BB Tour 9630 :: Music Stops Playing Randomly
Jan 7, 2010
I will be listening to my Blackberry either with headphones of thru the speaker. And when ever one song ends instead of playing the next song I only get complete silence. But the next song is counting down (as if its playing)Now this doesn't happen everytime but enough to where its getting annoying esp.
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May 12, 2010
Since upgrading to 5.0, my blackberry tour does this annoying thing where it randomly starts playing the music I uploaded onto it. I'll listen to music on my blackberry while I'm at the gym and when I'm done I hit the stop button. Then I'll be standing in an elevator at work the next day and music will start randomly blasting from my phone. Needless to say this is rather embarrassing and obnoxious.
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Mar 20, 2012
Recently upgraded to iOS 5.1 on my iPhone 4 - since doing so, music stops palying randomly while in sleep mode - thought it was the headphones, so tried another pair and the same thing happens... On a 32 minute train ride this morning, I had to press play at least 12 times.
Info:iPhone 4
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Aug 31, 2014
This problem has been occurring since I have used the 1520. Never did I experienced this with my 920 before.
Anyways, music randomly stops playing and I can't seem to get it back to playing if I don't restart THE WHOLE PHONE. It's very annoying and no this is not an Xbox Music issue since I've tried MixRadio, the Hub Tile and other third party players and this is still happening. Whatever skipping of songs I do it still won't play. Songs are switching but it's stuck on the 'pause' button but it's not playing.. No sounds, time is not running. REALLY annoying.
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Mar 31, 2010
So I upgraded to 5.0 last night and now anytime I hang up from talking to someone some rap music starts playing...I don't even like rap music and don't have any rap music on my phone.
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Mar 28, 2010
I'm running the most recent build .591 and using skullcandy ink'd headphones. While I'm working out the audio will play normally, but as soon as I place the phone in my pocket it will cut out and then suddenly voice command will initiate. I do not have voice command mapped to either of the side keys. I work out in shorts and the pockets are pretty loose so I don't reckon any buttons are being pushed or the audio jack is being affected.
I tried replicating the problem by fiddling with the audio adapter, hitting random buttons, but it only happens when I place the phone in my pocket. The only other thing I can think of is that it has something to do with the light sensor maybe? Has anyone else experienced this?
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Jan 4, 2010
I hate my clock radio on my night stand. The only thing it gets used for now, is occasionally playing some music before I go to sleep. Does anything exist that would let me play music for some period of time (15, 20, 30 minutes, etc) then automagically shut off? Similar to a sleep mode on my radio. I would love to see this feature in Slacker, but I either can't find it or it hasn't been pushed from feature request to real feature.
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May 27, 2012
My iPhone 4S sometimes stops playing music by itself while I am playing music. This occurs while my phone is on standby/locked mode; that is I am not using any apps.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
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Apr 10, 2010
I'm running and my phone is set to vibrate but if someone calls me it will still ring. and then when I end the call it rings again with a different ring tone. Last night it was even just randomly ringing for no reason. Any ideas as to why this is happening?
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Dec 1, 2015
I've been using my new LG G3 for three days and I'm happy in general. However, I've noticed that, when I play music, sometimes the song stops and goes on. Like a very quickly interruption. It's not a big deal, but it annoys a bit because I listen to a lot of music during the day. The songs are original, copied from CD and they are stored in the SD card. The SD is a good one, I used to use it in my previous Lumia and it worked perfectly. It never happened anything like that with my previous phone. I use the google app Play Music.
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Jun 19, 2012
Playlist stop playing during runs, not the headphones, tried 3 different ones, and problem persists when on speaker. Sometimes plays 1 song, or 2 songs, on a good day I get 3 songs until it just stops playing sound. Stays in the playlist, just stops.
Info:iPhone 3G, iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 9, 2014
Usually even the screen turn off I thought music still playing but I just know this morning when I listen music from my phone.. I used stock HTC music app.
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May 13, 2012
I recently updated to 5.1.1 and my phone will stop playing music through the headphone/AUX jack. Pulling out the cord and plugging it back in reinitiates the music, but it will stop soon afterwards again. The song is still playing (because play icon still up). Thought it was a problem with the cord, but other iPhones (not updated--friends phones) work just fine for long periods with no interruption. I checked out the headphone jack looking for lint or debris and did not find any, so I did a restore.
After restore of phone same problem, random cutting out using the headphone jack. This morning it is doing the same cutting out while playing music with my Bluetooth Bose speaker... so I tested it with my physical stereo system dock, again, music cuts out. (I've tested all my music devices--Bluetooth speaker, physical stereo dock, and car aux jack/cord with other NON-updated iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S with no problems like the one I am having.)
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1, Headphone, AUX, jack, Bluetooth
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Jun 4, 2012
i have iphone 4, iphone 4s and ipod and on all units some songs stop playing and skips to the next song. i have unchecked sync music and put it back on again and still the same result. I also set up a new library and no luck there either.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 16, 2012
I have a brand new MOTOACTV 8GB and have only used it to TRY and listen to music around the house and outside once to walk my dog. I can't get through three complete songs without the device stopping a song. Sometimes it will randomly start to song over after a few seconds, sometimes it will move on to the next song. I have done a factory reset, upgraded to the newest software 6.13, and tried three different music formats, all supported. The same things happens regardless of what I try. If I can't get this thing to play music I'm really skeptical as to the rest of the functions.
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Nov 28, 2011
I want to use my blackberry as audio device when riding my bike. However i noticed that it just stops playing music when there is a new notification, once thats has been cleared, it just resumes playing. This is highly unusable 'cause the torch is somewhere in my jacket.
I saw that this was a common problem and i find it very unlicky that cracking my blackberry (which i bought for 800$) is the only solution to make it work like a 20$ mp3 player.
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Sep 28, 2011
My music player stops playing when my screen goes to sleep. Does any one know how to keep music player playing continuously without shutting off?
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Dec 9, 2014
My issue since downloading ios8 and I just download ios8.1.2 YOU CANT LISTEN a radio from speaker while you work in garage or while music is playing suddenly sound stops when you look at the screen time is still counting but no voice etc. I have been using iPhone since day ONE and never ever seen this bad software issues.i got iphone 4s 64GB and if this continue soon I am gonna be switching to Android forever :
I had enough of icloud and crappy itunes issues photo sharing (actually not giving sharing options).I am not gonna put up with this BS ios 8 -9....?
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.1, ios8.1.2 running
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May 28, 2010
i have noticed recently that after i receive a video or txt msg with sound that after i view the msg and get a call or use my ptt and hang up it plays the sound from the msg. it stops after i do a restart but what cases it?
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Jul 13, 2010
When using Pandora, I double click the home button, and the list of apps shows up on the bottom of the screen. However, when I select the mail app, Pandora stops playing music.
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Jul 3, 2010
I have an Xperia Z5 compact. This was playing my music apps find for the first 3 days. Then it started to glitch, by stopping my music playback if I turned the phone 90 degrees one way or another as well as playing back through the phone speakers when the headphone is plugged into the jack. Â
I've tried trouble shooting mentioned on other parts of this forum. I didn't have the google maps "shake to send feedback" feature on, and this behavior is happening on multiple music apps (Podcast Addict, Google Music, Sony Music, Spotify, etc). Â So this seems to be a problem native to the phone, not a third party application.
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May 19, 2010
I got my first BlackBerry a couple of months ago, the Tour 9630 with Verizon, which I've loved to far, except. Last week I created a couple of ring tones from two mp3 files and downloaded them in my BlackBerry without setting up with any feature, but they set themselves up as regular ring tones and I cannot stop them from playing now!
Since the day after I downloaded them, every time I've received a new e-mail, I've gotten my regular ring tone (GungHo) and then custom ring tone #1 starts playing and is unstoppable unless I completely turn off the BlackBerry! So I deleted it from the My Ring Tones folder, but that hasn't changed a thing. I've tried to change my regular e-mail ring tone and the change got implemented, so I get the new ring tone I've just set, but I still get custom ring tone # 1 right after! And it is almost 1 minute long!
Other weird thing, custom ring tone # 2 has started playing every time I hang up my phone! Who needs that?! I haven't deleted that one yet from the My Ring Tones folder because I'm not sure if that'll help, but this is extremely frustrating.
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Apr 3, 2010
Another other obvious media type file on your bb that either you copied there or might have come as an attachment? Do the tunes, voices, sounds, whatever actually exist in some fashion on your Tour? Or are they really coming from no where on your bb? What I'm trying to figure out, is a number of these "appended" sound files sound obscene or raunchy. So might it be some actual contamination of the OS or are these SOUNDS from things on folks BB's? Yes, I'm sure some folks have "cute" sound files or were sent such files but maybe it is more than that. Maybe the OS really was inappropriately tweaked.
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Mar 4, 2012
My 9780 has twice now over the last couple of days starting playing files from my music library. They tracks are muted and will actually play simultaneously under other tracks. They don't show as playing, and the only way to stop it is to pull the battery.
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Apr 22, 2015
Since the update my music player randomly stops and says it can't play files that could be previously played? Also every time I press the home screen Google Play store shows up.
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Aug 18, 2015
My S5 will simply stop playing mp3's whether stored on the sd card or internally. I have tried limiting the number of background apps, tried three different player, and installed an app that is supposed to keep music playing. None of these things have worked. It will randomly shut down at any time on any track and sometimes restart minutes latter. Random stops when playing music?
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an iPhone 4, and it is probably 3-4 years old, and has no obvious extrernal problems except that the lock screen button doesn't work. That stopped working about 3 months ago, and i went to the apple store and they said there was nothing to do about it. They also looked at the iPhone and said that there were no problems with the battery life or anything (it was a dot in the greenest section on the picture for battery life). but, since then my iPhone had been randomly turning off. At the beginning, since my lock button was broken i would just plug it in, and it would turn on about 2 mins later saying very low battery, but it would go straight back to whatever charge it was before in a couple of minutes (usually about 50%). Â
But today, it randomly turned off while i was using the calculator. I tried pressing the home button, but nothing happened. I plugged it in, it made the 'plm' sound it does when it charges, but the screen turned black. Â
I think it was maybe a problem with the display. Because i have the apple headphones, and i used them to make the music play, and it did, i just couldnt see the screen. About 3 hours after it turned off (no screen on, but still music and sound), it turned back on again fully (with the screen). I have already been to the apple store about this matter, and they said they essentially have no idea why its happening. Usually it turns back on when it plugs in, but today it didnt.Â
iPhone 4
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Dec 13, 2011
I synced all songs in my iTunes with my new Motorola Atrix 2. It downloaded all the songs to my 16gb microsd card. When I play songs on my music player with my headphones, the music will stop randomly. Some other times it won't stop and will play for a long time. I had a feeling it was somehow related to turning the screen off using the power button after I start my playlist but I am not sure about it. Again with this case, sometimes it stops and other times it would play correct. There are some apps as on my auto-end list but music player isn't one of them
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May 20, 2010
I am hoping you guys can give me some insight as to what is going on. The other day, I got a phone call, and when I pressed the ignore, a song started playing. Now, more about the situation, I have OS 5.0, and my phone was on silent. The song played after pressing ignore is not a song on my blackberry that I am aware of, not my ring tones or music I've put on here. So, I don't know how the music started, why, but I couldn't get it to stop either. I had to do a battery pull to get it to stop. Anyone have any clues to get this to never happen again?
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Jul 5, 2010
How do I download music from my computer to my tour?
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Jan 16, 2010
I just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.
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