When will Nokia make Tango or any other video calls application available on Nokia Belle mobiles, such application are very imoprtant to have, and Nokia should invite the developers to make such applications compatible with our Nokia latest mobiles.
I bought a new xperia z3 dual day before yesterday downloaded all the apps now I came across a problem through tango skype and whatsapp calling I am not able to hear any voices der is no sound at all but the other person is able to listen my sound .
After updated to the Belle for my N8, the MMS a access point setting is missing. As I remember in Anna version, the MMS access point setting can be find in this way, menu -> Setting -> connectivity -> Settings -> Network destinations -> MMS. In there you can set the IP of the MMS etc.
I have Nokia 700 with Belle FP2 installed and according to the Battery Monitor, the Weather Application that comes by default with this version of Belle is eating a lot of my battery in the background. I do NOT use the weather widget and I have wi-fi and mobile data connection turned off most of the time. I also erased all cities from the Weather App, yet still it seems to work in the background and it is responsible for about 50 % of my phone energy consumption. It is impossible to turn it of (I guess it starts any time I turn my phone on), and it is impossible to uninstall it.
I have recently update my Nokia C7 to Belle.It looks good.In Anna we have nfc share.But in Belle it is not available.Only in settings i have Nfc on/off button. Kindly release the update as earliest or help me out.
I installed fring from the OVI store via my nokia n8 It worked fine, all booted up. I login And then I pressed exit... Now when I click on it nothing happens? Says its running then stops and goes back to my home screen? I have tried to delete and reinstall!
why astroller application do not work on Nokia 500 though it have magnetometer and works on Nokia 5230 though it do not have magnetometer is it because of operating system or anything else reason is there if then what to do in order to work the application on symbian belle ie Nokia 50
Does anyone know if their is a replacment widget available for nokia belle software for the notifications that I used to have on my previous software on the N8 - this was a fab widget that meant you didnt have to go into your messages to see them and could see who they were from from the home screen. I updated to Belle last night and havent found anything to replace it
I have a Nokia 500 belle with firmware 111.020.0067 limited edition by wolter, I want to play 2d or 3d hd games on it. But these games are installable on it without any error yet not working some of these also opened without running forward. If this cell is compatible with this kind of game then may be am missing some kinds of gaming tools.
I read many posts about the development of the voip application Viber for Symbian Belle. Can someone clarify an approximate release date? Will the app be free or paid
i just upgrade anna to belle... but most of my games apps were lost... is it really lost or just the shortcuts were lost... i tried searching them but still cant find them...
I rarely have problems with BBC radio (BBC Worldservice and Radio 4) via the Internet Radio app, but Danish radio drops out, usually after max. 2 minutes when on 3G. There doesn't seem to be a problem using WiFi. Could this be a bit rate problem? I have a totally stable 3.5G connection.
how to open Ovi store after belle update on n8 . It stoped working after belle update. On my phone. It doesn't open up even after whole day. Just gives a screen of loading. Cant uninstall this. From my phone too.
Everybody is aware about strongest point about Nokia fones. Because of easy usage and battery life. After installing Nokia Belle in my Nokia N8, i feel that my battery drains down very badly. ITS ALREADY BEEN POSTED BY MANY NOKIATES. I need some suggestions to gain battery life. I have followed all the methods to increase my battery life (using only 4 home screens, using battery Monitor to check which applications use more batter life, screensavers => off, digital clock, background black, theme black, Mail widget off, Search widget off) but i seriously dont understand the funda behind 'Battery Monitor' application, my 70% of battery life is taken by 'Background'; Anybody knows what does this background actually means in 'BAttery Monitor' application? I am not sure why my battery is getting empty very soon, it wasnt lik this when i was using Symbian Anna OS.Everyday when i sleep by 11 PM and in morning my mob is switched off ( No problem with my battery since it wasnt like this with Symbian Anna OS). Can somebody explain what are all the background application is running with Belle OS ?
I spoke to vodafone oz, who said that Nokia have not sent belle over to them for testing yet....it's HIGHLY FRUSTATING to upgrade to belle, than not be able to use vodafone's own skype app (so i can get unlimited data very cheaply).....firstly it's a shame vodafone put a wrapper app behind skype in the first place!!! For now I have to just use skype from the ovi store and use my data allowance. Anyhow, will nokia be sending over belle anytime soon to vodafone australia????????? They said until they do and it passes testing, it won't be supported.
After upgrading my N8 to belle, handy safe pro application is lost (as joikuspot, some online banking utilities and several other applications.) I must get my data from handy safe pro, because I have some really valuable information in the application. Is there a patch or some other way to open handy safe pro again with the same data file, or any official way to downgrade Anna? I will get my data and probably upgrade to belle again.
i have a Nokia N8 i just update it to belle . after the update there are several applications are missed,i've installed them via store and most of applications are paid onces.. like, theft aware,fruit ninja,call recorder,angry birds. ect.. now i cant find them only 3 of applications are showing...