IPhone :: 4 Is Not Switching On
Apr 2, 2012My iphone 4 suddenly switched off and it is not switching on back
Info:iPhone 4
My iphone 4 suddenly switched off and it is not switching on back
Info:iPhone 4
I've seen this question asked quite a few times from searching the threads, but I've not found a definite answer. I currently have a 3gs. I'm planning on buying an iphone 4 on pay as you go (UK), then just keeping my current contract sim. I'm not on an 'official' iphone contract. Does this mean I'm going to have to cut my cim card up to fit it in the micro sim tray?
I'm assuming there's no way o2 will give me a micro sim card whilst keeping my on my current contract, as they'll just tell me to get a proper iphone contract (which is £15 more per month than I'm currently paying with less mins etc)
Does anyone switch the sims between their iPhone 4 and 3G/3Gs? I finally found a new phone yesterday and I want to get a sim adapter so that I can use my 3GS when I'm training or in a place where I don't want to get the ip4 all dirty and sweaty. The guy at the store said that this is a no no and that AT&T would charge me the full price of the ip4 if I do this while I'm still under contract. This sounds like a complete load of bs but I just want to make sure.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was excited about the HTC EVO Release Date thread but that was worthless. I'm hoping this will be an abuse free thread.I have a jailbreaked iPhone 3G. I'm running MyWi so I can tether my iPad. I love it. I'm getting faster data speeds on my tethered iPad than I do on my iPhone. Go figure that one.But I HATE the phone. I hate it, hate it, hate it. I have about a %40 call drop rate, per day. It's painful. So I'm thinking of switching to Sprint and the EVO. There is no 4G service in NYC or anywhere near me. I want to be able to tether my iPad and computer without paying an additional $30. I called Sprint and looked into. And right off the bat I wasn't happy with having to deal with a Customer Service Rep. in Punjab.
1) Will I be able to jailbreak the EVO so I can run other Apps and tether? What is the tether App called? Is there an Android jailbreak guide like there is for the iPhone on iClarified.com.
2) How will the call quality be on this phone with Sprint?
3) Can I talk and surf at the same time? Unlike on Verizon's network (for the time being).
4) How is the data speed with Sprint and this phone?
I am facing problem on my Iphone4, it is keep switching off itself if I don't use the phone for about 4 hours or more, is this normal after switch off I have to switch it on completely?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
My month old (replacement) Iphone 4s decided to switch itself off and will not switch back on, it had not run out of battery nothing happened to it, now trying to switch it on and it does nothing. Even charging the battery gets no response. I got my original one in February and had only had that about 4 weeks when I had to have it replaced by Apple as there was a massive issue with the Ipod on it. Will Apple replace another one?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
yesterday my iphone 4 kept switching off and would only turn back on when connect to a wall charger. after it turning off 5 times turning off the 5th time it came up with "activation required" and to connect it to itunes but when i take my phone off the charger it turns off. i then tried to reset while attached to my charger and came up with the battery screen saying i had red battery but when it turned fully on again with "activation required" and to connect it to itunes says i have 100% battery yet when i take it off the charger to connect to my computer (which once connected doesnt turn on at all) it turns off?
Info:iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
My iphone 4 has been working fine but recently I've started having trouble with it switching itself off. For example it will show 48% battery, this will suddenly and instantly reduce to 1% and my phone will go off. If i try and turn it back on it displays the image that indicates it has no battery however if i give it 5 mins and then switch it back on, it goes back to showing 48% battery.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
my iphone keeps switching itself on and off
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy phone is frozen
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
My iPhone 3G has started randomly switching itself on and off, showing the close screen, swapping the off button with the volume control, displaying the volume control graphic for an extended time, and generally misbehaving.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI went for a stroll around town today with my iPhone 4, and used it as I normally would. The result was upsetting. In places that my 3GS shined, the iPhone 4 was unable to load a webpage. The overall speed of making phone calls and sending texts was noticeably slower on my iPhone 4. I don't care what the reason is behind this, all I want is my phone to work like it's supposed to! I love the screen and cameras on the 4, but it's just not worth the hassle. I'll wait a few days for Apple to respond, but if they don't I'm switching my 3GS back on and selling my 4 on ebay. Anybody considering the same thing? The 3GS was such a reliable phone for me.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAT&T is telling me that I can't switch the SIM From my iPhone 4 into another smartphone because the data plans are different. I as hoping to use a SIM card adapter and pick up a Captivate or a future Android release and just switch back and forth as I wanted, just swapping the SIM in whichever phone I wanted to use.
From what the AT&T rep has told me, if I do that I will lose my iPhone data plan when the SIM is put into a non iPhone. Is this accurate? If you have an iPhone that's basically the only phone you can use unless you want to screw up your plan?
Any advice on how I could accomplish doing what I want here, using an iPhone 4 and another smartphone with the same SIM just at different times?
So here's my situation. I'm currently using an unlocked iPhone 3gs on T-Mobile and I was to switch to a Nexus One simply because I would be able to get 3G on my T-Zones instead of edge on the iPhone. My girlfriend on the other hand will be switching from verizon to Tmobile but she wants my iPhone. So basically she will be using my iPhone and I will be using her nexus one. So here are my questions:Are there any differences between an unlocked nexus one and a nexus one bought for new tmobile members?If there is a difference, which one will I be able to use 3G with on my t-zone plan?
Will tmobile require my girlfriend to get a data plan if she gets the nexus one even though she doesn't use the Internet much? If so, how much is the data plan?
Have a 3gs which is about 2 years old, so not covered by warranty that keeps switching off when I start using some of the apps I have on it
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy phone keeps on switching from 3G to 2G and when ever it does that it took a while before the network comes back and i cant lock it to 2G permanently.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
My phone keeps switching off and is difficult to restart
Info:iPhone 3GS
Both my girlfriend and I have an iPhone. However she does not have a data package. She has activated iMessage as she is often in a wi-fi zone. However when she is out and I try to send her a text message, I get iMessage and the blue bubble even though she is not in a wifi area. In these cases the message can be delayed quite a bit. I have no idea of knowing if she is in wifi or not so important or timely messages won't get to her and I know nothing about it.
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy 3gs keeps switching off during calls
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1
I have an iPhone 4S on AT&T. I upgraded it so I have 4G (although it's technically still 3G). Sometimes when there's not a lot of signal the Internet just drops to EDGE and no matter how many times I restart the phone it's still on EDGE. How do I fix this so it's always 4G?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
At this point in time, Verizon is becoming too expensive and i'm looking to move to T-Mobile. I plan to purchase an Unlocked iPhone 4S from the Apple website. I went to a T-Mobile store and a rep told me that they can configure something so i can send MMS messages. (I know i can't use visual voice mail and I'll be on the slower Edge network) But is the rep right? Would i be able to send MMS messages?Another question: Will iMessage still work? and if so, could i send photos over iMessage?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
I was using App Store of country A for a very long time and now changed to country B (same ID). The change via itunes on my Mac was easy and I directly saw the items of the new store. Nevertheless the store on the iPhone does not change accordingly. I have tried everything, changing stores, restart, changing languages etc. but the change does not happen.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, Singapore - Singtel SIM
My iphone 4 16gb keeps on switching itself off, even with full battery charge. In oreder to switch it back on, I have to connect it to my laptop and hold home and power for 10 seconds, then press power. When it's connected to the laptop it will tend to stay swiched on.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
my iphone 4 is switching off itself. is it affected by some virus. what is way out
iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.1
I have an iPhone 3G, running 3.0.1, jailbroken with redsnow. I have SBSettings installed and obviously openSSH, amongst other things.Whenever I switch my phone on SSH and location services seem to switch themselves on. This particularly annoying as it then burns through my battery life, which is bad enough already, if I forget to switch them off.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm currently with VZW and planningto pre-order tomorrow. Since I'm porting + a brand new customer + get FAN discounts (service disc, free activation...etc) through my employer do I need to actually go into ATT to set up?
Should I preorder through ATT and have it delievered to my house/work and then go in to ATT to have it activated/ported/discounts added?I really want to get my hands on the phone ON the 24th. From everything I've read Apple is not the best place to go if you're in my situation.
I'm considering getting an iPhone 4 and leaving my Blackberry. I currently have the first generation iPod Touch. My question is about multitasking/app switching. Let's say I'm in an app such as Tap Tap Revolution. On the original Touch/iPhone if you press the home button (once) in the middle of the game you are brought to the home screen and the game quits. When you go back into the game, it boots up from the beginning and you are not where you left off. Is this the same on iOS 4? Or is it set up so that when you press the home button (once) the game pauses in the background and you are sent to the home screen and then when you return to the game it is where you left off? I'm talking about single tap of the home button, not double. Sorry if that was confusing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI put my microsim into my 3gs to use for next few days cause Ill be outdoors and do not want to risk damaging new IP4 Tested calls and such and works fine. Now will there be any issues with ATT by doing this?
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iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
If I go to use any video play on the phone it starts and then stops afer a couple of seconds. However, if I connect the USB cable to it, it seems to work fine. Have tried the home button / on off button procedure to no avail. I then backed up my phone's contents on I Tunes via my pc and then implemented a full contents clearance and system restore on the phone itself but still the problem persists.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
i hav a problem.. my iphone 3g 8gb is not switchin on..i was using it.. it suddely fell off my lap.. now it not even charging nor getting connected to itunes..i want to restore all my data including photos contacts and mesaages.. is there any way?
iPhone 3G, iOS 3.0