I had my Samsung Galaxy s6 G920F one week ago, nothing to say about the phone, amazing battery life. I always plug my phone to charger when I'm home after work, I don't leave it plugged while I'm sleeping. During the night the phone consumes like 1 to 2% battery. I shut down wifi, bluetooth and data during the night. Two days ago I installed Adobe acrobat reader, and disabled some built-in apps which I don't use (Google play music, google newsstand, chrome, hangouts, google+ and skype). Before I go to sleep my phone was 82% battery. When I woke up, my phone was 64% battery. I thought that the issues with Samsung/Android battery life are over with android 5.1.1 and galaxy s6, but in fact no.
I found that a clear cache can solve my issue. I did this and battery drain stopped. Yesterday night, I decided to make a full wipe/clear data, and clear cache. I reinstalled same apps that were on the mobile before, and disabled the same built-in apps. Phone was at 74% when I went to sleep. This morning, my phone was at 52%!!! So I uninstalled Adobe Reader, and activated all the apps that I disabled before, restarted into recovery and cleared cache. Now the issue disappeared again, but I wonder if this will not appear again when I charge my phone to 100%.
I've been noticing my battery draining pretty fast. I've had the phone just over a month and days when I'm at work all day, maybe do some surfing on my lunch or breaks, but nothing to excessive and my battery is down to like 35% when I get home. Before I was going under Settings->Battery and I noticed "Screen" was the number one offender for draining my battery. Which makes sense, it's a bright display and powering it takes a lot of juice. I don't know if it's coincidence or not, however, it's when I started noticing it after installing ICS. Now "Android OS" has replaced it at the top, by a LOT. Here is a list of my top five
I've been having a problem the last few days. My GPS icon stays on continuously and ***** the battery dry. I've seen issues where it will stay on for 12 hours. Even though I thought that was abnormal, it would eventually turn off and resume normal function.
Now it is just running non-stop and the only way for me to stop it is to manually turn off the GPS.
I was super satisfied w battery life of my new iPhone 4 the first two days and until it ran down to 1%. After that I think it decrease too much and almost 1% per minute when surfing. But one thing I might be wrong is killing apps in the multitasking menu. Will that increase or decrease battery life? I am thinking maybe it will decrease rather since it is more of an effort to reload the program then having it idle in memory. Am I wrong and what else could affect battery life? I have fixed usual suspects, brightness, location services and push services.
A co worker of mine has a S6 and is having trouble with the screen randomly coming on and going off. As a result I think it's killing his battery. If I look at his battery stats the screen is sitting on 32%, Messenger is at 16% and Facebook is 13%. That's the three biggest readings and all others look normal. What's happening is that the screen will just pop on by itself, stay for 4 or 5 seconds, turn off for about 5 seconds, then come right back on and stay for 4 or 5 seconds. The cycle keeps repeating itself. He says that it will do this sometimes for 4 or 5 days in a row, then not do it for maybe close to a week, then it comes back.
I thought he might be getting some sort of reminder from something that is turning the screen on but then it doesn't make sense that it goes right back off again. Since it's not my phone I can't get any screen grabs or anything.
Media server is killing my battery, and fast. I mean a 40% drop in 2 hours yesterday while phone was on sleep with wifi and mobile data disabled. I'm in the UK using S5 900F standard model on kitkat 4.4.2.
Since then I have: - unmounted Samsung SD card (it only had a few photos and apps on it, had it a week) - force stopped all "media apps" despite dire warnings as to world ending if I do so etc, and cleared data - repeatedly cleared cache - rebooted phone in safe mode and am monitoring. Battery drain is better but media server is still the main culprit at 27% (down from 51% but still..)
I can't keep it on safe mode all day as it's highly inconvenient.
Phone is unrooted, 3 months old so warranty is important. I can't download mediaserver killer etc
I am unable to isolate which media files are causing this or why. I thought it was the SD card which I added recently but it's a Samsung and should work, plus the problem hasn't disappeared after removing it.
I haven't downloaded any apps since the problem started, or downloaded any media files. I have no games on the phone. A little music, Spotify premium (force stop and now disabled by safe mode), 50 photos. Before the mediaserver problem started about a week ago, battery lasted 1 1/2 days at least. I'm not a heavy user of online media (bit of YouTube but never download or watch movies on my phone).
I’ve got a BlackBerry Curve 8900 (ATT, running, and have had it since Oct. 2009. Battery life has always been OK - 24 to 48 hrs. between recharges.
Today though, after pulling it off the charger this morning around 8:00 a.m., I’ve noticed that I’m down to about 5% charge by 2:30 p.m. I have made no phone calls today, and have only sent/received a couple texts and rec’d two emails. I've never used a holster, have downloaded no apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are both off. No keys appear to be sticking. Absolutely nothing, to my knowledge, of any significance has changed on the phone since October, yet all of a sudden --literally, overnight --I am experiencing this greatly diminished battery life. The only even remotely precipitating factor I can think of is that I did a battery pull yesterday, after deleting some old photos and emails.
I’ve searched the forum, and most of the suggestions are along the lines of “turn off bluetooth/wi-fi/update OS,” but as noted, I never used those anyhow, and the OS has always been good to me.
Fully charged when i went to bed, woke up 8 hours later and it's down to 52%. One hour later it's down to 45%. Has the 'wifi bug' been put on my phone with v3, or does it just have terrible battery management?
the last few days my battery has not even come close to getting me through the day. No new apps. I look at my battery usage and find that Phone Idle is the largest user of my battery. While researching this I find tons of folks who are like "that's normal", but it is almost always even with cell standby. My usage is as follows right now (and this is what it's been like for the past 3 days): phone idle: 37%. Display: 23%, Voice calls: 15%, android OS 10%, Cell standby: 8%. Those are not the numbers anyone else I've spoken to that is running android is seeing. They are seeing phone idle running even or just below cell standby. I'm off battery for 8 hours and down to 25%. I won't make it home before I have to plug in the phone, and for the last 6 months my battery has been making it all day.
I've had my Galaxy s6 for about a week now and I've been very satisfied with my phone. One weird thing I've noticed...Instagram seems to be using a ton of my battery life. I'll usually get around 16 hours or so on my battery, which I'm definitely satisfied with, but when I check my battery stats at the end of the day, Instagram will have used over 15%+ of my battery life. I have tried closing the app every time I switch out of it. I've tried Force Stopping the app, but it seems to continue to drain the battery in the background.
Could this be a glitch with the battery stats? Or is Instagram really using that much battery life? It's by far my largest consumer of battery and I hardly use the app..it's a bit frustrating. I don't want to uninstall it.I have been vigilant about keeping Instagram closed and it still seems to be using up my battery. The problem is that it seems to be using battery (assuming my battery stats are correct) even when I don't have it open.
Does anyone have any issues with the battery life on this thing? I just picked mine up from Bell about a week ago, and standby lasts maybe 48 hours. Its rated @ 250 hours and although I wouldn't expect to see that, this is a little ridiculous. 48 hours is sitting only. If I make a couple of calls, its basically dead in a day. This is with GPS / WiFi and Bluetooth disabled. The only aftermarket programs installed are Barcode ( which doesn't run when off ) and TaskPanel which allows me to kill background processes.
What I notice is that if I run TaskPanel and kill everything, and then the phone goes into standby. When I wake it back up and run TaskPanel again, I see Alarm Clock and Calender are running in the background. Neither have any stored events and I don't know if they are kicking in on wakeup, or right before standby and thus running in the background and killing the battery faster.
well every phone needs one right? and i just noticed a few things that this phone has that the s1 didnt, sooooin Voice Talk, turn off 'Wake up command', when voice talk is running, your microphone will be constantly on listening for you to call "Hey Galaxy!" (wake up command)double press home>menu>settings>voice talk settings>wake up commandturning vibration off, believe it or not, vibration uses more energy than max volumelimiting how much processor is used, an app like SetCPU can limit how much processor is used, and in what way, setting your processor to Conservative will increase battery life. turning off bluetooth and wifi when youre not using it will save unnecessary searches for signal turn off automatic background syncing make sure you fully close out an ap, either by hitting back till it closes, or menu>close poor or no signal will decrease battery life, as your phone will constantly be stressing to find a good signalif you really wanna go crazy use a solid black wallpaper, it wont use any LEDs at allont use live wallpaperssingle best thing you can do for your battery: turn brightness to 0, this is the difference between 6 hours of use, and 2, the s2 has an amazing powerful screen, and it will drain the battery if its maxed. download 'Brightness Level' an easy widget from the market used to quickly adjust brightness between when you want to show off, and when you want to be practical
On cataclysm and suddenly something is sucking my battery's lifeblood like a master vampire. Wake lock detector shows Bluetooth share is the culprit. Com.Android.Bluetooth. always have bt on. Reboot doesn't work. Can't find where on marshmallow to clear Bluetooth cache
I recently bought this generic phone pouch with a belt clip and every once in a while the battery and phone will be completely dead. The pouch covers the phone entirely except for the top which is open and I can slide the phone into the pouch from the top. I am sure that the pouch does not have a magnet ie the phone is not coming out of sleep while in the pouch. Even in Airplane mode and all wireless devices turned off the phone dies. I cannot understand and believe this. The pouch is relatively tight and the only thing I can think of is that somehow the side camera button and/or rocker volume switch combination is being "pressed" while in the pouch and causes the phone to turn on and die.
If the phone battery doesn't die the battery is down by 40% with no use at all during the day ie I always use the phone in Airplane mode while at work. I do not answer the phone while working.What could be causing this? I can just go buy a new pouch but this totally does not make any sense to me.
Was using 5.1.1 after update and was having a few little issues, nothing too bad, the battery was acceptable. I did a factory reset to try and iron these issues out..... phone now is better however the battery has taken a large hit.
Nothing obviously causing it. All looks normal, when I have charged fully the battery info shows estimated battery at around 9 to 10 hours brightness set below 50% . It's a bit annoying when you do everything to manage it. Was fairly happy before but now... didn't know if it's feasible to keep.
I recently purchased my s2 and love it coming from a fist gen iPhone. Only thing is, I have been having trouble getting my phone to last all day. When I checked the battery usage it says Logcat is taking more usage then anything else including my screen. Ive never run this program, as apparently its for debugging code or something. I have searched around the net and only found one post that recommended factory resetting, in this persons case caused by a bad app.
Just got my S2 replacement and upgraded to .428 before I even did the swap devices with the DM, and now this phone is set up just like my last one with all the same apps and it is absolutely killing the battery. I dont know what it could be, I have went through and checked the obvious to make sure it was all good( brightness, 1XEV only, no apps running in the background or updating, wifi off etc). I've lost 10% in less than 20 mins after a full charge. Maybe delete all the apps and reload them one by one again?
About four hours ago Facebook messenger started really killing my battery. I haven't even used it in about a week and a half and suddenly it just has gone wild. It's not using data or WiFi but in those few hours it's used 20% of my battery.
So out of curiosity, what default apps/services do you have disabled to achieve the best SOT? I've been experimenting enabling/disabling some applications and it seems to directly impact battery life.
For instance disabling "Samsung Push Services" seems to bring a little boost to battery performance.
Carrier bloat aside because that's a given to be disabled.
I upgraded to a 64gb SD card, roughly two weeks ago, and I had several problems trying to transfer all of my music and pictures and whatnot over to it from my 32gb SD card...ended up losing a lot of them because of having to re-format the card (I have a memory card recovery program on my computer already, so losing things is not a concern at this point) .
HOWEVER, my phone fully recognized the 64gb card immediately, once I properly formatted it and whatnot, but only for like a day, then I started getting error notifications that the card was not properly inserted, or the phone was not reading it, etc...the card has been inserted into my phone for about 10 days at this point... a friend of mine also has the same phone as I do (s5) and it reads just fine, as does her card in my phone, so clearly it doesn't seem to be an issue with the card itself, or the card reader slot..since other cards are registering..?
Then there's also the issue of my battery randomly draining unusually fast the last few days...and this has only been happening over the last three days...I did go to Sprint two days ago and they "primed the battery" but it did not work at all (battery life went down from 87% to completely dead in less than 5 hours last evening)...
I like to use my phone until the battery dies but the phone goes into power saving when under 5% battery life and I can find no way to disable it in order to adjust brightness or use the light.
Does anyone know the effective battery life time when playing 720p h.264 mkv files with 100% screen luminosity and almost all the other features off (wifi, bluetooth, internet, etc)? Also, is there support for subtitles? I am debating on what to buy, the Galaxy S or the IPhone 4. I need 3.5 hours of video playback between charges. I want to eliminate the video conversion step, so if the Galaxy S can eliminate it, that would be perfect.
my battery is around 30% at the end of the day (average since owning for 2 months). However, 1 day last week I got the force close box come up for TW launcher as I took the phone off charge first thing in the morning. That day my battery was at 52% at the end of the day! I left phone turned on and charged as normal, next day the same, around 50% at end of day (same useage as always, same environment etc). So, next day I turned phone off / on and at end of day battery was around 30% again. To confirm my suspicions I force closed TW launcher and the next day back upto 50% remaining again...
Facebook has recently enabled autoplay videos in your feed as a default. Facebook autoplay videos are neat feature to have video's running as you are reading your news feed but it also runs up your cell modem data usage as well as burns your battery.
Now I have several ALS Ice Bucket videos all playing and downloading when every I open up Facebook. I have been noticing that my data was going up a lot this month. After reading a article that everyone is posting their ALS Ice Bucket challenges that it is impacting people's data plan and battery are getting killed by Facebook with this new Facebook Autoplay video default.
Also, for extra battery saving tip in your Facebook setting disable Messenger Location service. How to disable videos from playing automatically in your Facebook news feed for both the mobile app and on the desktop.
Got the new build for the soak test on tuesday, now my extended battery won't stay alive more than 1 hour. It also seems to never really charge anymore. I've tried everything.
I like the phone alot, and now, its become completely useless
And my s5 is running HOT. I can't put my finger on it. I went from 100% battery to 11% in less than 6 hours on standby. What processes may be draining he battery? Location is off, battery doctor and CM security take care of all junk and background apps, sync is disabled. I'm shocked!