IPhone :: Says There No Wifi Connection But It Is Connected

Apr 19, 2012

My iPhone is connected to my wifi because I have the wifi signal in the menu bar on the top and I can go to websites, but when you open wifi settings, it says no wifi is connected. Its not much of a problem since it works, it is just suspicious. I would just like to know if anyone know what the deal is with it.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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BB Curve :: Connected To WIFI But Phone Not Using Connection?

Aug 28, 2011

I just bought my first blackberry (Curve 8520). I have connected it to my wifi network. But to get the phone to use it for BIS I have to turn off the mobile network and then turn the mobile network back on. But after a few mins it goes back to using the mobile network for BIS and stops using the wifi and it does not go back to using the wifi until I turn off the mobile network again.

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Xperia Z3 :: Looses WiFi Connection When Connected To TV Via MHL

Sep 20, 2015

I recently bought an MHL adapter to connect my Xperia Z3 to my HDTV. Works fine, except one detail: whenever I connect the Phone to the TV, the Xperia drops its Wifi connection.
I noticed this when my mobile data limit was reached after 3 minutes of Amazon Video and my mobile provider slowed down my mobile data speed...
Is this a defect of my Xperia Z3 that I need to have fixed by Sony? Is it a general issue all Xperia Z3 have?

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Nokia Nseries :: 701 Is Connected In Wifi But No Internet Connection?

Feb 2, 2012

all my office friends are using our office wifi in their nokia phones. but my phone 701 is connecting with wifi.. but no internet.. I reinstalled my device software also it is not working.

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Xperia Z5 :: No Internet Connection When Connected To WiFi Network

Jul 3, 2010

After doing a firmware upgrade, I can connect to a WiFi networks, but I don't get internet access...

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Huawei Nexus 6P :: Connected To WiFi But No Internet Connection

Dec 29, 2015

I was having Wifi issues on the 6P. Connected to home wifi but no internet. The thing is, the wifi would still work randomly. It's possible that it works most of the time but as soon as I go out somewhere and out of the home wifi range, it sometimes messes up when it tries to reconnect to the network.

And yes, I realize it may not be a phone issue but maybe the router (Asus N66U with Tomato firmware).edit - well, I spoke too soon and I guess it's not the static IP causing the wifi issues.It turns out it was a firewall app called AFWall

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HTC One M7 :: Connected To WiFi Network - Constantly Syncing / Check Connection

Nov 14, 2013

My phone connects to my home wifi network, but then when I go to open and use any app internet related, it doesn't work and says to check my connection. The sync icon in the top screen is constantly going, so I thought maybe it would have something to do with that (I am really not good with anything technology related so I don't know). I did a hard reset and nothing changed. Also, I am able to connect wirelessly on my laptop and other devices. It was honestly working one minute, not working the next. I didn't download or make any changes to anything on my phone.

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IPhone :: 4 Use Be Connected To WiFi And Still Be Connected To 3G Network At The Same Time?

Apr 19, 2012

My iPhone is on the Bell network, along with 3 other iPhones in my household. We have WiFi and the phone indicate that they are connected to the WiFi when we are in the house. However, my bill from Bell indicates several instances where the phones (all 4 at different times) are connected to the 3G network for 24+ hours at a time. Additionally, it shows the phone connected twice during that time period (as though there were 2 different sessions at exactly the same time, but with differing amount of data connected)

The explaination that Bell gives me is that there are 'minimized' applications still working on 3G even though the phone says it is on WiFi, and that each of these opens its own 'connection'My understanding of cell technology is that the phone can only access one method of Internet connectivity at a time, and that it can be explained as a 'pipe' or 'straw' carrying connectivity and all of the data. I have never heard of a phone that can access two different types at the same time, nor one that uses separate 'sessions' at the same time of either type of connectivity.

I would assume that I turn on my phone in the morning and I am in my house, it indicates WiFi, so I can browse the web, collect my email and update my Facebook on that 'session' that lasts 4 hours until I leave the house. Now my 3G kicks in and the email that I still have open now collects through the opened 3G session, as well as the page I left open downloading something.When I get to work and enter my WiFi area there, the session would then collect my email through WiFi again, and my download as well.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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BB Curve :: Connected To Wifi But Can't Stay Connected To Internet

Aug 25, 2012

I currently have a curve 9300, and my service provider is Telus Mobility. I am connected to wifi and up till about 3 days ago everything was working fine, now it shows I am connected, but I can only get on internet for about 5 mins, I have to shut off all my connections then reconnect them for it to work again.

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Nokia :: 5800 - Setting Wifi Connection As Default Connection?

Mar 10, 2010

I've recently bought a Nokia 5800 xm and have been able to connect it to my home internet using the wlan wifi.

I can only use the wifi if i go to settings>connectivity>wlan. If i go straight to internet, it tries to connect to t-mobile internet. This also happens when trying to use applications such as bbc iplayer and the ovi store.

Is there a way of setting the wifi connection as the default connection? If not, is there a way of setting up my applications so they connect using wifi?

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Google Nexus 5 :: Not Connect To WiFi Or Data Even Though WiFi Says It Is Connected

Dec 25, 2015

I upgraded my rooted nexus 5 from 4.4.4 to 5.1.1 and now it will not connect to wifi or data even though the wifi says it is connected.

Google play cannot connect.

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IPhone :: Use VPN In 4s Even I Am Only Connected To Wifi?

Apr 18, 2012

Can I use VPN in iphone 4s even Im only connected to wifi? Let's say Im at starbucks and Im connected to their wi-fi, can I activate or use personal hot spot using their connection ?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Wifi Says Not Connected?

Jun 1, 2012

Hope that this is a simple fix but my wifi says its not connected and when i try and connect to my home internet it says that they cant find it and my phone never asks me if i want to join a network! is there any solution to this as im using my data allowance instead of being able to connect to any wifi network?

iPhone 4, iOS 5

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BB Curve :: Using A Wifi Connection Or A Service Provider Connection?

Jun 28, 2011

how i can i tell if i am using a wifi connection or a service provider connection

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IPhone :: 4s Reverts To 4G Despite Being Connected To WIFI?

Apr 5, 2012

I am having a situation I was wondering if others might be experiencing. At home I am using a Linksys Router running a variant of the Tomato firmware which allows me to monitor the amount of traffic coming and going on our internet service. If I am streaming a 128k radio station, I see a nice steady stream of data being downloaded by the phone, but then at some point, randomly triggered, the app will pause to rebuffer the stream. After a few seconds the stream continues to play BUT the monitor graph on the router drops off towards zero. The stream will continue playing but the data is NOT coming from the wifi router. The router did not experience any issues because other devices on the network continue with incident.

I have gotten into the habit of when I get home, I turn off carrier data. The stream will play the entire length of the hockey game without a skip, but when I enable carrier data, at some point during the game, the stream will pause, rebuffer and continue using carrier data and not wifi data.

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IPhone :: My Wifi Isn't Showing Being Connected

Apr 9, 2012

I just bought the iPhone4 today, updated to iOS 5, and I still cannot connect to the WiFi in my house. I have tried entering all numbers on the back of my router, turned WiFi off and back on, on my phone.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Not Showing That It Is Connected To Wifi

Apr 19, 2012

My iPhone is not showing that it is connected to wi-fi. My laptop is showing the wi-fi signal with a completely strong signal. I have turned the phone off & on multiple times, and have turned the wi-fi (on the phone) off & on multiple times as well, all with the same result.

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IPhone :: Wifi Won't Stay Connected?

May 17, 2012

Upgraded to iOS 5.1.1 on my Verizon iPhone 4s and am now having trouble connecting (and staying connected) to WiFi via a NETGEAR router. My wife's iPhone 4 and iPad (newest model) do not have the same problem as we have not upgraded to the latest software on them.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: 4S Won't Stay Connected To Wifi?

May 21, 2012

Since it was new and running iOS 5.0.1, my 4S hasn't wanted to stay connected to wifi. When I enable wifi in the settings menu, it has no problem finding wifi networks, but when it goes to join them, it can take upwards of 45 seconds to actually connect. Once it connects, it functions perfectly fine using wifi up until the phone gets locked. After locking the phone, it loses its wifi connection and will not reconnect on its own, whereas most iPhones will grab the wifi connection again automatically within a second of unlocking the phone. I've tried using this phone on multiple wifi networks, including an unsecured network, a WPA2 network, and multiple public wifi hotspots, so I think I can rule out any router setup issues. I've done a full restore of the phone, I tried resetting the network settings, and I upgraded to iOS 5.1.1, all to no avail. Is there anything else I can try, or is it safe to call that this is a hardware issue that needs to be resolved at the Genius Bar?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Wifi Not Staying Connected?

May 23, 2012

I just recently added a password to my home wifi network. Now it seems that about every 5 min or so I need to reenter the password. Why am I not staying connected? WEP security type connection. I've also reset my network connectiions as I do not see a forget this netwrk connection button.

iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Won't Stay Connected To Wifi

Jun 7, 2012

i will connect to wifi, and everything will be ok when im on the phone. but when i lock it and set it down for awhile then go to unlock it the 3G is there and not the wifi symbol. i am wanting to know why that is. it hasn't done it before until now. i recenlty restored my phone because of some other issues my phone was having. those issues are fixed as far as i can tell. but this issue has just appeared. i have also been away from home so i am not on my home wifi, i am on my friends wifi. i feel as if my phone doing this that it is killing my battery alot faster then it should.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: 4 While Connected To Wifi And Still Having 3G Not Send Mms?

Jun 24, 2012

I have an I phone 4 running on 5.0.1 and when I try to send mms while connected to wifi (still have 3G) it will tell me it's delivered but to whom I am sending it to won't recieve it I used to be able to but recently it stopped. But when my wifi is off and the recipients wifi is off it sends just fine. But only if we both have it turned off.
Shouldn't it still be able to send if we are both connected to wifi? It would just use the network any ways correct? But it's not recognizing it and it's causing me a lot of issues.

iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1

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IPhone 6 :: IOS 8.1.1 - Connected To WiFi But Nothing Loads

Dec 7, 2014

My IPhone 6 is connected to my home network and it says I have full bars, but nothing on the Internet loads(photos, videos, webpages, etc.). I've tried everything I know! I have restarted the router, restarted my phone, disconnect and rejoined the network. I'm guessing it has to be the phones probably because all the other devices in the house, such as computers and other Iphones, are connected to the same wifi and load perfectly fine. What could it be?

iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.1

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IPhone Not Connected To WiFi Neither To Bluetooth

Dec 9, 2014

My Iphone can¨t conected to wi fi neither to bluetooth,before was working ok, but I was trying to charge wat¨s up and it bloked

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WiFi Won't Stay Connected On IPhone 5

Sep 1, 2014

Whenever I'm at home my wifi in certain areas will randomly cut out. Half the time this happens when I go to wifi in my settings it will say I'm connected but when I try and open something up again the wifi cuts out, the other half of the time it will take a minute to re-find my wifi network. This only happens on my phone, I've been in the exact same places as my friends who also have iPhone 5's or 4's and they never lose the wifi connection. I've tried forgetting the wifi network and resigning in but that doesn't work. I don't think it's the wifi connector I think it's my phone but I don't know how to fix it.

iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone 5s :: IOS 7.1.2 / WiFi Connected But Not Working

Aug 31, 2014

my iphone 5s running ios 7 is connected to my home wifi but its not working, but my pc is doing fine on that wifi. and when i try connecting my iphone to other wifi it seems to work without any problem. i've reseted network settings many times and reseted all settings once but it wouldnt work for me. so whats the problem and how can i fix this?

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone 5 :: IMessages Only Sent When Connected To WiFi

Sep 3, 2014

My imessages only send when i am connected to Wi-Fi, when i am just on 4G it just doesnt work anymore??

iPhone 5, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: IP4 Sending Out Data Over 3g When Connected To Wifi?

Aug 9, 2010

So ever since getting my iphone4 a few days ago i have been more or less constantly connected to wifi, but for some reason when i do *data#, it says that ive used almost 2MB of data. Now to most of you that may not seem like alot, but the problem is i have been connected to wifi this whole time, and i dont believe data should have been sent out. last night i went to sleep at about 4 and 1.4MB was used and now when i wake up 1.7MB was used.... whats going on here!

Now the reason im so concerned about this is because i am only on the 200MB limit and only want to be using data when i have to, and not having data being sent out randomly without me even doing anything!

i have notifications off( not sure if this does anything), and under mail i have fetch new data off/ push off/ fetch on manual, and the facebook app i turned all push notifications off.

I think i turned all those off properly.... if not could anyone put some direction on how to turn all all that stuff (just incase im missing something?) But yea... so anyone have any suggestions on why data is being transferred when im not even using the phone?

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IPhone :: Wifi Is Connected But Internet Not Working?

Mar 19, 2012

till yesterday my wifi was working perfectly fine. today, though my phone is connected to the wifi, i cannot access safari. my laptop also uses te same wifi but has no problems. the wifi is provided by our authorities. how can i access safari again?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Connected To Two Itunes Using Wifi Sync?

Mar 27, 2012

Earlier I had a synced an iphone4 to mac A using a apple id X. Afterwards I shifted to mac B with apple id Y. I downloaded all the apps for account Y as well. NowI wanted to check out wifi sync option so I chose the wifi sync option while syncing. When I am using wifi for iphone it starts for sycning with both mac A having apple id X and mac B with apple id Y. How should I stop it for mac A?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Will Only Receive Emails If Connected To Wifi

Apr 28, 2012

can only receive emails on iPhone 4s when in wi fi area. Have data on my contract anD have just Converted from blackberry.

iPhone 4S

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