My iPhone 5S charges fine when USB plugged in at wall but when plugged into computer nothing happens. I have tried using a different cable and computer but the same results. Any way to fix this as I would like to sync my phone again?Â
Is there any official solution to my newly bought xperia mini st15i? Its brand new but when i plugged to charge or to connect to pc, suddenly the touchscreen become abnormal or unstable. How can I fix this? and when i see my SI 1246-7912 and found out that theres no available ICS update for this device even if i connected and try update using latest PC Companion still no update..
Is there any safe or official fix for these problem with my new st15i?
My iPhone is telling me to plug it into the itunes on my computer but when I do plug it in nothing happens apart from the sound which recognises that it is plugged into the computer and it starts to charge but stops after about 10 seconds, what can I do to stop this happening and to get the phone to syncronize to itunes?
i cannot turn my i phone on at all,its pluged in on the computer then it says i tunes and shows the cable,i cannot turn it on at all and dont understand why...
I am trying to transfer photos to and from my phone. However, when I plug in my iphone4S into the computer via USB it will not recognize it as a device. I know that the ports work, as the computer recognizes thumb drives, etc.Â
my iphone died and when i plugged it into the computer it just has a flashing apple logo. its plugged into itunes and itunes cant identify that its plugged in.
I usually can just plug my iphone into my computer and it will connect and automatically sync, but I just tried it today and it for some reason wont sync.
my iphone 4s will not charge or be recognized when plugged into the computer after the ios 5.1.1 software update why is this? i have used many usb cords also.
Just FYI...I have Hp pavillion g7 notebook PC running windows 8.1 64 bit. I have an interesting case. When I plug my phone into my computer it quickly and automatically pulls up the Photos app that came with the computer. It NEVER did this before, until one day when I transfered some pics from my phone to the computer. Ever since that day this has been happening.Â
In addition, my computer and phone wont sync up so I cant tranfer any music. The computer recognizes the cable (It makes the sound and charges the phone as well as pulling up the photos app) and the phone knows it's plugged in because under settings->iTunes Wifi sync, it says "Sync will resume when 'Computer'sName' is available" However, in iTunes, the sync button is greyed out.
In the past, I was able to sync my iPhone 4 with iTunes in Windows 7 and even charge it using the usb cable but suddently stopped working. After formating the PC and installing everything again the PC the iPhone didn't show up in my computer, so I removed all the usb and I found out that the issue only appears when the Logitech Unifying receiver for my mouse is connected. Obviously, I can't use iTunes without the mouse, so I can't make any backups, transfer music or photos...
So I think something on my USB port has malfunctioned... it won't show up in the device manager when I plug it in.I have tried the sticky thread on Diagnosing USB Driver and ADB issues in Windows. I have searched the forums and internet and tried lots of driver installs and restart this and that.
Recently this started when I wanted to flash Android 6.0 to my phone. During the install with NRT after each erase and flash it would say Waiting for device, and the only way I would get it to proceed was to plug the USB and plug it back in... Now running Android 6.0 it won`t even recognize my device and won`t pop up the menu to choose your usb connection setting.I have two Nexus 7, one Nexus 7 (2013), and another Nexus 5... and they all work fine and get recognized by the computer.
I plugged my 8330 in my computer to charge and it just shut off immediately.... now i cant get it to turn on... the red led comes on and then shuts off, the screen flashes white for a moment, then the led comes on again, and it repeats this cycle... it has turned on once since its been doing this and i tried to plug it into my computer to back it up, but it just shut off again and its been doing the cycle ever since. i already have a new phone i just need the numbers and stuff from my old one.... if anyone knows what might be happening please help me out.... i cant plug in the phone because when i do it shuts off.... im going to have to back it up using bluetooth. btw i can completely dissasemble the phone if necessary, its just a pile of junk right now anyway... all i want is my phone numbers from it so anyway u think i might be able to get it to turn, and yes... i have tried pulling the battery
I restored to factory settings (as new iphone) today to try to fix imovie problems. Now I want to restore to the way I had it before that, and my backups don't show up in itunes at the restore from backup window. This is excruciatingly frustrating.
I was hoping with OS 4.0 that I'd be able to keep Pocket Tunes (Internet radio) running while using other apps. If I'm listening to pocket Tunes, I double tapped the home button, and if i scroll to another app, pocket tunes stops playing? I thought that multiple tasking meant this would not happen??
how to use a downloaded tune as a ring tone as, I want to use one that is not available as a ring tone. I would like to use it as a person ringing ID tone.