I searched around a bit, and couldn't find a solution to my problem. I've been using a Curve 8520 for nearly a year now, and have absolutely no problems with it (other than the trackpad not working from time to time). A couple days ago, someone gifted me a Curve 3G 9300, so I transferred all my data over and got it started. As working on social networks is part of my job, the first thing I did is download the Facebook and Twitter apps. Problem is neither of them work. The apps tell me I need a data plan for them to work. I've seen this issue across various boards, but everyone that had it actually didn't have a data plan; I do. I put my SIM back into my 8520, and everything works fine, but when I put it in the 9300, none of the social media apps work
I have a Blackberry Curve 8520 and just recently the internet doesn't work and neither does BBM and any app that needs the internet like Facebook and Twitter, emails and BB App World doesnt work properly too. I also noticed that in the top right hand corner where the coverage bars are it has gprs instead of GPRS as it normally says. I've tried rebooting it at least 10 times now, nothing seems to work!
I'm still a new blackberry user and not sure what to do, I have a curve 9300 and the BBM is not working (although neither is facebook or twitter). I do have the BIS so I'm unsure why it is working, it's been almost thirty hours since i got the new blackberry, and I've tried taking the battery out for a few seconds while it was on but that didn't work either. I'm not sure what to do. It also says that my BlackBerry internet service (BIS) is not connected, (although I do pay for it). How do i get the BIS connected and the BBM working?
I have the bold 9700, OS with a blackberry data plan add on: unlimited social networking and instant messaging (not the full data plan).I've been using apps, such as facebook, twitter, bbm, etc for around 2 months, then it suddenly stopped working
I am sure this has been posted. I've searched for a few posts but haven't yet been able to find a solution.I have a Blackberry Torch 9800 with AT&T and just got the software update. I can login to Gmail and use the internet however when I go to log-in to Twitter and Facebook I get the message"you are currently on a sevice plan that does not support this apllication, please connect to a wifi network or contact your service provider to upgrade your dataļ
how often the social apps for facebook and twitter sync for those accounts integrated on the RAZR. On the Bionic which was very similar, we had the option of selection "PUSH" or we could fetch the data for those feeds at different time frames. I dont see that option at all on the RAZR, and i would rather not have push going all day for facebook and twitter...
I can't download blackberry appworld, my facebook, twitter are not working, but I managed to download opera mini browser and I have been using that to access facebook, twitter and other web pages.
Ive just downloaded the Facebook & Twitter apps on my Curve 8520 but when i go in to the downloads folder and click on the F or T icon a message appears:
"You are currently on a service plan that does not support this application. If you want yo use this application, please contact your service provider to upgrade your data plan."
So does this mean i can't use my free wifi connection to access these apps? I called Orange and they told me that i need to pay so much a month to access Orange internet and then i can use these apps. I thought they were free to use.
i can't use my fb app and twitter app on my bb.everytime i open it, it has a message like this:you are currently on a service plan that does not support this application. if you want to use this application, please contact your service provider to upgrade your data pla.
I have a problem in connecting my device black berry 9300 3G with face book as it stop in the connecting to IBM step 3 of 4: black berry ID update , and informed me that it is checking for black berry ID update for bbm connected applications..
Ive connected my curve 8520 to my home wifi but I can't use the browser or bbm Facebook or twitter. Ive tried rebooting the modem several times and rebooting my phone and it still didn't fix d problem
I can't access my Facebook + Twitter apps. Everytime I try to log in on Twitter, it says "BWP Security Token Retrieval Error" and "We cannot reach the Facebook server at this time. Please try again later. (100) from Facebook.
I want to use my wifi for using blackberry services such as facebook, twitter, bbm, whatsapp ...etc (browser works) but it only works when my connection is EDGE but not edge and EDGE only appears when I'm on a data plan which costs money or only a minute when I reboot my device, so by that do I need to pay for using wifi ?(I got all service books)
When I updated Facebook the Facebook Icon stopped working. I tried to delete it but a messege came up say Facebook already scheduled for deletion. Deletion will occur when handheld is restarted. How do I restart the handheld device? I have an 8520 v5
Weirdest thing I've ever experienced with a smart phone. EXCLUSIVELY while using the Wi-fi at my house, I am unable to see pictures and load profiles on Facebook and Instagram while on my G3. Other apps don't seem to have this issue. It all works flawlessly on any other wi-fi or while using 4G. Also, the internet here works flawlessly for every other device in my house (PC, PS4, Xbox, etc).
I can use Messenger pretty much just fine, although it takes forever to send and receive pictures through it.
What on earth could possibly cause this issue? It's ONLY on MY wi-fi, and it's ONLY those apps.
I have recently got a torch 9800, but when I try to access Twitter it comes up with "java.lang.ClassCast Exception" and when I try to log into facebook it says "we cannot reach the Facebook server at this time. Please try again later. (100)" Other applications that use the internet seem to work ok. It's just these two. I have tried deleting them, but when I go to install them, it asks if I want to reinstall, so it obviously didn't get rid of them completely. I even did a hard restart after deleting, by taking the battery out whilst still on, and not reinserting it for about a minute.
Ive just updated the Socially app to the latest version, Outstanding.It offers a new tab within contacts for your social networking contacts and allows you to click on them and display their Wall posts.It will also download your contacts profile picture and add them to their details.On the X6 homescreen it even updates your favourite 20 contacts pic to the homescreen.
Its the best widget I have seen, mine automatically updates every hour and pops up a bubble on my screen and scrolls thru the last 15 updates on my FB account.
Twitter and facebook apps worked just fine on wifi. I don't have a data plan. Then Rogers gave me 2 months of free data plan. Now that the 2 months have ended, the twitter, facebook apps along with a few others only work sporadically on wifi for the last 2 weeks. They do not necessarily connect to the internet (network unavailable), even when the browser does connect. It seems the apps are having problems but the browser is doing okay. After a reboot, it works for an hour or so before losing connection. Then it can be a day and multiple reboots before it comes back.
I'm having a hard time logging in to facebook for 2 days now. Error message keeps popping up. The exact message is "we cannot reach the facebook server at this time. please try again later. (100)". And on my Twitter, the error message is "BWP security token retrieval failed." I already done the hard reset and even tried clearing stuff that I could. Should I re-install facebook and twitter?
We're really excited to announce the launch of our latest app, Quick Status.Quick Status is the simplist way to keep your Facebook and/or Twitter status' up to date, quickly and easily.Beyond standard posting, Quick Status allows you to prepare status updates when you have time and save them for quick posting later. Additionally, you can post the music you are listening to or even share your current location with an optional map of your location, all acquired automatically with the tap of a button.Key Features:
- Post to Facebook and Twitter individually or simultaneously with one easy click - Simple mechanism for toggling services when posting, and straight forward account configuration - Save quick posts for easy, quick and fast posting on the run - Share the music your are listening to on your iPod - Easily share your location with the touch of a button, based on your GPS location - Optionally include a URL with your current location via Google Maps - Streamlined interface
Please contact us at support@mcleanmobile.com if you have any questions, feedback or feature requests.We do appreciate your feedback and really hope you enjoy our latest app.Follow this link to check out Quick Status in the App Store.
Lately, this blackberry thing is getting far more weird than ever. I cannot connect to facebook, twitter and app world over 3G, wifi is fine.
Anybody knows how to fix this? or any work around. For the browser, it was the same as for these 3 apps, but telco CS asked me to delete one service book, then try again and it worked since then.
is there any service i have to delete? just for these applications to work?
I just recently got my xperia x10 and had to almost immediately upgrade to the 2.1 system. I am noticing a few things that I'm not fussy about from the 1.6 system but the thing that is bugging me the most is that I cannot (figure out how to) link contacts in my phonebook to their facebook and twitter accounts. In 1.6, when you edited a contact it gave you the option to click LINK. I cannot find any of this on the new system. As well, for contacts that I had linked before, their facebook profile pic (current from the time when i linked them before upgrading to 2.1) shows up on their contact information (i usually only link facebook, as i dont use twitter as much) and their profile is linked. However when i go into EDIT, it says FACEBOOK, Timescape and a big exclamation mark that has a message beside it saying : Timescape Plug-In Manager contact information is not editable on this device.
i SHOULD be able to edit and link all my contacts. that was the whole purpose of the xperia having this timescape program.
I'm wondering whether I'll be able to remove facebook, twitter etc. from the phone since I will never use them. They'll probably get in the way, and seeing them and knowing that I can't get rid of them will irritate me greatly. The phone going to use S40.
I've been using the Nokia Communities App for like a week, then I noticed that I typo-ed a Facebook status, also in Twitter. I couldn't edit it, and I couldn't find any option to delete it as well.
Couple weeks ago randomly stopped getting anything. It only comes through if I refresh them myself. It is driving me mad and I dont know what to do. I have battery pulled, deleted and reinstalled to no avail?