BB Curve :: 9300 Battery Dies Without Notification
Apr 21, 2011
I just got my BB curve 9300 about a month ago. I noticed the battery dies when it still has 30-40% life in it. It doesn't even give me a notification or anything. It's on one minute and I look the next and it's off. It will only turn back on if I stick it on the charger and charge it. This becomes a problem when I depend on it as an alarm in the morning or if I'm going to be out all day. I close my applications and everything. I don't think that would be a problem in this case anyways since the battery seems to still have 30-40% life in it.
I've been using this unit for just over a year and now the battery is acting up. I've reset to the factory setting but the battery still keeps dying without any warning. When I charge, it takes less than 10min to reach 50% but it dies faster. There are no other apps running on it now.
I got a new blackberry curve 3g a month ago. Recently the battery has been starting to act dies completely in 6 hours! No bluetooth on(I never use it) I don't have a data plan, so no bbm on or whatever , wifi is barely on ( battery starts to die within the one hour I take it off the charger - about 85 percentt battery life) does this mean the battery must be changed ?
I have a blackberry 8520, I have had it for about 2 months now. My blackberry battery gets really hot than within the hour the battery dies. This happens randomly. First time it happened to me I was in a movie theatre and had the phone on silent. The second time it happened I was wearing it on my belt clip and had it on loud. I do not keep any apps running and usually only use the phone for txts and email. My fiancee bought his blackberry curve 8520 the same day and he has the same problem. My blackberry is updated with the latest software. Any one else have this same issue?
my phone dies so fast. I was told by rogers to reload my cell through blackberry. So i tried. and when I click on update there is nothing in the left corner. They told me to hit the View other versions and the nothing is there. I did order another battery just incase but it sucks that half way through school I have no cell.
Battery dischrges rapidly. And yes, I do all the right things for battery life management. It even discharges when the BB is turned off. I replaced the battery already. I think it may have been caused when I upgraded to the new 6 OS. Has this happened to anyone and is there a fix?
Every night before I go to sleep I turn off my Blackberry curve and then turn it back on in the morning. However, just lately when I go to turn it back on it won't switch on, even though the battery was fully charged when I turned it off, leave it overnight and it won't turn back on. It has happened for a week now. If I turn it off at any other time and turn it back on it is fine, just overnight I have the problem. The only way I can turn it back on is by plugging it in. Is there anything that I can do? Do I need a new battery?
My curve's (which is 2 months old) battery is dying after only 18 hours on standby, and it takes it forever to load anything. She just gets stuck with the little "loading" clock in the middle of the screen. That, plus the fact that I fear answering a single call will make my battery die at the rate its going. Is there anything I can do?
I have a blackberry curve 9300, and I love it excpet I'm having problems with text message notifiers. Usually, when you have a new text message, a yellow envelope pops up along with how many text messages you have. Well mine wont tell me how many text messages I have anymore, and it just randomly stopped working one day.
I switched SIMs on my 9300 the other day and I recieved a new text message on it which I read & deleted...I then put in my old SIM and the alert at the top of the screen (envelope with 1) that notifies you when you have a new message was still there!I have deleted all messages, emails, checked all folders, saved folders, rebooted (several hundred times!) yet the notification is still there.
I even submitted the phone to the service center and they said they have fixed it, but the issue still persists. My phone (Xperia X10, with the latest software) goes dead (not restart but shut down) , intermittently, at different battery levels (but always less than 15%). I mean, once i get the 15% notification for remaining battery level, it becomes unstable and keep shutting down at different battery levels (12%, 10%, 9%, 6% being the most common ones). I have to reboot the phone everytime it dies. There is no trend for the shut down, ie. sometimes the phone shuts repeatedly at different levels as I keep rebooting, sometimes it shuts just once, and on few occasions it never shuts down. I have performed factory data resets, formatted SD card (16gb SDHC, class2) , used different SD cards but every combination ended up in the same behavior.
Perhaps I didn't calibrate my battery meter correctly, but if I drain my battery it dies at 9% most of the time. This happen to anyone else? With lithium ion batteries I'm pretty sure that the battery is pre configured in the OS for the stock battery specifically, so that the meter doesn't need to be calibrated. Anyone have any thoughts?
In the past week, my phone has started dying at 20-30%. When I plug it in to charge, it starts charging at the same charge it died at. Will a restore in iTunes help that, or do I just need to replace the battery or phone? Or, will updating to iOS 5.1.1 help that (I am running at 5.1)?
My Iphone 4s used to turn off with 10-20% battery, now it turns off with more than 40% and it turns on imediately when I plug it in the charger, what can I doMy Iphone 4s used to turn off with 10-20% battery, now it turns off with more than 40% and it turns on imediately when I plug it in the charger, what can I do?
This just happened recently. I can feel the thing in my pocket heating up. The battery goes from full charge to empty in the matter of a couple hours.
Oddly though, this morning it said I had no service and my phone was normal temp and the battery lasted a long time. Or course i needed services so I turned the phone off and on and the service was back and so was the hot phone.
The phone is over a year old. I've tried all of the trick. Hard Reboot. Reset all of my settings etc.
I just got iphone 3gs from a friend. Changed the battery at a authorized workshop but have a problem. My iphone dies always then it reaches 73%. Claims battery suddenly empty. Running 5.1. Is this a known glitch or something?
My battery dies when I make calls. Also my battery will randomly drop from 80% to 5% in a few seconds. Its getting to the point where I am unable to use my phone unless it is constently pluged in.
My only use of the phone has been reading an email and reading a few posts on facebook and the battery does not last. Is there a way to know what is going on?
I upgraded my Verizon BB Bold 9650 yesterday to OS6. I had it on charge during the upgrade process so it was fully charged around 10:30 pm last night. This morning it had shut itself off due to low battery. So I charged it again and made sure that WIFI and Bluetooth were switched off. I had it charged to ~50% at 9:30 am today and now, at 12:30, it's dead again.
I used to get at least 2.5 days on one charge with OS5. Now I seem to be getting about 6 hours total with OS6.
Recently Iphone has invited customers to get their battery replaced who have purchased the iphone 5 between Sept 2012 to Jan 2013. I have purchased my Iphone 5 on Feb 2013, however my battery doesn't hold a day (and quickly goes to 30%->0% in no time). I have checked on the apple page and my Serial number is not suggested to be affected by the fault that the company is admitting. Is it possible that the lot that I have purchased the phone in could also be faulty similar to its predeccars. I am facing the battery issue from almost beginning of this year now. That suggests my phone battery was fine only for an year. I am wondering if this is the average age of Iphone battery or my phone behaved exceptionally bad.Â
I am experiencing very frustrating battery issues on my BB Curve 9300. I bought the device a month ago and had a brand new battery installed in no later than yesterday.Battery life is about 3 to 5 hours at the very best, whilst I am not using any specific 3rd party application.In addition, the "clock" apprears on a very frequent basis, slowing the system dramatically.I do not have any files saved on the media card ... Wi-fi has been disabled already as have Bluetooth. LAt, connection the mobile network is fine so I do not believe it has to do with the device desperately seeking connection.PS: I am based in France with SFR being my provider.
my X10 died on me and I assumed it was the battery so recharged it and when I tried to switch it on I just get the SonyEricsson across the screen and nothing more. I cannot even turn it off again. I connected to PC and although the PC did not recognise it I managed to run a repair on it and got it working again and as far as I can tell it has the latest software. I then reconfigured it and loaded the few Apps I use (DME, Birthday Calendar, TV droid, Notes etc - not a huge App user). It all worked fine for about 2 weeks and then died again. I am about to take it to a service centre but thought I might ask if this could be a known software fault ? I dont want to run another repair on it before knowing really what the problem is (by taking it to service centre I am hoping they can get some idea of the problem before re-installing the software.
I purchased my 9300 in Feb 2011 and till last week , the battery charged stayed for two and a half to three days on an average. Suddenly from last Sunday, the battery is is going dead in 5 to 6 hrs time. Why is this and is there any thing I can do to stop this pls... Blue tooth, wi fi are all switched off.
My 9300 seems to drain the battery very quickly. i've tried several different batteries and it does to same to all.I re-installed OS V6 and still nothing. I get the little please wait clock continuously. Today fully charged the battery. Total usage on the phone has been 28 minutes and its been on standby for 7hours..The battery is down to 30%.
I am now on my second BB9300. the first was brought back to Mobilicity corporate store to be sent in for repair. I had Texas poker, enterprise, weathertrax, gasbuddy, bubblebash 2 all were part of the complimentary gifts. I have uninstalled facebook, twitter apps. Taken all other languages off except english. Now I have even reduce backlight to 20% and turned off GPS. Leaving BB9300 inside pocket pouch just to test to see if it will last longer than 3 hrs. First day back it last 4 hrs. 2nd day last 3.5 hrs. It is almost as bad as my laptop Acer 5552-5686 which last 1.5hrs on 6cell battery. Does anyone know if I take out all apps then will it last longer?BTW poker game if I play two game which is about 20 minutes then battery life will be about 2 hrs. My question is what is the use of all these apps if you have no battery life. I cannot even use GPS?And to upgrade to another phone through their upgrade program after 3 months this one resale value is $50 how pathetic. I am going to test it for another wk before taking it back to Mobilicity for maybe a Samsung at least my last Samsung went through the laundry with extra wash and still work better than this crappy phone.
i own a 4 and half month old curve 9300, it came with os 5, in starting its back was around 15 to 20 hours . but last month i upgarded to os 6 its wonderful, my phone works smoothly on os 6 but my main problem is with battery back up which is reduced to 8 to 12 normal use of phone:-*i usualy recieve 10 to 15 mails daily *send 10 mails*facebook app running all time with 30 min of use..*facebook messanger running all time with occasionaly use..*2 hours chat on gtalk app and bbm*2 to 4 hour web browsing *100 txt message daily..*20 to 40 minutes of calling* network mode 2g n 3g*os version 6 bundle 2475* all apps are latest versions*gps off*wifi off*bluetooth off*free memory 55 mbback light 10€ and for 10 seconds only.. questions1 what is normal back up of a bb 93002 is my bb's back up is normal3 if not then what should i do4 is any batteries with good backup for my bb?