I have had my IPhone 4S for a little over a week now. My battery life was at 90% It Died, Dead, Does not work at all. Can someone tell me what in the heck is going on here. I have had all of the Apple Phones and They all had their little quirks..But This is ridiculous is it just with the Black 4S or the White 4S or both.
One minute it was on and then the next thing I know it is dead. It had approximately 85% on the battery life before it died and I put it on a charger but no luck. I've held down the two buttons for a couple of minutes and nothing happens. Has this happened to anyone else? I still have extended applecare.
My batter died completely last night so I plugged it in to charge. When I woke up the red empty batter icon did not change. I tried to reboot it and I tried to plug it in to the computer to itunes and nothing. What the hell is going on?
So after the phone heated up and then died I had the battery replaced but it still doesnt work. When the new battery was in use it would turn on but the SIM Card would not work or be recognized by the phone. I have been using a different phone with the same SIM card and know that it isnt that. What should I do?
My Iphone 5 battery died six hours ago while I was at school. Once I got home I put it on the charger which was for four hours now. It still hasn't turned on yet, what do I do?
Iphone #1 I was using this IPhone last week during a phone call when the battery died, which I then let it charge. After 30-40 mins I tried to power it on, but no luck, so I tried a hard boot (power+home) nothing. I figured okay let me see if my itunes can read it in DFU mode. So I figured maybe the battery just took a crap since this is a 2g IPhone.
IPhone #2 Cracked screen I took the "guts" (motherboard+Battery) from this phone, and put it on IPhone #1, which turned on immediately. This morning, I was making a call and the screen went "white" and turned off, battery was charged. I followed all the steps for hardboot/DFU etc. Nothing?
Anybody know what's going on? Can the touchscreen or any part of the touch panel be causing this issue? Maybe something is frying the motherboard or another dead battery, but its odd two batteries die in a week! I do have an EBAY charger, if that means anything maybe its frying the internals? Is there a way to find out if its the battery or mother board on these two IPhones?
1. Happily using my new iPhone, I leave it down for 3 hours while I have dinner, pick ut up and its dead, balck screen
2. Recharge it all night, nothing when I plugged it in and still as dead this morning as last night. When I hold down the On/Off buttion I get an empty battery indicator on the screen
Feels like the battery just gave up and died, that would explain 1) phone dieing and 2) phone not re-charging
My iPhone's battery has died and I've tried plugging it into two different chargers but nothing happens. I know there's nothing wrong with the chargers because they work for my brother's iPhone.
my iphone 4 has died after running out of battery and now will no longer charge. I have tried different plugs and different cables, held both home and power button, left it in to charge for several hours. Nothing.
When I was charging it previously before it stopped working it kept stopping and recharging again, I could tell this as every few moments it vibrated twice as the phone does when you put it in to charge on silent. I was trying to sleep and I just gave up and stopped it. Since then it's just given up. It's not jailbroken and has suffered no damage and I believe it's on the latest version of iOS.
I have a blackberry 8520 smart phone, I have plugged the wall charger in for nearly an hr now it wont switch on jus the red light keeps flashing! now and again the battery with the charger sign (zig zag, like lightening look threw it) pops up
I left my charger at home when I was on a trip and my blackberry's battery was running low. I didn't turn it off and when my curve died, i assumed it was because the battery was too low and it died. When I got home I tried to charge it to the wall charger and.. nothing. Not even a blink on the LED. I left it for the whole night thinking it might take some time. The next morning i tried to switch it on, and nothing happened. I tried a battery pull and it also failed. I took out the memory card, sim card and battery, assembled them back after 30 mins and still nothing. Without the battery, when i put it the wall charger to the USB, there was a 10 second red light on the LED and the screen showed the no-battery symbol, so my charger is well and fine. I checked my phone and there was no water damages. Tried connecting it to my PC and nothing happened. Been using this curve for the past 5 months and this has never happened before.
My torch's battery died a few days back and when I charge it the screen just stays blank and I can't see the red light either. When I connect via usb - my pc doesn't detect the phone either. I really don't see what's happened to it as it was working perfectly but since the battery died..i just can't get it to power up again. I have left it on charge for 2-3 days and still nothing happens - no red light - no sign of the battery being charge
My blackberry tour died of battery last night and I tried charging it when I got home, it didn't charge. I tried the wall charger, and I tried different plugs. It came up with a battery sign with a lightening bolt. Also, I tried USB charger and nothing worked. I took the battery out a couple times too and let it sit for 20 mins and even a half hour, and i put it in and nothing has worked. I pressed the power button a couple of times and took the SIM card out and still nothing.
Yesterday my phone completely died, causing my phone to shut off. I have had it charging for about 8 hours and I get nothing. The red light will come on for about 15 seconds, then off, then back on...
My battery died and now the device wont start up... i get some weird boot menu with; Internal Flash, internal mmc card, external mmc card, usb hard drive, power off (when not on charger).So how do i turn my phone back on?
So I just finished charging my Tour around 12:30am or so. I had no apps running, and went to bed. Luckily, I had a wake up call to my room at 7am, because when I looked to see why my phone alarm didn't go off at 6:30am, it was completely dead. It took about a 15 minute initial charge just to get the phone to boot. I've never had that happen before. Is this common? Anyone else every have this? Is it time to call CS and ask for a new battery? I depend on my phone quite a bit and travel frequently.
My battery suddenly died in my 9900. Would love to talk to a person in customer service the old fashioned way instead of the electronic self diagnosis. Any numbers in the UK answered by humans who don't charge for their time? how do I get a replacement battery?
I bought my Blackberry a month ago and the battery life was pretty good (3 days). Then the other day I downloaded a few apps (dictionary, flashlight and barcode scanner) and also added a lot of music onto the phone. Now the battery life just goes after a few hours. I've turned off Bluetooth and WiFi. I don't know what is sucking all the life out of my battery. I haven't browsed the internet or talked on the phone. It just sits there doing nothing and the battery goes dead.
I went out for a quick jog, was listening to my playlists and my BB Torch died unexpectedly. At first I though the battery might have drained (although very unlikely since it still had like half left when I left the house, and this was about 20 min. into my jog). Came back home, plugged in charger, and half an hour later it still wouldn't turn on. The LED red light doesn't turn on either. I've been reading about the battery pull, but that isn't working either!
My battery died then I charged it and still the phone is radio off and the battery is full, and just shows the home page and I cant go to the menu or do anything? Cannot even connect to the PC.
I am not sure if others have a similar problem.but here it goes.so I got my Vivaz Pro in Hong Kong around July and I brought it back to Toronto, Canada.The phone is nice all along. However, in September (2 months after I bought the phone), the battery is starting to warn out for some reason.I have charged it for the whole night and it only charges for half the amount.Sometimes, is not even charge for the 10%.So I have thought is the battery's problem and got another back up battery.But nothing have changed, the phone is still not charging the battery.I read somewhere that this problem is because there is some error in the phone's motherboard itself, not a battery problem.Can anyone verify the above information?What should I do now since I am in Canada and Vivaz Pro is actually not out in Canada?My phone is still under a 1-year warranty, but I am not too sure if this goes international (like I can still send it to Sony Ericsson Canada for repair?).Someone please help me!
- using my phone in the car, charging via my Sony Bluetooth Radio (built in to my car) - battery was decreasing faster than charging and the phone ran out of battery and turned off - tried to plug it into mains but no red light to verify charging - used another charger and still no red light to verify charging - tried to turn on. nothing. tried to reset. nothing. - checked chargers with friends phone and chargers were working fine - tried to charge the phone with a PC USB. PC verified something had been plugged in but said they couldn't verify and there was a problem. - left the phone for about an hour. - when returned to the phone the red out-of-battery light was blinking when I tried to press the power button. - went to my car and tried to charge it via the sony bluetooth radio - lights turned off and phone returned to unresponsive state - got home about 40 minutes later and red lights are on - charged it via AC adapter at home, left it for a bit, now charging normally.
For a while i thought my phone was completely busted and I was so angry as I've just had a replacement. Before lollipop if the phone ran out of battery it would just start to charge.. I wouldn't have to wait an hour for it to become responsive again?! just making sure this isnt a fault.
Last night I let my battery die. Not on purpose, of course. It was at 4% and I was actually walking over to the charger when I got the goodbye message and the phone shut off. I tried to turn it on, but I just got the low battery sign. I remember this happened on my old phone, so I just let it charge for the night. Unfortunately, when I woke up this morning it still wouldn't turn on. Didn't even get the low battery sign. Soft reset does nothing. Both of my computers did not even recognize that anything was plugged in. The only thing is, last week when I charged my phone I got a message saying something along the lines of your phone is charging slow because you're not using the stock charger.
been trying to keep nokia lumia 900 charged up at all times...last night went to bed with little over 50% power in battery and in about 2 hours, battery was totally dead.. I try not to let battery go totally dead before putting on the charger.. what caused the battery to suddenly lose all the power it had in a couple of hours... I can't afford this battery to do this when traveling.. I need the phone.. and where I am .. I have no idea how to get a battery changed in this phone... since I cannot buy a new battery and install myself.. Don't know why Nokia made a phone that the consumer cannot change the battery in it by himself... this is not good... I can't have the battery reaching 50% power and then suddenly have it go dead in short time... I had hard time getting it to respond to the electricity charger this morning when I plugged it in... I need to make sure I have battery life when out of the country and I do the best I can to keep it charged up all the times...
My S2 died completely.They said it was the battery (which suprises me because when I took the phone in the guy put the batter from his S2 into it and it still wouldn't turn on) and say they have replaced it.
I forgot to charge my phone so it died. Then i charged its and the phone didn't connect to the charger and said that i need to connect with itunes. I did and when i connect my phone to the Itunes and it said that i need to restore my phone and download new version. I did both. But i did not see my phone update new version ( 5.1.1). But i still dont know why after that my phone block. i had to setting all things. my phone did not accept my sim ( t-mobile). my phone said i need to insert the sim even i already did?
I have had my phone connected to the wall charger for hours now and it just keeps flashing the Sony Xperia screen and vibrating. The LED light turns on for a second then turns off. It's like it is stuck in a loop.