HTC One M7 :: Changing Phone To Vibrate Or Silent Mode
Apr 27, 2013
Trying to find easiest way to do this and cannot find it. It was easy on Galaxy S3 as it appeared on top of status bar and all you had to do is push to change it. Does the HTC One have a similar button/thing? Is there an app or widget I can download to be able to do this?
It is my understanding there is an application that will allow a phone to be located by calling the phone. It is supposed to work when the phone is in silent or vibrate mode.
Probably the silliest and easiest to find but for some reason I cannot find how to put my phone to silent mode and or turn off the vibrate setting. Every notification that comes through vibrates even though I don't have the vibrate setting on.
I've set my phone to the Silent Mode, however, my vivaz does not vibrate when sms gets in, but it weirdly does for incoming calls. I tried many ways to make it vibrate, the vibrate is on but the message alert is OFF, -> no vibrate for sms
Does this phone have a "silent" mode? In other words, can you set it so that it doesn't ring AND DOESN'T VIBRATE? My current phone only has ring and vibrate but no silent mode.
Is there a way to set up the D4 to vibrate on receipt of e-mails and text messages only when the phone is in Silent Mode? As far as I can tell, the only choices are for the notifications to vibrate all of the time or not at all. Even with Vibrate set to "only when silent," e-mails still vibrate when the ringer is turned up. Basically, I'd like everything (phone, e-mail, texts) to vibrate when in silent/vibrate mode, and to not vibrate when the ringer's turned up. I could do this pretty easily on my old HTC Incredible, but it eludes me on the D4. If this isn't possible with the stock system, are there any recommended apps that would to the trick?
My iPhone 5 doesn't vibrate when a call comes-in and in Silent mode.
The option is turned-on in settings to Vibrate the phone with ring or in Silent mode. Tried resetting the phone to factory settings and restored back from iTunes, same issue.
I was wondering if someone could help. I own an iPhone 3Gs and for some reason when in silent mode, the phone doesnt vibrate when i receive a new text message (sms). It vibrates when I receive a call in silent mode, and also when i receive a reminder from Intelliscreen alerting me of a missed call or new sms.
Basically the vibration function works for everything except when i receive a new sms in silent mode and when i flip the swtich from silent to ring (and vice versa).
Due to the above, i can only assume that its not a hardware issue since it does actually vibrate. this happened a few months after purchasing (and jailbreaking) the phone so i can only assume that this is being caused by an app that I have installed since it was fine for the first few months. I have checked the settings on the phone a million times (vibrate is on for silent and ring) and I cant work out why this is happening.
I have statusnotifier, ireal sms (v2) and quicksms installed. i dont know if they're causing the issue but i have installed them and the prob still remains.Is anybody else having the same problem or can advise on how to solve the problem? ive searched long and hard on the net and connot find a solution.
Got the update last week and not enjoying it so far (have yet to do factory reset). My main problem (besides lag) is that my phone keeps going to Mute either when I grab it or whatnot, I'm not sure. I keep on Vibrate and keep it in my shirt pocket typically (at work). It seems that handling my phone I somehow change the speaker modes without knowing it. Is there any way to lock the mode so that it won't change when the phone is locked? I don't mind being able to change the volume of audio output when the screen is off but for it to be able to switch to Mute or On is not something I want.
Is there a way to have the phone ring and have all other notifications either silent or vibrating? I use my cell as my primary phone and it would be nice while I sleep to hear the phone ring and not hear all the other sounds the phone makes for notifications and stuff like that.
I had a blackberry prior to this phone and I was able to easily do that with sound options. I don't see the same option with this phone.
1. at night, when using the clock...the clock changes and I lose the do i keep it on the clock with the weather? i guess it goes into screen saver do i stop it from doing that?
2. dont understand the bluetooth thing with the dock...whats the point? doesnt the phone itself stream over bluetooth?
3. Is there a setting to make the phone silent or vibrate automatically when it is put into the dock, instead of turning down the volume?
It was 5 weeks old and developed a screen issue, went back to repair centre, came back fixed.....All good.....Well no.Now, when the silent icon on the drop down curtain says silent, its not, when you select to change this from the long press of the power on/off button (It gives you a turn device off option, deactivate/activate data, Airplane mode and Silent off and on)The turn on silent mode actually does the opposite?
My s5 does it when I'm playing with it or even when it's in my pocket.. at first I thought I must of been pressing it on my pocket but it does it when it's on the side aswel.
Ok so i bought a BB 9630 Tour couple days ago. and i have a i set my girlfriend as a specific ringtone. but i usually use silent when i am at home, and one day she called me and guess what, the phone here is the question, how do you make the contact ring when it is in like when my normal is activated BUT NOT MY SILENT. cuz when i do silent and when she calls me and my phone rings... it doesnt really make sense cuz i put it as in silent.
i own a Xperia10i. the problem is the phone goes into silent mode without my knowledge. quite often i miss calls and messages because of that. is there a way to stop the phone from going into silent mode by itself.
My Nokia 5800 XM (firmware v21), is going from general to silent profile automatically every weekday at 09:00 AM. I don't understand how it happens as I didn't set auto profile or whaever to anywhere!
In the last week or so my phone keeps putting itself into silent mode, so it doesn't ring when someone is calling me or make a sound when I get messages. This is a nuisance as I keep missing calls. The only way that I can get the phone to ring is to restart the phone, however it will then randomly set itself back into silent mode at some later point in time. When I go into sounds and notifications it will not allow me to increase the ringer volume.
My nexus 5 running into issues again. . It automatically goes to silent mode. After increasing the volume again it goes back to silent mode. I can see the volume bar decreasing from full to vibration in front my eyes.
Also sometimes the power button won't work for sometime.
If I tried to reboot, it automatically goes into recovery mode without pressing any combination of keys. Once I press volume button it goes into one of the recovery settings and gives a message NO COMMAND
After multiple hits of power button or some combination will boot the phone into safe mode sometimes.. Now I am stuck with its issue of automatically turns into vibration mode. I am worried to reboot because it may stuck in recovery.
I used to have this issue in lollipop and got fixed in marshmallow.. But recent patch fix update in December gives the problem again.
So on my M8 the only option I can find is silent. But when I have that selected it doesn't vibrate when I get texts. How do I set it so that notifications only give a vibration?
Every time I set my phone profile to "silent" or "vibrate" calls continue to audibly ring through normally. I went into my provider with my problem, and they're trying to tell me that its not possible for me to have custom ringtones set up and have the vibrate/silent work at the same time. According to them I either have to have my phone on vibrate all the time, remove all my custom tones, or just turn my phone off when I want it to be silent! My friend has the same phone and is on my family plan, and he has custom tones and his vibrate/silent still works as it should, so I know that its possible. All I want is to be able to have my phone not ring while in class or at the movies.
I like to use my bberry as my alarm clock. But I don't want the phone ringing or hearing a jingle when I get a text message. Is there a way to set the phone to a "bedtime" or "in meeting" or "silent" mode for this situation? I don't see a "profiles" option in my bberry. I see how I can set the tone and volume for each item - phone, message, etc. but no overall way to just make the whole thing silent or vibrate when I don't want to be disturbed.
Ok, so I'm trying to work out how the silent modes work on my Z3. I'm failing.
So it seems you can press the volume key and by clicking the 'bell' icon I can scroll through 3 different modes: Loud, Vibrate and Silent.
Seems simple enough, only none of these modes silence apps or games at all.
I just want to put my phone on silence/vibrate and know that even apps and games will be silent too.
I thought I could put into vibrate mode and slide the media volume down to zero and it would rememeber it... then putting back into loud mode would make media slider go back to normal volume?... Nope, I have to change it back to loud mode and remember to slide the media volume back to normal...