I just purchased copilot for my iPhone 4. The display is squeezed into the top 15% of the screen and mirrored side by side! But the touch is still full screen Its basically unusable.
Their facebook page has a small discussion thread saying they are working on fixing it. ugh
i don't know how they made the display so great but now I really want it on my iPad and on my desktop. Is the technology that gives a resolution that high limited in size to small screens right now?
So, I've got this shiny new iPhone 4 with the obviously stunning Retina display but have some friends who have various 'droid phones who are asking what all the big deal is about with the display.
What is a good way to show off the screens capabilities? Just a movie of some sorts or is there an App or what...?
How have you shown off the Retina display if asked?
so i recently got my iphone 4 and was blown away by the way it looked. instead of typing it, heres a video showing you the exact same thing i went through when i first laid eyes on the screen.
http://www.Internet.com/watch?v=oqsnhk5icti skip to 00:23
I am just wondering if anyone has a slingbox and knows how it works with the iPhone in terms of resolution. Does it stream the full resolution video, (640x480 on the Slingbox SOLO, and some sort of HD resolution for the PRO) or just a gimped resolution to match the iPhone's screen? I think whatever it is, is effected by Wi-Fi vs 3G as well (It looks considerably better on Wi-Fi). Basically what I am asking is will it look better on the iPhone 4, or will they have to create a newer version to make it match at least the max resolution of sling? (Which will probably take them a year considering how long it takes them to update that app).
I have always been a freak about dead pixels, but with people saying that you cannot see individual pixels on the screen of the new phone, what does this mean for dead pixels?
If one of those pixels has a dead/stuck pixel, will it be unnoticeable? I know that a cluster of dead/stuck pixels would be noticeable, but what about just one?
I think this is pretty exciting if this will make it difficult to notice a dead pixel . I would love for it to be something I don't have to worry about anymore!
I think the iPhone 4's screen has totally ruined my eyes for anything else. My 1900x1200 24" monitor that before I thought was pretty good now has blurry text and aliasing everywhere (relatively speaking), similar to how my 3GS' screen now looks downright ugly compared to the Retina Display.
Anyone else experiencing this after spending time with their iPhone 4? Anything we can do except wait and hope for resolution independence and higher ppi screens to hopefully come out?
I was wondering if any iPhone 4 owners with a decent/high quality camera could take a picture of their iPhone 4's with the home screen on. I'd like to see the quality of the Retina Display through the glass via a picture, not some render/homescreen shot.
I searched the forums and couldn't really find much, so I thought I'd ask. I'll be owning an iPhone 4 shortly and I'd like to see the quality before I actually get my Canadian Igloo mits on it.
I'm currently using a late 2008 15" MBP, which obviously has a quality display all on its own. Not having one in to compare to, does anyone have one of the new i5/i7's with the optional high-resolution display, along with an iPhone 4, that could share their experience in comparison between the two displays?
I may be spoiling myself, but I'm tempted to upgrade....
What brightness levels are you guys using with the retina display? Since we get a larger battery is anyone taking advantage and cranking up the brightness?
This screen is beautiful but I did notice it's VERY dim at the 50% stock level outta the box.
Image files - click the links to load the images then right click (cmd+click) > save file as... FSO_CARRIER_O2-UK@2x.png Default_CARRIER_O2-UK@2x.png
Be sure to rename the files to ones in the hyperlinks for these to work, image shack renames the file and takes out the @ which is needed for retina graphics (@2x.png)
Just fiddling with the resolution figures of retina display: sized to ipad 10 inch screen this is 5mega pixels (2700*1800), which is the resolution of the iPhone 4 back camera... in my view no coincidence. would be nice to see such resolution on update of iPad.
NB Sized to my 24 inch iMac this would be a whopping 6600*4400 pixels which is 30 mp in camera terms. Even a Nikon D3x or canons D1 flagship would not have enough resolution to fill such a screen... (I would like to see the day that such screens are available: 5 years? 10 years?)
Could the retina display slowdown download speeds?
I'm, by no means an engineer, but in a certain sense with rendering higher pixelated images, this makes sense to me...No? Maybe the new OS will help with the rendering... I dunno.
I'm sure many of you have read the article on engadget where Samsung touts their AMOLED display saying its pretty much in all ways better than Apple's retina display. If you haven't, the article is here.
I'm interested to see everyones view on this. I know none of us have actually had hands-on time with iPhone 4, but let's look at it from a technical perspective.
I'm not doubting that AMOLED is more energy efficient, and perhaps even has a slightly better contrast ratio than IPS, but honestly, what I care most about is definition and clarity.
Samsung claims that the retina display is only 3-5% sharper than their AMOLEDs....well correct me if I'm wrong, but the PPI on iPhone 4 is about 320, and by my calculations, the PPI on a 4 inch AMOLED with a 480X800 res should have a PPI of a little over 200.
I'm not sure how each pixel relates to sharpness, but i do know that a PPI of slightly over 200 is definitely not over 300, therefore pixels can be distinguished by the human eye.
This is why, IMO I think I'll prefer the Retina Display.
After a long teleconference call, my iphone was blistering hot from extended use.
Hot enough in fact, to damage the backing to the display. Looking at it it's clearly behind any image on the screen; guess I'm gonna visit a genius. I'm not sure what chip or component is under that spot. I'd be curious if anyone could ascertain what it may be.
Here's two horrible images (sorry, only had my wife's 3g to take the pic) trying to show the burn spot. One is on a white field, the second is where I move the image to show it's the display itself and not some image being drawn.
when I get my iPhone 4 will it have the proper resolution already set up or do you can swtich between Retinas Mode and a lower resolution, like maybe the 3GS resolution. That way you can save battery power when you're on the go, and don't need the higher res.
Well I spent two hours in Gimp (Like Photoshop) Making this mock up, I wanted to see what a folder Icon would look like. (Hey I haven't used Gimp in ages) I Tried to make it accurate pixel for pixel what it may look like on the retina display. Please don't laugh at my wi-fi symbol, that was near impossible to make, (With my gimp abilities atleast).
EDIT: You have to understand that actual size looks huge on your computer screen, because this is representing a 326 ppi screen.
Actual Size 2X zoom 4X zoom MOD NOTE: timg tags added. Click for large version.
Full Screen (not a mock up) https://z52yfq.blu.livefilestore.com...ina.png?psid=1
go here http://www.anandtech.com/show/3794/the-iphone-4-review
im on iphone 3gs and i need to zoom in to be able read the review, any of u with iPhone 4 can be able to read the review without zooming in? btw please do it in portrait mode.
im asking this because im just curious. my iphone 4 will be delivered next week and the only thing that makes me buy one is because the retina display hype, but im so scared to be dissapointed because if i ever need to zoom in to read small text like in that website like in my 3gs that would be pointless.
Just a quick heads up to others buying matte or 'privacy' screen protectors (mine is from PhoneDevil, they're really good quality btw), the ones made for the older iPhones will really dampen the sharpness and pop on the new Retina Displays on the iPhone 4. Also, the cutouts for the speaker and home button just about fit, but the front camera becomes fuzzy because its covered.
I'm willing to sacrifice these for now since I have no one to facetime with and I'm a bit OCD about fingerprints and scratch protection which are dealt with. I'm just hoping a manufacturer produces an updated iPhone 4 version which won't have such a noticeable effect on screen quality. Damn you Apple for your making me accustomise to such an amazing screen so quickly