Nokia Online Services :: Ovi Store Connects To Data Network Even When Wifi?
Aug 29, 2011
When my C6-01 is connected to my home wifi, Ovi Store allways connects to my operator's data network. If I set the phone to "Offline" mode, it's not possible to download anything from Ovi Store. Why is that? Wasn't Ovi Store supposed to work on offline mode, without a data connection, when wifi is available?
I have noticed something strange since updating to Anna and the new version of OVI Store application (2.12.042). When I launch the application with 3g connection (over Orange) the application connects to the store without any issues at all. It now has an "Orange Selects" button, which I assume means the application has recognised my sim card as the phone is an operator free version.
The problem is that when I launch the application at home, it attempts to connect via Wi-Fi and is unable to connect to the OVI service. All other internet over wi-fi works fine.
I have a Nokia N8 but don;t have a data package with my provider.I want to connect to various Nokia services through Wifi, but the phone just keeps returning an error saying
"Mobile Data Off - No Connection"
Do I have to change something in settings so the phone connects through Wifi to Nokia Store etc?
i have a problem with the Ovi Store! I can t download anything free from the store, only with a help from my notebook and the Nokia suite, so the Ovi doesnt working on my phone.I can only buy things, but if I would like to download something free, there is the download button, but it is lighter and i can t press it!
I have to hard reset my Nokia N8 but now I can't install Ovi Store. I was told that Ovi Store was written in QT and by resetting, I removed the QT Runtime. How do I install these components again?
from the moment I bought my Nokia C3, I have never been able to enter the OVI Store. I have a WIFI conenction at home, so I can enter the internet without problems, only the OVI store does not seem to work.
My ovi store inside the phone (X3-02) somehow disappeared after attempting to update it to the latest version. What is the best way to get it back to restore it?
or get it reinstalled in anyway? I know I can still use it, but i just want to know how to get it back..
i couldn login into ma Ovi store ! I've proper internet connection but still i couldn sign in I'm gettin tis notification " unable to complete the operation due to connection error "
My N8 is running Ovi Store version 2.08.042 but I have not had any notification of a later version and if I go into Ovi Store to try to download the lastest version, it seems to be downloading but then reports a fault.History: Always Nokia since 1994 including Nokia 2140, 7110e, 6150, 6210,6310i, 6230i, N82Current: Nokia N8 (Anna) - and delighted with it!
I've been pouring through forums for ages but can't find the answer. I got a new phone on the 18th, a Nokia C3-00, but when I click the ovi store app, it says "a new version of the Ovi Store is available. You must download the update before proceeding." So I click download. It says loading... Then Requesting please wait.. Then download... The "Replace version 1.8.20 with newer version 2.6.0?" so I click yes... "Application source differs from original. Continue?" Yes... "Keep application data?" Yes... Then it comes up with info "Store version 2.6.0, size: .3 MB, Vendor: Nokia, Certificate: Yes, Organization: Nokia, Country code: Note Available. So I press Accept. Requesting please wait... Downloading Store... Wait about 2 minutes and it comes up "Invalid Application" "Ok". And that's it!
This has been **bleep** me off for 4 days. I have tried doing it with Wifi and Local cell internet in 2 different countries, and it still doesn't work. I've tried pressing No when it asks to keep application data. Still doesn't work. I've tried resetting, updating with ovi suite, and updating with nokia SW updater, none of them work!
i bought my Nokia C7 a few weeks ago and , suddenly , liek a week ago , the OVI Store stopped working ... I havent done any hard resets , nothing of that . I only installed games and apps , and the Qt . When i try to run OVI Store , it shows the " OVI Nokia " screen for like 10 seconds , and return to the phones main menu .... i tried uninstalling it from the app manager , but it does nothing when i choose " unisntall " , tried to download the newest ovi store from their page , but the isntallation reaches 100% and returns " installation failed " .
Anybody else finding it impossible to access the Nokia Ovi Store I have an N8 but it makes no difference if I try to access the store via my mobile or pc, the end result is the same - It won't connect
I have had 3 Nokias now over the last 5 years all on contract but when my current one runs out in October that's me finished with Nokia! I have had continual problems with Nokia Suite ever since they replaced PC Suite a few years ago in addition to all the problems I've had with the phone (most of whicvh have resulted from various software upgrades) !!
After i installed t installer 4 I can' open ovi store, because it doesn't even show me the window : loading. It easily closes! What must i do, to make Ovi store to work?
it shows "ovi store is currently not available for your device" while i tried to access the content. But I could successfully access earlier from my N73 ME. what could be the issue?
When I open Ovi Store application in Nokia C2-01 it is telling Unable to connect to service. Try again later. But my Internet is working & other applications in Internet are working.
why i can't go to the ovi store ,ovi music,ovi social and the ovi chat !!!???Why that is happening with me when i go to any of this they tell me ''this service is not available in your are'' am living in syria wich is IN the middle east so why?
every time I open up the Ovi Store I get the message 'You couldn't be signed in automatically, please sign in manually' and so I click on the sign in button and nothing happens. It also keeps refreshing itself as if trying to sign me in automatically every time and just keeps failing to do so. I checked to see if I was needing to update anything but it said everything was up to date.
when i am updating my n8 to the symbian^3 the ovi store not do only loading and can't enjoy it any more &it is of 2.12.045 version what has happened? The older version of n8 software with its ovi store
It just keeps loading, and i tried everything i can from full system restore to the whole ovi sustem suite process on my pc....nothing just keeps on loading forever...What else can i do?EDIT: after alot of hassle im getting a new error that states: cannot load FEAPI 'StoreAPI1'i just dont get it anymore....
When I try to download an application from the Ovi store I only get a "Send to Mobile" option, no provision to download to my computer first.If I use the 'send to mobile', I get the text message with a link, but the Ovi Store will not Launch. I get the usual message 'if it does not launch automatically use the Launch button' but it still does not launch - just reloads the same message.
If I go to the Ovi Website it automatically reverts to the mobi site and I am presented with the same launch message. I can go to other parts of the Ovi website but not the Store.I would prefer to download to the computer as the mobile reception where I live is poor.Surely there must be some way to do this. I have downloaded the latest version ofteh Ovi Suite to my computer but it still does not give a download option.
The Ovi Store on my N8 is not connecting. Everytime i try to connect, the response i get is "unable to connect to service". This makes it impossible for me to add apps to my phone.
it all started on Saturday when i purchased Rio birds game and it turned to a "failed" download. I press Download button and then page refreshes and I get the Red button,"download failed" or something. I purchased another game day after that thinking its a temporary "bug" or something, it happened before and I got the same error. Tried downloading random free stuff but soon as I press Download button I get the download error again. Its been like this for 5 days now, cant download anything, not even stuff I purchased. Emailed Ovi support twice on sunday and monday but have not recieved a reply yet. Very odd IMO, 3,4 working days without a reply is very unprofessional. Do they even recieve those mails?
And I tried reinstalling Ovi store but still got the same download error.
When I try to download a app from OVI Store site, the download with pc option can't be selected. My N8 is connected and OVI Suite recognizes it. But the option to download via pc doesn't enables to be selected.