BB Storm 9530/9500 :: Just Upgraded To New OS - Phone Still Slow
May 16, 2010
I just upgraded to my phone is still very slow, hour glass thinking icon pops up all the time. even when im just opening up text msgs or switching applications. just wondering if there are any tips out there to help with the issues my phone is having. thanks
My screen clicking is gettting worse and worse and the phone itself is just slow. I tried all the remedies that you guys have posted here but its still pretty bad. I have absolutely no applications(besides quickpull) and its always slow.
I can't even answer calls. I do a battery pull every 24 hours. I'm completely upgraded to the current os. What can I do to fix this? I've always treated my BB good but I"m ready to throw it against a wall. Whats the point of having a phone if I can't answer the darn thing?
I am building a client/server UDP application similar to the UDP demo that comes with the 9530 simulator: This sample works fine. However, in my application, the simulator sends a UDP message to the server and it is handled just fine, but when the server sends a message beck to the simulator, there is a problem. As far as I can see, the UDP datagram is transmitted by the server, but the simulator/client gets stuck on the "[UDPDatagramConnection].receive([Datagram])" command. It sits there on that command for about 10 seconds, and then must time out or something. It then responds with the correctly received message, and everything is fine. As far as I can see, no new information was received at the end of that 10-second delay, so I guess it's not the server's problem. So everything works fine, except for that 10-second delay. Of course, since the source code for this function is not provided by RIM, it's impossible to get the debugger in there to see what it's getting stuck on. Are there any known issues with UDP connections being slow to receive an incoming connection? Again, my setup is very similar to the one in the RIM-provided example.
My Storm 1 has recently become so slow that when I receive a phone call, I just get the flashing LED, and the screen tried to turn on, but I just get a black screen with the little "loading" icon. I can't answer the call, I can't do anything. Once it finally catches up with itself, I've missed the call. I have normal applications installed on my phone (weather, call blocker, quickpull, and a few others), and I always check to make sure that none of them are running unless I am using them. I have to reset the phone at least 5 times a day to keep it running at a speed I can deal with, and even then it HATES receiving phone calls. Any idea how I can speed this thing up? I'm not opposed to doing a complete wipe at this point....
My black berry storm i just bought unlocked and got it hooked up to web from tmobile is running super slow!!!! Need help it goes eventually but takes forever.... Do i have to have the black berry data package or maybe change some settings...
My 9530 ( has started running slow at times for no reason that I can find. Simple things like un-locking the screen, deleting an email, switching to the home screen, highlighting a folder, and of course opening an app, can take up to 15 seconds. This doesn't happen all the time but is frequent enough to be annoying.
I haven't installed any apps that I can trace it to and my memory level is about the same as it has always been. I only have the normal 5 apps running in the background along with Berryweather. I do frequent battery pulls too.
I have had this OS since it came out and it has worked well for me. I have the phone set up just the way I want it.
Any ideas what could be causing my BB to slow down for no apparent reason? I have searched the board for ideas but haven't found a similar issue. I think somewhere I saw someone mention that over time the phone could accumulate a lot of old "junk" on it and this could slow it down. Could this be my problem? Should I wipe it with JL Cmder and then re-install .148? Would I be that much better off upgrading to I would prefer to stay with .148 so I don't lose some of my apps but I'll upgrade if I have to.
Since yesterday my storm has been running very slow, with the clocktimer staying on for some time. Nothing has been installed recently, so i dont understand why this has started happening all of a sudden.
The battery drained within the day also, without it hardly being used!
I have now deleted photos, apps and some music, even though not much is stored, but i keep getting a message that the memory is low.
I have to keep pulling the battery as it often freezes on the clocktimer on a black screen or the background, and I have also removed the battery for 2 mins.
So lately, I've been having trouble with my storm running very slow. It does the "loading" graphic, or the spinning clock, or whatever it's called ALL the time. I pop my battery all the time and it doesn't seem to help. And the Storm will do this even when I have barely anything open. For example, at the moment, if I press the menu key, the only programs I have are my browser, BBM, the home icon, message icon and phone icon. That's it. But every time I pick my phone up to do something, I get the loading thing. I tried clearing my browser cache, but that didn't help. I also deleted a bunch of saved y!m message logs and deleted some pics, but still no go. It never used to be this slow, I have Verizon Wireless, and I'm running on V4.7.0.148.
I had a question about the 9500. Im currently using the 9530 from verizon and was thinking about selling it and getting a 9500 cuz i have t-mobile and im tired of the EDGE/edge problem.....I was just curious if any of you happen to know if the 9500 has the EDGE/edge problem that the 9530 has with T-Mobile.
Trying to make the hole for the loops to go through, I tried drilling through the battery cover but that just scratched it a little. Should I use a different drill or has anyone succeeded with a different method?
I'm leaving a company that said I can keep my phone (S1), but they want the number. I don't have a personal account w/Verizon yet. How can this be done? I don't know if they are planning to use the # right away, but it's associated with them.
My phones battery has tanked, ever since I updated my OS to the new 5.0 OS. I took it to the store and they are now gonna send me a replacement phone. Will it be a Storm 2 that arrives in the mail?
I wish there was an easy way for me to portray the amount of disdain I have for my Storm at this time, however, that won't do me any good!I'm just looking to get some insight to my problem and whether or not it can be resolved! It would be really unfortunate if I had to replace my lump of a phone as I am a college student that just moved away from home and am in the middle of my two-year contract.My phone is still in operating order minus the faulty touchscreen, it still receives messages, emails, and even phone calls. All the side buttons work, in short, the screen is just dead.I did not drop it nor spill any liquids on it and I've performed a plethora of battery pulls. I'm at a loss!Let me describe the events that occurred before (seemingly) death of my touchscreen. I was at a friends house preparing for a 9/11 5k race when I noticed my battery was running low so I left it in a safe place to quietly run out of steam because I had no need to carry a phone during a race. At this point it was still fully functional. After the race, I check my phone to see if it was out of power yet which it was. I get home later that night and charge it only to rudely surprised by an inoperable screen. I cleaned the screen and did a few battery pulls afterwards in hopes it was only a minor problem to no avail.
A little hardware information that may be of use:
Verizon Carrier
OS .328
I was also in a moderate car crash the day prior so perhaps that may have caused some problems? Externally, my phone is in mint condition. I suppose this just hasn't been my week!
I keep trying and can't install .JAD apps onto my Storm and get a message saying something like that kind of file cannot be installed. It's Quickpull that I'm trying to install but this is happening with all the .JAD apps. BBSlider and Google maps which are both .COD files installed fine.
I can dial out and I know the phone connects to the other party (says connected) but I can't hear anything. The phone is not on mute and the volume dial is properly adjusted.Also, the voice recognition software stopped working just before this problem came up. Both problems now are present together.
I am having to get a replacement bb storm and need to know if I use backup and restore, will my contacts as well as calender be able to sync to the new bb? What about transferring videos/pics and emails as well
Can someone please explaine to me how i can update my storm 9530?does my phone lock if i update to last version of software (please be sure when you answer me on this question) ? how do i know does my storm now running on leaked or official software? because i think that my full qwerty looks little bit different than others?And last questions is those it metter on which software (leaked or official) is my storm unlocked? (because if he is unlocked on leaked version does he lock if i update to official version?)
The phone dial pad on my Storm 9530 suddenly stopped working. All of the 12 buttons are shown on the screen, but buttons 1 through 9 and * and # do not work when they are selected and pressed down.The "0+" key still works and shows the 0 in the number display when selected and pressed down.
Ok, can someone please help me get started...I am new to this unlocked blackberry storm (9530) thing...I have unlocked my phone already...and I want to make sure that I have everything before I start downloading apps or browsing the web on my phone. I am on T-mobiles Even More Plus plan, with unlimited data usage. If there are any thoughts, websites or forum post suggestions that you guys have in mind for me to get started on how to get the browser, emails, apps, etc going on my phone
trying to connect my storm to my mac, but doesn't seem to work I have plugged in the usb lead, it charges the phone but thats about it, when I go System profiler it doesn't even recognise thats its connected, I've tried it in different USB ports but still nothing.
I have a Verizon Storm 9530, running OS I just upgraded yesterday from 4.7-something. I avoid upgrading ANYTHING because of BS like this- read on...I'm 90% thrilled with the fixes/upgrades/"features" of 5.0. I can finally type in a webpage text field without the browser crapping itself, or use the copy/paste function without performing delicate surgery, or browse music playlists without going berzerk from the horrendous, unusable interface.
However, there were two "gotchas" that really make me consider switching back to 4.7. First is the Auto-dim "feature". It's very annoying, and broken... but tolerable. And covered in about a dozen other threads. So I won't beat that horse here.
My beef is with listening to music. I use my phone to listen to Pandora about 7-8 hours a day. Occasionally I listen to my own MP3's. I noticed right away that after upgrading to 5.0 and the latest version of Pandora ( -> that my audio tracks faded in at the beginning. I thought it was some stupid feature introduced into Pandora.
On my way home from work this evening, I noticed it did the same thing with my personal MP3's. All of my songs had a similar, disgusting fade-in that lasted about 1 second. It wasn't even a 'smooth' fade-in, either!URL...(Sorry, can't link with <10 post count) This thread describes EXACTLY what I'm experiencing on my Storm. I've only attempted to listen to music through the headphone jack. I'm using standard, off-the-shelf headphones, along with my cassette adapter in my car- all of them do this. With the built-in speakers, it works fine.
I'm a bit of an audiophile/perfectionist. I've had several other audio devices (MP3 player, Ipod, MD player, CD player), some of which have had options to enable or disable this so-called feature. I've looked everywhere I can think of (trust me, I've been searching these forums all day!) but my Storm has no such option.
I had NO issues with this before OS 5.0, and it's driving me CRAZY. My wife says it's "not such a big deal" but when you're ROCKING OUT in the car, and your favorite song's formerly powerful intro sounds like puke, IT IS a big deal!
I've had my 9530 since about September. Today I was snapping a few pics, and the phone just locked up. Did a battery reset, and now it won't do anything! Keeps going from the black screen to a white screen with the little spinning clock and back? WHat happened?! I don't have insurance on the phone, but I don't think its an "insurance" issue as I didn't do anything. Is it still under warranty since I've only had it since Sept?
I recently bought a verizon bb storm 9530, bought the code to unlocked and be able to use it with Tmobile, but I accidentally enter the wrong code 10 time and now I can not unlock to use it with tmobile at all.... is it true that the phone can not be unlock with any provider anymore since I locked it, it can be use with verizon, but that is not the provider.
I'm having a problem when I charge my BB storm 9530, after I take it off the charger I kant use the keyboard.The keyboard won't allow me to key any buttons or anything!!Is my battery broke or wuts going on?
I was scrolling through my pictures and the phone locked up with a picture halfway scrolled meaning I saw two pics at once.I did a battery pull and now the phone won't do anything?I reinstall the battery and get a solid red light for a few seconds and then a backlit screen but no image the buttons are lit also but nothing else turns on no matter what buttons I pushed in any order.
*9530 - error in subject Enter unlock code into the phone and pulled battery as instructed and to insert a different sim.Phone would not turn on and the red light now flashes, 1 pause 4 fast with a blank screen I read up and assume its the code 47 error: 101111-Flash Write Failure (*Tip: try replacing flash) The storm will suddenly not show up via usb on any computer. I've tried it on Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP.I've gone through the nukes bb reload post "blackberry-101-lecture-12-how-reload-operating-system-nuked-blackberry" and cant get it to show "USB-PIN:UNKNOWN" on any of the operating systems.i've tried JLCMDER and BBSAK - none of them connect. The battery had a full charge when it first started flashing and continued with the battery in. The battery is now dead regardless of the device being plugged into the usb or wall charger. So the phone isn't taking a charge but still has the red flashing when plugged in.Has anyone found out why this happens? Is there a fix? Was the phone hardware damaged from a simple battery pull?Would someone will technical knowledge of blackberry hardware please explain how a batt pull stops the phone from charging and being detected