IPhone :: Other Person Cannot Hear Me On Incoming Calls?
Jan 11, 2010
Iphone 3G (3.0) Jailbroken. Recently, When I receive or call anyone the other person cannot hear me at all.
I have tested this by calling myself. I cant really tell if the "speaker mode" works or not. Its kind of confusing calling yourself. Recent applications that I added were Pedometer, iBlacklist, Tethering. All kind of other sound are working just fine. If any, where are the microphone settings located? No I did not drop it or step on the IPhone, I don't do that kind stuff.
Anyway Mic stopped working I had this IPhone for about 1 1/2 yrs and treat it like my only child no scratches no nothing I take good care of it. No the case is not covering the Mic. No I have not tried to Restore it. If so, is it safe to jailbreak to the latest firm 3.1.2 i think, any hidden surprises to that, don't want to find out after the jailbreak. Like some firm changed my Baseband in the past I thought the world just stopped spinning or something. Others can hear me if I have the headphone wire attached and speak into the Mic in the wire.
I Just bought a second hand iPhone 4S I am having issues with the hearing during incoming and outgoing calls, I have turned the volume up and checked my settings but I still have trouble hearing the other person speak. It works if it's on speaker or if I have headphones plugged in.
I got my new bold a month ago and have been having issues with the audio ever since I got it. I cannot hear when placing calls or when receiving. The caller can hear me but unless it's on speaker I cannot hear them. I've tried rebooting, network refresh, updating the software to 7.1 and it works for a little while and then back to not hearing anything.
This does not happen every time, but it does happen at least once a day.On incoming calls, my ring tone will not play, instead I hear the person on the other end of the phone waiting for me to answer!! They can not hear me though, but I can hear them either saying hey pick up the phone, coughing, drinking water, what ever you do on the phone before the person answers.
So Verizon has never heard of this before and I can't force a duplication of it when people are watching of course.Anyone heard of this and know what to do? I was hoping upgrading to 5.0 OS would fix and I am looking for that now.
figuring out what is causin this issue? This morning I received a call and I heard it perfectly, now this afternoon whenever someone calls I can hear them but they can't hear me.
When making/receiving calls i cant hear the other person at all- no sound. I'm able to hear on loudspeaker but obviously this isn't ideal. Nothing has happened to the phone at all, no drops or water damage and it is only about 5/6weeks old.any suggestions please?
Whenever i make and/or receive calls no one can hear me on the other line but I can hear them perfectly. I tried using the speaker and the headset but they can hear me whisper when I was talking perfectly clear. What do I do?
I am unable to hear incoming call ring tone. But able to talk calls and hear music through headphone.But without headphone not able to hear music .Is there any settings to control speakers other than sounds.
When placing calls on my iPhone 4, I cannot hear incoming or outgoing calls unless I use the speaker. I have tried backing up the phone and resetting it but it was unsuccessful.
Was on phone when my face dialed another number. I disconnected the face dial but killed the other call. When I dial out cannot hear ring or answer. Same thing on incoming call. Must have pressed something but do not know what.
i have nokia n79 phone and i cannot hear sometime incoming calls, this happen two or three times in month, i have flashed the phone whith the last software and nothing happen, i have till the same problem... also i changed the ear speaker but same nothing fixed yet..
I have an iPhone 4 and over the last few days I can't hear anyone when they call me or when I call them, however they can hear me. I have been using skype to call people on the phone via 3g and that works fine. It started as crackling and static on the line initally but now there is no sound at all. I've tried cleaing out the charger port and headphones jack, checked all volumes, restarted the phone and changed sim card but still to no avail.
When I call someone, or someone calls me, I cannot hear them, yet they can hear me. However I can hear them on speakerphone. I have checked the volume and it is always at its highest and yet it still doesn't work.
For some reason, since yesterday, my phone has had sound problems. With earphones in, I can hear calls and music ok, and same with loudspeaker, but without earphones in or loudspeaker on, I can't hear music or the other person who is calling. Also, the person who I've rang/has called me can't hear me either. Ringtones and text tones work perfectly normal.
So far:I've reset it many many times (holding the home button & top button until the apple appears)Updated to the latest software.Let it "die" before giving it a full charge.Reset the settings.It started off being only a few certain people being unable to hear me, but now it's everyone