I try to see a radar animation on a weather web page (m.yr.no/sted/Norge/Nordland/Andøy/Dverberg/radar.html) but get only the first picture. It is a gif animation. I downloaded it on my computer an tried to copy it to the mobile - with the same result. I just see the first picture of the animation. (it's about 2 MB)
I have updated my phone (X10 mini pro) to latest update (build 2.1.1.A.0.6), and I have stopped receiving SMS. I can send SMS, and I can recive calls and call others.
I put different SIM cards into the phone - same thing. Put those SIM cards in another phone - they work.
Is there a way to revert to old build before the update?
I am facng problem with its bluetooth. It doesn't accept any file through bluetooth and says that the transfer is stopped by the user. I tried to transfer few ringtones from my other handsets to it (Nokia 6300 and Sony P990i) bt it rejected from both of them. Bluetooth in all sets was on. X10 was set on discoverable mode. I paired it with both the sets and it got paired but mentioned that "Paired but not connected". What may be the reason?
I have an Sk17a and I just update my phone to ICS 4.0.4, now i'm seeing that the led of notification doesn't work when the screen is off and I receive a message or anything
I got my X10 Mini Pro ( 1.6 Android, Model U20a, Kernel 2.6.29 / Build 1.2.A.1.174 ) right out of the box today with a Class 2 4Gb card. Problem is, it recognizes the card is in, but can't read it. Right from the start, it smacks me with a SDHC card shaped error, and I get an error message saying the card is blank or in a format that is not recognizable by the device. I got a new card, Sandisk, also 4Gb and Class 4, and it also does not recognize the other card.Reading the card with a card reader, all data is perfectly preserved, and the new card, I formatted it, repartitioned, nothing works.Android asks to format the card, which I allowed on both cards. Nothing happens. I get the warning that it will delete all data, and acknowledge that, but the format seems to take absolutely no time. It just jumps from one screen to the next without aparently doing any work at all, or take any processing time, or any progress bar, which I would have expected.I tried updating the software to no avail. It won't connect to the PC unless the SDHC card is inserted and recognized. Nor it will allow me to download any update without a properly connected SDHC card. So, I'm stuck.When a card is removed or inserted, the phone acknowledges that the card was removed or inserted. Mount/Unmount is not available.
I just recently bought my Xperia X10 here in the Philippines and the mediascape doesn't have an animation like in Timescape where the slides make some cirlce motion. How do we fix this one? I really want the mediascape to have some animation when you launch the application as advertised. In my phone's case, it doesnt have.
I've just experienced a major application/software crash in my Xperia which forced me to re-load all SW again! After that neither Media Go nor Windows Explorer recognize my phone as a unit anymore. especially since connection still works perfect towards another computer. Where should I start to look - have tried to update the SEMC HSUSB device drivers in windows but I didn't manage to find newer ones on internet than the existing ones, (5.1.2600.0)? I've latest version of SW on phone and run PC on XP SP3.
when i'm trying to go to android-market i log in with my Google-account, but it always says that my phone isn't ready for internet connections. But the phone is already using WiFi and is connected.
About a week or two, I have changed some configurations on the GPS Status(like Sensor Filter and such) and the GPS was taking too long to connect, in the same places that it got a lock time around 15s, now it takes 2 min, só I did a factory reset and the GPS worked good again.About 3 days ago, the GPS started to take too long for get a lock, around 2~3min, and I did a reset again, but doesn't work. I tried it many times again and still doesn't work.My phone is with the last update(via PC Companion) and I've tried a repair(via PC Companion too) with the SIM and SD cards, but don't solved my problem too.What can I do?I think thatits not hardware, because before it was working pretty well, I think that is software.Oh...I tried to turn off the phone disconnect the battery cable(under a rubber cover) for about 5 minutes and reconnect, but still the same.What can I do to solve this problem?Now the GPS cant get a lock, it find the satellites(5~7) but don't get a lock.
i really love new 4.0 update.. It's clen. But there is a problem ..Does anyone know how to put the led notification in work when we receive a message ? I think that's something important because we have allways to unlock the phone to see if we get something.
I cant get the delivery reports to work, I have found the settings, press menu in message screen-settings. It is checked but I never get any delivery reports
X10 MINI The Facebook app. Version 1.6.4 doesnt work properly any moore.
Mostly the small pictures Avatars beside comments and such, doesnt show anymore. The small pictures are just blank often and they dont appear even if page is reloaded. Sometimes a few are loaded but many are missing, and often none of them loads. Not even my own. Doesnt matter if I use WiFi or mobile conecction
It used to work before but not since last one or two facbook app updates. Tried to delete the cahce files of the app but didnt help. If I uninstall updates will it not set it back to the very first version of the app? Thats not so good.
Ive just updated my SK17 to the latest 2.3.4 firmware but i realised after updating, the CRT Screen Off Animation is no where to be seen....how can i get this back?
Xperia mini pro has this cool animation when you press the switch off button...it turns the screen off (puts it in stand by) by closing the screen to the middle with a little white flash. I recently noticed that it is gone, it does not appear any more when I turn my screen off. I have tried changing the animation settings under "display" category but nothing happens.
if I start Navigation, it says: "Checking the availability of the navigation-function." Nothing more. Navigation wont let me in the Program. The message could be written different in english, because i have got it in german: "Verfügbarkeit der Navigationsfunktion wir überprüft".So, what is the matter? Why it's only checking? I went out for it, had free view to the sky, didn't put my fingers on the GPS reciever.....It checked for about 30 mins now, and nothing happens.
I've had this problem for more than two weeks now. The touchscreen is not responding at all. Before I give it to the Sony Service Centre for repaiir, I need to take the backup of contacts.
Trying to port a custom Xperia Z1 Rom to Nexus 5.This custom Rom has all features from Xperia Z5.
Edit : Advanced, see logcat Edit 2 : fixed mediadrm fatal crash. Now, i need to fix SDCARD Edit 3 : seems i need to fix sound Edit 4 : Booting, as logcat says.
The problem is : Google Logo stays displayed. Bootanimation doesnt displays and so, it seems it prevents phone from displaying Setup Wizard, and Android UI. Maybe the problem is "libsecureui.so" dlopen failed.
When I open opera mini for the first time, it loads the pages good but when we continue to browse after say 10 minutes, it never opens any link. Sometimes when I open it says low memory, close some applications.
got a serious issue with my mobile Nokia N97 minii updated the software to version Middle East region : Egyptafter installing it via Nokia Ovi Suit on through my PCi nomore can use the ( AutoLock Period )when i try to change the choice to user defind fromSettings > Phone > Phone mgmt. > Security Settings > Phone and Sim Card > Phone Autolock Period , when i write for ex. 1 minute and press OK the Ok button delete the number i insertedi don`t know what to do ..
i have sonyericson xperia e10i mini and its not turning on even it doesnt show batery sign when i connect to charger, i was restoring its factory setings while conected to charger suddenely its switched off.
very near the end of the second stage (preparing) and installation error pops up stating that is is unable to install or start phone software update components. i have made sure i have got the newst PC companion, back up and restore thingy and that a firewall isn't blocking anything?
I have SE Ray with Gingerbread firmware ,The Market doesn't work, each time i try to open it, it loads then a massege shows that i have tp upgrade to PLAY STORE, so i press Upgrade, then just in seconds a message shows "Authentication is required you need to sign into your google account " although i signed in to my google account and my device is rooted.
why doesn't my mms dont get deliverd to other users? mms sending dont get failed even, but no delivery report. i tried sending using my old SE feature phone, and it is successful. I checked the setting and all in Xperia mini pro and everything is alright.
Just wondering why the X10 mini pro doesn't have the end call button at the top like the X10 Maxi (power button) ? The lack of having this feature is absurd. The easiest and most logical way to end a call is to press the top lock screen/power button. I recommended this phone to someone and they got a massive shock when they realised they had an active call going for over 8 hours! add this feature in your next update, if not could you at least have a visual clue to let the user know that they have an active call when the screen is off, eg notification light blinking purple or something.