Huawei Nexus 6P :: Can't Seem To Unlock Bootloader
Nov 11, 2015
I'm not an Android rooting noob (my rooting goes back to OG Moto Droid in late 2009) and I'm sure it's something ridiculously simple I'm missing but I can't get my bootloader to unlock. I've tried ADB/Fastboot, WUG's Nexus Root Toolkit, and Chevy's Android Job Box. Nothing works.
I got my 6P today, SIM'ed it up, booted up, logged in, enabled USB debugging, installed the drivers, and let it update. When I opened WUG's NRT, I saw that I had an Android build one step later than the NRT. Mine's MD80BL and K is the latest in the NRT. I thought that shouldn't be a problem and selected the "any build" option with the Nexus 6P. I went through the installing drivers process and can access the file structure of the phone through W10.
I then went to the unlock bootloader option, clicked through the prompts until the phone rebooted into the bootloader and clicked the OK button to unlock the bootloader. About two seconds later a window popped up on my desktop telling me my bootloader was unlocked, my data was wiped, and I would have to go through the setup process on the phone. Excellent, except my phone booted right back to my stock homepage. I tried again with the same result.
I then tried it manually using ADB/Fastboot. The "fastboot devices" showed a connected device which I assume is my 6P since I have nothing else Android connected. When I type in "fastboot flashing unlock" I get all the fastboot commands/options as if I typed an unknown command. "Fastboot oem unlock" didn't work either. I went and downloaded the latest SDK and retried everything with the same result.
I checked oem unlocking and usb debugging. Fastboot and adb work. I unlocked to update to 6.0.1 a few days. I want to flash custome roms. so I went to unlock bootloader and get the following:
C:adb>fastboot devices ertyugg(this edited for privacy) fastboot
commands: update <filename> reflash device from flashall flash boot + recovery + system flash <partition> [ <filename> ] write a file to a flash partition
[Code] ....
Message shown :
options: -w erase userdata and cache (and format if supported by partition type) -u do not first erase partition before formatting -s <specific device> specify device serial number
Ok, so I just got my awesome new 6P. Here's what I've got so far:
I have the SDK, ADB and Fastboot components installed, drivers listed, and everything like I've been reading here and other forums.
So far I've been able to verify that ADB and Fastboot both seem to see my device OK so I know the drivers are good.
USB debugging mode is enabled in the Developer menu, and the option for 'allow oem unlocking' is enabled as well.
From what I'm seeing this all adds up to 'should work', but it isn't.
I originally tried the 'fastboot oem unlock' command found in older posts, and when that didn't work found (from what I'm able to determine) the latest command of 'fastboot flashing unlock'. Unfortunately, all this gets me is this: [URL] ..... (wont let me just link the image since I just had to make a new account. Been too long since I last logged in apparently ...
I haven't received mine yet, but probably one of the first things to do is unlock the bootloader. Does the fingerprint verification/ unlock still works with an unlocked bootloader.
I am already unlocked and rooted, but I would like to relock the bootloader assuming that I can unlock it for future updates without losing data. The Nexus 5 had a boot locker app in the App Store which allowed this, but I do not find an option for the 6 P.
Last year I bought the nexus 6 and for the first time (I've had a lot of android phones) in my phone was also disabled force encryption after the bootloader unlock, twrp and root. So I decided to decrypt it because reading on the nexus 6 forum some devs suggested this to increase the phone performances.
I read that now twrp supports encryption and that Google increased the phone performance also with force encryption enabled.
So I think I know the answer but wanted to validate. If I leave the bootloader locked on my device and download a factory image from Google, cannot I just put the zip on the sdcard storage and run it through recovery to update? I don't think that I need to unlock the bootloader do I? I am trying to keep everything stock for now, but updates are a big reason I wanted this phone. Also don't want to break Android Pay.
After i unlocked my bootloader and rooted my phone, everytime i boot up my phone i have this msg and then the phone start, how do i get rid of this msg?
I noticed there were 2 newer images on the Google developers page and thought I would flash the latest and greatest (MDB08M) since it wasn't coming down OTA. I enabled Developer Options and set USB debugging and OEM unlock, rebooted to bootloader, did a fastboot oem unlock, rebooted then back to bootloader and ran the flash-all.bat from the new image, rebooted and all was well. I re-enabled USB debugging and went back to bootloader to re-lock the bootloader and am getting an error:
... FAILED (remote: unknown command) finished. total time: 0.016s
Results of fastboot getvar version-main are blank:
version-main: finished. total time: -0.000s
I rolled back to MDB08K but it made no difference. I then tried rolling back to MDA89D and letting it pull MDB08K OTA but that too made no difference.
Do you think it may be possible that we can get root access without unlocking the bootloader - I'm a little reluctant to unlock the bootloader because of the QFuse blowing.
Cannot seem to flash factory image from Google. Trying to do it via adb but cannot push onto device. Says "cannot open no such file or directory". What can I try?
The Volume Down button is jammed (the phone fell and landed on its edge slightly crushing the frame where the volume down is). Curiously the Volume Up button still increased the volume.
After turning the phone off the problem came when turning on the phone as it now only boots into the bootloader as a result of the jammed Volume Down button. Once in bootloader mode, the volume up/down buttons do not change the reboot options - it appears the stuck Volume Down button is causing this.
The way to fix this is to take the phone apart (as per the Youtube clips) and physically straighten the frame. This is no easy task, so the question: is there a way around this so that the phone can boot?It's rooted and fastboot commands work. (I installed TWRP but can only boot to recovery with adb).
My nexus 5 just turned off and is stuck on the boot animation. I am able to access the bootloader and have already tried to wipe cache and performed factory data reset but the phone is still stuck on the boot animation. I have tried to unlock the bootloader with 1-click-nexus-5-bootloader-unlock as well as CF-Auto-Root-hammerhead-hammerhead-nexus5 tools but after I accept to unlock the bootloader, the phone reboots and gets stuck on the boot animation. The bootloader status remains locked.
I forgot my unlock pattern and I don't have my device in ADM ... But the bootloader is unlocked, so I think I can install any image I want, right? Could this be a way to get into my device? So any solution to unlock my device without doing a hard reset?
dkotoric has realised this is due to using the double tap to sleep function on some launchers. Locking your device with that prevents the fingerprint scanner from allowing access for some reason. So today was my first full day with the 6P. It's a truly great device. A whole bunch of times though when I've come to unlock the device I've had to put in my pattern because it won't accept the fingerprint scanner.
The icon at the bottom of the lock screen that should be a fingerprint is just a lock symbol. If I then lock the phone again and reunlock it works as expected. Not sure if this is a software bug or some setting I've got wrong. Can't see a pattern for when it does it though. I've switched 'require pattern on restart' off which has made no difference.
Definitely enjoying the Nexus 6P after getting it yesterday. After bringing it to work that, I have to say that it's a little frustrating having to pick it up to unlock it with the fingerprint reader on the back. Coming from a Galaxy S6 this wasn't an issue since it was on the front. Besides that I'm definitely enjoying this phone more. I was thinking about getting a dock for it, but realizing it would be the and issue. This is where double tap to wake would really come in handy if a dev ends up figuring out a way to get that to work (if it's even possible).
So I tried to use the Nexus Root Toolkit to sideload the OTA, but now when I try to boot my phone it just shows the white google screen and doesn't do anything. I can use ADB and fastboot and get into the bootloader but I can't flash the factory image because I never checked the "Allow OEM Unlock" tick since I didn't plan on unlocking the bootloader.
In the last 3 weeks I have had events where the phone becomes non-responsive. What I mean is that it will not unlock by finger sensor, and the lock screen will not slide up to enter pin. The phone shows at the bottom of the lock screen the 3 icons for locked, camera and something else but, can not get it to swipe. If i reboot sometimes it does and sometimes it does not solve the problem. If it does it, I have to power off the phone, wait a few seconds and power back on.
Other times the phone gets hung up on the volume level screen will trying to adjust up or down but, not movement and locks the screen and becomes non-responsive. Also, during this time, it tends for the phone to get warm. Other times if I leave the phone alone for a few minutes, it tends to settle down and fix itself?????? I never get an "android stop working" like message either.
The phone is stock unrooted from day one from BB but, now I am over 15 days and can not return or exchanged.
I am having an issue where the touch screen seems to be unresponsive for a short time after unlock. For instance, if I unlock the phone via fingerprint, pattern, or slide the first touch doesn't respond and I have to tap whatever app or item I am trying to use. I'm using Cataclysm ROM with the most recent ElementalX kernel. Maybe it's a ROM/Kernel thing and I should try stock but just wanted to ask here.
I was searching for topics related to this topic, describing the diference beetwen manufacture unlock vs bootloader unlock. I bought an unlocked Atrix in AT&T, so I could use it at any company or overseas. Is this mean the bootloader is also unlocked? Or these are diferent things?
I'll just get right to it. When I enter the service menu, it tells me that: unlock bootloader allowed: no. I cannot unlock my bootloader. Now, nobody seems to know of any solutions to this problem. I know it is the carriers that are at fault, but I just want to know if it is *possible* to unlock my bootloader. If not, I will have to return this device for one that is more developer friendly.
i'm trying to unlock the boot loader of my xperia z3, i'm following the instructions on sony's site but i'm stuck: i connect the phone to the pc in fastboot mode (blue light on), then i open the command prompt window in the platform-tools folder of android sdk, but when i type fastboot devices nothing happens. If i try to enter my unlock code i get "waiting for device" forever.
For some time I'm trying to make the process of unlockbootloader lamentablemnte this does not work, I'm doing in windows xp with PC Companion installed and operating adb follow all the steps but when Fastboot recognize that the phone is stuck and does not recognize this, I thought at first it was the virtual machine and how he was making the USB connection but probe in a native windows machine and not turned. Would like the possibility that perform differently