BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: How To Restore 3rd Party Apps?
Feb 5, 2010
I used BBSAK to backup my 3rd party apps, tried to load an OS that didnt take, and had no choice but to wipe my phone and start over. So I get my OS right, and try to restore my apps. BBSAK says "Phone may reboot after back up is complete" then "restoring apps completed". Fail. Problem is, it didnt actually DO ANYTHING! So i try again, nothing still. Dammit.
So instead of asking how with another thread, I searched a bunch of threads and here is what I came up with to get 3rd party apps back on the phone.
Open up your Blackberry Desktop Manager, go to the Application Loader, "browse" to find the "Backup" file BBSAK created. In there is a file called "backup.alx". Open it and load your 3rd party apps back to your phone.
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Feb 12, 2010
I've searched the forums and tried this twice now. I've used JL cmder and the wipe commands from the security settings, but i'm still having the same issues.I traded up from a S1 to an S2 and when I received the new phone, obviously it was a refurb. There were loads of apps installed on the phone. I tried deleting them from the apps menu it options, but no go. A few apps I used, but there were no icons for them in any of the folder or on the main menu. I made sure they werent hidden either. A specific program was AIM for blackberry. I deleted it from options menu, then tried reinstalling it. Still no icon. I used JL cmder the second time to see if it would let me start fresh. Still no go.
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Mar 2, 2010
I am getting a replacement Storm 2 delievered this week.
But I have some current Storm 2 apps on my phone of which I paid for them (Bejoose and QuickLaunch)
How would I go about getting them on my new Storm 2 without paying for them? Seeing I have already paid for them?
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Jan 4, 2010
How do I back up 3rd Party apps and their data?
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Jan 2, 2010
Want to hide a video? Don't want a 3rd party app just to hide videos? Here's how:
My Device Info:
Device: 9550
1) Go to the media folder
2) BBMenu > Click on Explore
3) Select "Media Card" (or device memory, depending where u have videos you want to hide)
4) Select BlackBerry
5) Select Videos
6) Select the video you want to hide
7) BBMenu > Properties
8) Check the "Hidden" checkbox > close
9) To unhide > bbmenu > show hidden > select video > repeat 7-8
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Mar 3, 2010
Is there an application, besides the Verizon tool used to tether, that will allow me to send AND receive text messages on the computer?A Windows program is what I'm looking for.
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Jan 20, 2010
Now i had been having problems with my storm 2 in the form of crackling earpiece, dodgy battery door, dropped calls etc. I have sent the phone off and received a nice replacement which hsa addressed all the problems.Now the problem I have is how do i go about restoring the back up data from my old blackberry onto my new one. I could not do the device switch wizard as i didn't have the two phones at the same time.
I have just done a large update on the new one and am now running the latest official Vodaphone firmware (436). I had only had the original phone for about a month, is it worth the bother of restoring what must be a smalll amount of data? What is contained in the back up file by the way?
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Jan 26, 2010
Why is it the backup and restore never fully restores it? once again.. It did not put my themes back in, not only that - I have to reset every app?
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Jan 19, 2010
i´m a new Blackberry 9520 user and know nothing about using it. I´ve tried to download App world but i got message ``Sorry, your device does not meet the system requirements that are needed to support BlackBerry App world. but i have also update my device! help, i love this phone but i can´t enjoy it.
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Feb 4, 2010
In trying to maximize battery life on the Storm 2, is there an easy way to see what apps are running and to close them?
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Mar 2, 2010
So I just got my brand new S2 3 weeks ago. I dropped it while getting into my truck and the screen cracked! I just got it how I wanted it and CRACK! Oh I was mad! Anyways I got my replacement phone today and everything is going great but...the screen is so mushy! When I read about how you could change the softness or hardness of the screen clicking I was like yea right, you prolly wouldn't even notice a difference. After using my first S2 for 3 weeks the screen was really tight ans smooth, it hardly made a sound. Now on my replacement S2 it is so soft and mushy and it sounds like and feels like the screen is bouncing around! Uggh! I know about the torx screw trick but I'll need to get a torx driver before I can try it. Do any of the leaks make the screen more resistant? Do any of them offer something that can make it back to the way it was?
Why is it so different on these devices? Don't you think that clicking would be the same on all the Storms produced?Also is there a way to transfer my apps to my new S2? I restored my new phone using the backup of my old one so I have all my settings and e-mails on my new phone but the apps didn't transfer. I just don't want to have to redownload all of them!
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Mar 1, 2010
I would just like to first say I checked out the similar topics generated before I posted this and also attempted a few searches.I'm a new Blackberry user with my first device as the Verizon Storm 2. I love having a Blackberry, it makes everything a lot easier. I don't think I would buy any other phone besides a Blackberry now after owning this one.
I do have one problem that I can't seem to solve even after searching both this site and Google. None of the solutions seem to be working.
I have two apps from App World, Fingerprint Scanner & Pattern Lock, both that have Upgrades Available. For the life of me however I can't seem to get them to update. The most common error I get when trying is "app name is not available for download from App World". Which I have checked and they are available in App World. I also get "General Socket Error" a lot.
I have tried doing numerous battery pulls. I have tried with both Wi-Fi on and off at home. I have tried other Wi-Fi like at restaurants. I have tried doing device resets from MeterBerry. I have tried re-installing App World once with no luck. I'm not sure what else there is to try?
I'm running a Verizon Wireless Blackberry Storm 2 with the OS it shipped on (.320). I have not tried any of the updated OS. Would that fix this and how simple of a task is that for a new(3-4 month old) Blackberry user? Are there any other suggestions?
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Feb 14, 2010
I just got the bb storm 2 from verizon and I don't want all 8 of these apps on my home screen.all i want is messages, email, bbm and do i get rid of the other icons on my home screen?
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Jan 1, 2010
Is this a respectable amount? i'm coming from the storm1 where i was usually below 15 so 114 seems awesome. i have quite a few apps to install and wonder if i should delete some pre-installed apps that i will never use.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have just received my storm II from Vodafone and I’m very pleased, but when i try and down the maps it won’t let me it tells me I don’t meet the requirements? Also can you use this phone as a sat nav?Are there any must have apps out there that any would recommend?Is there a app for Hotmail?
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Jun 15, 2010
After installing, I noticed I had no calendar icon anywhere. I looked in all of my folders and made sure it wasn't hidden. I resent service books and that didn't restore the icon. Any thoughts would be helpful.
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Jan 12, 2010
Ok so earlier today I updated my phone to v5.0.0.341.The upgrade went ok, but afterwards it seemed all my apps have disapeared, and the default skin reinstated. After checking around the phone i couldn't find any of them.I figured I'd reinstall the skin I had been using (Blackberry Pro v4). After installing it, my menu was really screwed up. All the folders had disappeared and everything that was normally in folders was on the home menu. I managed to fix that by pressing menu > options > reset icon arrangement.
However, I still have the problem of all my apps missing. I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on this for me, and any possible easy way of getting them back. I've downloaded and reinstalled a few, but I did have quite a few installed. Also, does anyone know how I can get back apps that I have already paid for in App World? I'm guessing emailing support is the best way to go?
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Jan 14, 2010
so the title basiclly says it all is there any other place aside from app world on my phone and here to find apps?
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Mar 15, 2010
From what I understand the Browser, BBM, Messages and Phone are native apps that always run. I never user BBM, is there anyway of disabling this?
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Mar 22, 2010
Screen still freezes alot after I deleted all of the recent apps I loaded. How do I wipe? Will that get rid of the 428 OS that is currently on my 9550?
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Feb 4, 2010
Just having some problems uninstalling apps. I tried going through the aplication list on the phone and deleting from there, and even through desktop manager. Problem is, desktop manager doesn't list all the apps, and when tried it from there (ie; Beweather so I can get the upgrade), it just archives it!! How do I get rid of the fr as I know, the archive still takes up space in memory, and when I tried installing new versions of the software (ie; Beweather), it just loads the old version!! Geese this is annoying!! I would hate to wipe my phone and start from scratch again adjusting everything to how I like it.
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Apr 11, 2010
I will be getting a replacement Storm 2 in the mail on Wednesday(VZW store was out and had to order one). I have a problem with the headphone jack thinking there are headphones in it when they are not sometimes.I was wondering what I need to do leading up to and once I get my replacement? I have used the Desktop Manager Backup program to backup my files. That should take care of my calender, memo, contacts, SMS and any files and stuff on my device....but what about apps. That is what I'm unsure about. How well do those transfer since they have licenses/registration codes?I have bought DynoStorm, Fingerprint Scanner, PatternLock, WeatherBug Elite from App World. From what I have read all I need to do is start App World on my new device and those apps will load on the new device from App World without a problem? Is this true?I have bought BerryBuzz, Call Blocker Pro, Meter Berry, Mileage Meter, QuickLaunch and SmrtGuard(1 Year Subscription) from MobiHand. From what it looks like I can use the Change Device ID and it will generate new codes for me on my new device? Is this all I have to do? Can anybody verify this or tell me what I do need to do for these apps?I have other free apps but those I can just download again.The last thing I'm curious how it will transfer or if it will be a problem is my one theme I have bough Halycon from Elecite. How do I get that loaded onto my new device?If there is anything I'm forgetting to do with backups or apps or anything else I should do before or when I have the replacement let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.
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Mar 19, 2010
I have scrolled through the forums reading about both these phones and i have a few questions
1.What i am still unsure of is which phone is better suited to Canadian phone companies neither will get 3g coverage but will one work better than the other like will they both get 2.5g coverage?
2. Also i have read that possibly the 9520 will be comin to rogers but i havnt heard anything recent on it does anyone have news on a release date or anything?
3. Right now i am thinkin of buyin the storm 9550 from telus and either goin with fido or terminate my contract with them and stay with telus or move to rogers. Is there a company that is better suited to the storm 2 or will either giv me 2.5g?
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Jan 4, 2010
Firstly, apologies if there is a similar thread - I did look around and did not find any specific one.
I bought an unlocked BB Storm 2 9550 from India (to be fair, it is a US Verizon BB Storm 2 9550 which has been unlocked). I used it for a week while I was in India on an Indian service provider (Airtel) and everything (email, bb messenger, browser, apps, etc) worked fine - the top right corner showed EDGE. It worked fully well in India.
Then I came to UK a few days ago and put my Vodafone UK sim in it; I sent the registeration request from the Host Routing Table menu (which was confirmed). I even registered my email on Now the email is working fine and so is the BB Messenger. BUT I am unable to use the internet such as through the browser and the apps (facebook, bloomberg, time magazine, etc.). The top right corner says 3G (and sometimes GSM when I am on a call).I have spoken several times to the Vodafone tech staff and in the end they said that there was nothing they could do.
On the Vodafone tech staff's suggestions I have tried: deleting and reinstalling the service books (except provisioning), several battery pulls, I even tried putting back the old OS .320 (I currently have the leaked .428 version installed - in India my blackberry worked well on both versions).
Additional notes: I do not have the Vodafone Live! icon in my menu, My browser settings only show "hotspot browser" - there is no option as "internet browser" - I am guessing that will only appear when the bb internet starts working.I hope that is all the information you need.I will be very grateful if you can help me start the internet/gprs on my phone!
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Jun 8, 2010
607-based download here 9550/9520.
1. install to pc.
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone
this hybrid includes:
- .732 in about screen
- 150+ .748/.732 files including browser
- the rest .689+
- latest: app world, bbm, docs2go, facebook, twitter
- bbhybrids launcher (optional)
- shrink-a-os (optional, but recommended)
- bbsak (optional, excellent tool)
- blackberry master control program (optional, another excellent tool)
- multi-language support download here
517-580-based download here 9550
1. install to pc
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone
1. install to pc
2. install this over folder
2a. shrink your os if you want
3. install to phone download here
this hybrid includes:
- .608 in about screen
- 120+ .748/.732 files including browser
- the rest .580 files/6xx
- latest: app world, bbm, docs2go, facebook, twitter
- bbhybrids launcher (optional)
- shrink-a-os (optional, but recommended)
- bbsak (optional, excellent tool)
- blackberry master control program (optional, another excellent tool)
- multi-language support
both hybrids: added apps:
- bbhybrids theme (by rellims)
- bbscanner
- berryblab (vbulletin client)
- bolt/opera5 browser choices
- google maps
- poynt
- quickpull free
- ubertwitter
- Internet
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Feb 15, 2010
I guinea pigged this, and can confirm it works...partially !!! Install .451, replace java folder with .497, then copy and paste .484 java over that... (NOTE: you may experience an app error reset, just let it reboot and you should be fine!)
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Apr 22, 2010
I'm running the Storm2 on 580. For weeks I haven't had a single option, and all of a sudden multiple times in 2 days I have this issue:While my phone is in my pocket, I pull it out, and unlock the screen. The screen is hard, but not unclickable. So when I click on messages or anything else it opens it and closes it, because it double clicks. Usually the bottom keys click but don't function. I have to lock the screen and turn it back on after a few seconds or a minute later for it to function. The double clicking and it closes the app is really annoying. It only happens when it's in my pants.
I think what happens is that since the screen is TOWARDS my leg, and my leg may hit the bottom buttons, it presses it or something like that. And after a few times of that happening unexpectedly the screen does something. I don't know. Any ideas? Could this be an OS issue? I doubt it's a hardware since it ONLY happens with my jeans and in my pocket.
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Jan 21, 2010
I've been thinking of getting a Blackberry for quite some time now and decided to get the storm2 due to it's larger screen.I m located in Canada and using Fido (or Rogers). So I could get either one right? But why do I hear some rumors that 9550 is not so good on GSM as the 9520? Should I get 9550 or 9520? I wont be using the CDMA at all, but it seems that I could get 9550 a lot easier than 9520 in Canada.
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Jun 13, 2010
For those checking to see if the 713 java works, the answer is yes. A raw drop of the .713 java on the 607 radio does work. No crashes yet but I'll let you know.
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May 26, 2010
First I would like to say hello to my fellow berry folks. This is my first post on this site. I was a regular on but I see there is a greater following on crackberry, so I'll share my story here......
I have AT&T for my carrier and I was up for an phone upgrade. A few months ago I purchased a brand new 9550 (had the Pearl2 before that and the original Pearl before that!) that was unlocked and I loved it!!! Since this was a Verizon phone, I could not use AT&T's 3G network so I decided to go with the "next best thing", the Iphone. Well, 24 hours later I was returning the phone back to the story. I was unimpressed. Here are the reasons why, though they may seem petty, was enough for me to give it back.........
1. No LED status indicator. I didn't realize how much I actually depended on this. For example, if you get a text or better yet miss a text, you MUST push the home button to turn the screen on to see if you received a text or not. With the Blackberry, a quick glance at the status indicator LED would let you know that. This will never be capiable with any current Iphone as they do not have any such "bulb". There are apps that can "flash" the screen but I can imagine that would play a big part in the battery life. I've read on a few Iphone forums that the users wish they had an LED indicator, while other said that it would be annoying to have this feature. But as annoying as it may be, it is an OPTION with the Blackberry.
2. No sound profiles. Well, it actually has two. Silent, which you only have the option to change vibrate to on/off. The other option is just a general option where you can change the loudness on the ring via a slider. There is a Sound Profile app that'll cost you about $7.
3. You cannot use any apps outside the Apple App store unless you "jailbreak" it. Jailbreaking will void your warranty. We all already know Blackberry is open to all outside apps.
4. Home screen does not "flip" when turned to landscape. May be an app for that.
5. Scary to think what happens to this phone when the battery actually dies, since you can't replace it (not a reason to totally ditch the phone but worth noting).
A few things that were pretty sweet on the Iphone........
1. Safari. Very nice and extremely user friendly. Was very fast but I don't have anything to compare it with since my Blackberry could not use the 3G network. Hopefully RIMs new browser will be up to par.
2. A trillion apps..........Nuff said........It'll be quite awhile for Blackberry to catch up in that department. But my guess it that 95% of Apples apps are pretty useless.
3. No clicking. This is bitter/sweet for me. For typing, clicking is a MUST for me and I missed it dearly. But for larger "depressions" like icons and such where mistakes are minimal due to the fact of the larger area to push on, a simple tap on the screen was very nice. I wish a "tap not click" was an option on the Blackberry, as I would be tapping icons and clicking text.
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Mar 17, 2010
I just got a replacement Storm 2 dated Mar 6, 2010. My old Storm worked pretty well but sometimes the bottom row buttons would stick, especially when using the Seidio extended battery with the plastic battery cover. I have a week or so to try both out before sending back the old one.
The new screen feels more... buttery. Its smooth. Buttery smooth. The old screen is clickier. The bottom row buttons on the new screen are a little sloppy compared to when you press the middle of the screen. Does anyone else notice this? I don't like that.But so far the new screen hasn't locked up on the bottom row as much, especially when trying to use it while the Storm is lying on a table.
For typing, the old screen seems just a bit faster, maybe just a bit less pressure required. New screen is a bit harder to type on but smoother.The old screen has a warmer white color than the old, but that is OK the old was fairly "blue".I don't know for sure yet which I like better! But will update here as I find more. If new screen prevents "hard button" syndrome than that's probably enough.
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