon as I did it said that it couldnt connect to itunes server so i got on here and went and updated my stuff and everything and then tried it again. It kept saying there was an error (-23). I have no idea what to do because I got it to where it would start to update and it would stop after about 30 minutes to an hour saying that an unknown error had occured. Help anyone?

iPhone 3GS

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IPhone :: ICloud Restore Continue While Phone Screen Goes Off

Apr 18, 2012

I have an iPhone 4S that I am restoring from an iCloud backup. The estimated time is 6 hours. If I leave the phone alone, the screen goes off after a few minutes. Will the restore continue even when the phone goes on stand-by?

Info:iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Lost Contacts When Restore New Phone With Old Back Up?

Apr 27, 2012

I have just bought a new lap top and I have transferred all my files over to it. I backed up my I phone 3gs and then restored my new I phone 4gs with the back up. Everything went well except my contacts and apps are not on my new 4gs? Mail settings, old text messages pictures etc all there? Where can I find them? The second problem I had is I downloaded the latest software on my I phone 4 it has lost all my contacts after finishing the download? Where have they gone?

iPhone 4, Windows XP

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IPhone :: Restore A Phone With Or Without Backing It Up And It's Saying The Disk Is Full?

Jun 5, 2012

Trying to restore a phone with or w/o backing it up and it's saying the disk is full. How much do I have to delete and where on comp do I need to do this? How do I know space has been made?

iMac, Mac OSX

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IPhone :: ICloud IPad Backup To Restore My New Phone?

Jun 28, 2012

After my wife dropped my iPhone in the Indian ocean, I am awaiting a new handset from my insurers.The only backup I have on iCloud is one backed up from my iPad. This has all my contacts, settings ect.I do not have any iTunes backups as I changed machines and did fresh installs. Now, can I use the iCloud IPAD backup to restore my new iPhone?Ie - will my new iPhone detect the iPad backup and restore from this.

iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone :: Accidentally Deleted App Store / How To Restore It To Phone

Jul 4, 2012

I have accidentally deleted my app store. How can I restore it to my phone so that I can buy music and other stuff for my phone?

iPhone 3G

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IPhone 5s :: Can Apple Restore Deleted Pictures From Phone

Jun 2, 2014

pictures got deleted from my phone that were really important & I've been trying to get them back

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1

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