IPhone :: 4s Battery Drains After Updating New Software?
Apr 7, 2012
So i updated my iphone 4s to the new software version iOS 5.1 and now my battery drains extremely fast. It worked fine before the software was updated. I thought the new upgrade was going to fix the battery issues from the earlier releases of the 4s. Phone is relatively new and there is no apps running.
i got a iphone 4s with sprint. everything was working just fine and up to now it is still working great however i noticed the phone gets very hot and warm even when not in use .
what can i do to fix this ? should i restore it ? if so do i restore it directly from the iphone "Erase all content and settings"
or do i restore it from itunes? or should i skip the restore and take it to the apple store?
I really want to JB my ip4, but Ive read it drains way more battery. Im just wondering if some of you could let me know how much of a difference if any you have seen on your battery since JB. I really only want to run T-lert, SBS-settings, lock info, activator, & pdanet.
Also back on my 3g i purchased Lock Info, though Im not sure how I can transfer over my puchase to my ip4 without having to pay for it again, I believe i bought it from cyndia, but i really cant remember. I would rather not open ssh, so what should i do?
When I leave it on standby for 8h I notice that it uses 40% of the battery even-though wifi and Bluetooth are off. How come? One time I left for 2-3h. Bluetooth and wifi on and even-though Bluetooth wasn't used (only gets through when a call comes in while I'm driving) and the internet just a little bit it used almost 50% by the time I was back. I'm pretty sure thats not normal.I wonder if the battery doctor app will do any improvement to that.
I kept tracking the problem, the problem persists only in the following case, if cellular data is on with no dataplan registered.If dataplan is activated the problem disappears?
All of a sudden my iPhone 4s won't hold a charge. Without use the entire battery is gone in 4 hours. The phone is one month old and had been working fine until two days ago. I have seen the suggestion to wipe it clean and start over. Is that necessary?
I have a 3GS IPhone on 5.0.1. It's been working well for several months, no issues. This past weekend I dropped the phone, but luckly there was no physical damage, and it seemed to work fine afterward. But I noticed that it started to drain the batter much faster than it had before that. I go from 100% down to zero in about 6 hours just by having it sit in my pocket locked. It's also noticably hotter than before.
My iphone 4s is only a few months old. After I updated the latest software update I noticed my battery drains down to red every day. This has never happened. My local ATT store said to minimize all the programs on the bottom of the screen. I've never had to do that before so I can't imagine that's the problem?
I keep most of my apps closed, don't send messages, rarely talk on the phone, don't play games or watch videos, don't even listen to music, have set most of my apps not to refresh in the background (maybe I don't need a phone?) and my battery drops to 30% in 8 hours after being charged all night. This is new behavior, so I'm not sure what to else to do.
I Have iphone 4s and it is a big peoblem for me now because its bettery drains too much fast and it becomes too much hot after some time. I am too much worried about that. I dnt knw what can i do now with that.
i got this issue with my iphone since yesterday. It woked me up as usual and i noticed that it was realy warm but haven't thought much about it...was too early So i go to work as usual...then i noticed that the battery drains realy fast (like 1-2% in a minute of usage) and getting very warm on the back right beneath the rear camera (same spot is getting hot while charging). I also noticed that the auto-focus of the rear cam isn't working (also manual focus doesn't work).
I upgraded to IOS 5.1 and also reset it to factory defaults and also generate a new profile for it so no old settings are used. But the problem sill persists :/ As long as it is in standby everything is alright if i use it (even browse through tabs) it starts draining and getting warm
I bought this iphone a month ago and the battery was fine for the first few weeks. Now it seems to be draining faster. I've turned off all the settings that save battery life, i've restored and set up as new, i've reset all settings, i've tried calibrating the battery i've tried EVERYTHING!
I have bought a new iphone 5s after i have updated to 7.1 and 7.1.1 its battery drains too fast. I have turned off background apps refresh also turned off all the apps still the problem exist. At standby its it drops 6 to 8 percent after all background apps are turned off.
I Have been experiencing in the last three months some serious battery issues. My battery goes from 80% to 20% in half an hour!!
The battery is so bad that it drained 10% while writing this discussion believe it or not!! Even though I tried everything to minimize my usage like turning off LTE and location and keeping brightness at minimum. Its driving me crazy because I've going around every where holding my charger because my phone goes from full battery to zero in a two hours or three if i'm using it lightly. What should I do? Keep in mind that the warranty expired several months ago.
I want to know if there is a way to turn off multi-tasking. For those that don't realize it yet, every program you open stays open in the multi-task bar until you close it manually. My phone got to 20% battery in 4 hours today with decent use. (new iPhone 4)
About 10 minutes of web surfing. 93 minutes of talking. No streaming video 2 Pictures 1 Recorded Video for 3 minutes.
My only guess is that since I forgot about multi-tasking that it left everything running. (12 apps)
Is there any way to turn it off, and only enable it when I actually want something to multitask? I can't see any reason to have ANY apps multitask now especially since most apps are not updated to support it.
In a perfect world, I would have a menu that I can select which apps I want to be able to multitask.
I charged my phone to 100% last night and unpluged it last night before going to bed. 10 hours later, when I got up, my battery had went down all the way to 68% and with no apps running in the background... All while my iPhone's currently running on IOS 5.1.1. I never had this problem with IOS 5.1, when the battery would only drop to around 97% overnight.
Within the last week my iPhone 5c has begun to get warm and also the battery drains very fast. I have done all the usual things like closing apps, turning off WiFi etc .
Ever since I've downloaded the iOS update, the battery drains much faster. When I turned on my iPhone 5, even when it's at 90% and after a minute or so, it drops to half or sometimes to 30%. Then after using a camera to take a picture or to do nothing, my iPhone unexpectedly shuts off and says I need to recharge it. Sometimes after five minutes or so, I turn it on with no problem or when I plug it in to charge it, the battery would say 30 or so percent charge. Even if I have background apps that are turned off, the battery still drains like crazy.Â
I've noticed that when I use the TomTom app on my iPhone while plugged into my Griffin Powerjolt SE, the battery will actually drain. It seems to drain more slowly than when the iPhone isn't plugged in at all, but nevertheless it drains. From 100%, my phone recently dropped to about 75% for an hour and a half car ride. If I just leave the phone in sleep or playing the iPod, the phone charges. Is this something anyone else has observed? Is there a fix for this?
Also, I'm realizing now that I've always been plugging into the cigarette lighter since that's closest to the dash. Should I be plugging into the socket labeled 12V Power Port?
I've got a 2g unlocked. Nothing installed but the sinful MMS package (but it did this before I installed it anyways). Maybe once or twice every week or two the battery will drain rather quickly during the day. It'll last from 8am - 6pm off a full nights charge. So once it dies, I'll try to turn it back on but it remains dead. As soon as i plug it in, it turns on as usual but then reads 50% battery. The remaining "50%" then takes about an hour to drain to zero again.
The battery has been calibrated and most days it works perfectly fine (2-3 days per charge)I think I've noticed that this happens on a day where I might use the phone a little more than average, but definitely not enough to make this drastic change.
I am not sure what happened I have not installed any new app or not using phone constantly. My bettery use to last for almost 2 days with my regular use and not I have to charge it everyday.
I use my xperia pro 4 months with good battery performance, after installing several programs to improve de battery consumption, the battery last only 3 hours. I noted that even when de phone is off the battery drains from 100% to 0. I noted that the phone is making some operation because the zone upper the battery is medium warm after several hours y put off. I maked a total reset of the phone to the factory settings. I have taked the battery from the phone several minutes, the sd card and the operator chip, but the problem remain.
I had my X8 since Feb and got couple apps (stats of, quick settings) that improved its battery life to 3-4 days. However few wks ago after I've done some stadard updates to the alrd existing apps it started draining the battery. From time to time, after full charge, it may last 2 days but generaly 24h is a max My mobile data and wifi are usualy off and I just use it for txt'ing and short calls...Display, screen time out, sound etc are at they lowest... no automatic updates... Don't know what else could cause such a massive change. I've probably used it more for other stuff (browsing, mp3, gaming) before and it still lasted 3 days.