Motorola Motoactv :: Planned Workouts Not Syncing To Device?
Feb 9, 2012
This used to work, so not sure if something changed, but a few days ago I added a bunch of running workouts to the calendar on the Planning tab at and after syncing the device several times, still no workouts show when I go to Running->Outdoor->Planned. This screen shows "No Planned Workouts Available. Plan your workouts on" These are non-interval workouts that were added.
i have a planned workout that shows up appropriately on the portal but does not sync to the motoactv despite many attempts. it says "no planned workouts are available. plan your workouts at [URL]."
Is it possible to start an activity from the device that is saved in your workout library without it being planned? I workout when i can so i don't want to log in and plan the workout everytime i want to do something.I guess i could set all my saved workouts to weekly or something but i just wanted to know if there was just a list of your workout library instead.
I accidentally deleted a workout from the MOTOACTV site but still have it on my watch, how do I get it off after it no longer has that up/down sync icon?
when I create a Workout my Heart Rate Zones are incorrect. I'm using the Custom Zones and have them set as Active. I created a workout and downloaded it to my MotoActv, but when I started the workout, it did the intervals correctly however the Heart Rate Zones were way too high. i.e., it had my Zone2 starting at 200 which is higher than my max heart rate of 189 so it wasn't effective in telling me when I was in the right zones. However, when I quick start a workout, it uses my correct zones.
When will the option to transfer and see a planned route be available for the watch? A route already run can be transfered; a planned, custom route cannot.
The planned routes follow the roads when they are created in the planning screen. However, once they are transferred to the watch, they a straight lines that do not follow roads.
I planned a fit test yesterday, and a morning interval run today. I have completed both excercises. Both exercises have been logged in my 'recent workouts' tab. In fact, the portal has used the results of my fit test to set my HR zones.But, when I go to workouts on the MotoActv, I still see both excercises as not completed with a "!" next to them. Is there a way to reset this? Is there a workaround?
So got my motoactv yesterday and to test I of course started a workout walking around my kitchen..I can't seem to now delete this test workout from the device? Workout->Recent-Run.I was able to remove it from the dashboard but it will not sync the changes to my device as they are still listed.
I have searched extensively but have not found the answer to this so if I missed something i apologize. Can workouts be manually logged on the Motoactv website? The reason I ask is I am concerned about the accuracy of the pedometer so If I choose to do a workout at the gym can I then just manually enter it on the website based on the information from the treadmill.
Whatever the case maybe I dont have the "sync now" option on old workouts I can view these workouts on my device but cannot sync them to the web. How do I sync these workouts to the web??
I tried doing a search on EXPORT. However, I couldn't tell how it brought back results. I bought the MotoActv Golf Edition and am I am web programmer and wanted to see what data I could compile depending on what comes back with the exports. Would be cool to see what is available.
I got my MA yesterday and have had one workout. Whenever I try to sync it, it says Connecting and Starting Sync, but then it says something like Sync Error or Connection Error. I have tried syncing using my home WiFi network (with password), my HTC One X portable hotspot (without password) and USB, but nothing works.
You can delete workouts and have been able to for some time now(at least since January) . Just go to workouts tab. then click on recent workouts. make sure its in bar view not table view. and place your arrow over your workout. A box pops up. In the lower right hand corner you'll see delete click on it nad your workout magically goes away. It still wont fix your workouts if you got carmichealed but you can delete it.
I've been using the custom workouts feature on Moto since the weekend. I have noticed that the custom workouts do not show up as the latest workout (my elliptical workout from Sunday is still showing as the latest). My custom workouts are also not showing up in the workout tab, neither in bar view nor table view. The only way I can access custom workouts on the portal is up top on the days of the week in the schedule. Is this a glitch with the new portal that is going to be ironed out?
I am a new user and it seems that motoactv is using something like cloud station to let us uploading our workouts data there. The layout of the is nice. Well, if just in case, the platform stops operating, how can we backup our training workouts data?
I know other company has software for users to install in the PCs so that they can transfer their workouts data from their devices to their PCs. However, motoactv does not offer this kind of software.
I find there is "export" button in However, for the four kinds of format we can choose, "KML, TCX, GPX (route data), CSV", I really don't know how to use and view them. May I ask anybody who can teach me here?
Well, the only thing I can think of is there is a workout summary in the motoactv. It already give us much information of our workouts except the Zone data. Perhaps we can transfer those data to our record manually. However, I really hope that there should be a much better solution.
been reading forums on exporting workouts (rides) and seem to be missing something:
where do i find the .csv data files to upload to SportTracks? What I am really trying to do is convert files to .gpx (or .tcx)so I can add rides to Strava.
If this can be achieved directly to Strava...The Motoactv watch will become a hit in Australia, giving the Garmin Edge solid competition.
I have oceania maps loaded, though the display is blank on the device... it tracks and shows position during workouts, just the background is blank.
I'm having an issue with my workouts not showing up on the website....after the sync, my workouts are erased from the device and don't show up anywhere. The device works great while I workout, but deletes the workouts when I plug the device in to sync.
I would like to know if the recent workouts records will still be in my Motoactv after I sync and delete them in If yes, does it mean that it can only be sync from Motoactv to and not the other way around? Moreover, how can I delete the recent workouts records in my Motoactv?
I would like to know if someone is having the same problem, my workouts from middle of Nov backwards is not showing in the portal. A week ago everything was there in the portal. So the problem is not the sync.
Yesterday (4/10), I did a two mile walk, plus a few other short walks. When I got home, I went to the workout screen, and selected "sync workouts". When I looked at the motoactv later, it stated "sync complete!". The problem is: None of the workouts show up on the web portal for yesterday. I don't see a way to re-sync them on the device either. These were just simple "quick start" walks. I'm not doing anything complicated.
I saw there is another post about missing workouts, but it seems to relate to interval training, and I didn't immediately see a solution for my specific issue.
I've been running with the motoactv for about a month and not one of my workouts every shows up on the website.I have the latest updates. My date is correct. Motocast tells me I've synced ok.On the latest workout page the following message is displayed along with Key Features A, B and C.The wellness activity tracker shows activity for every workout.No workout data?Once you've got some workouts recorded by MOTOACTV, you can evaluate them here with pinpoint precision.
I used the Aerobic one tonight when I did my Ripped in 30 DVD and I think it was pretty accurate.(e.g. weight training vs. aerobics, when doing a cross fitness routine).when will you update the website planning tool to allow us to plan and schedule activities other than the original ones (run, walk, elliptical, etc.)? are you planning to allow pairing to non android phones for alerts and other features?I work for Nokia and have the new windows phone but love my MotoACTV.
I like to a keep a fairly basic workout log (right now I use The Athlete's Diary, a very simple iPhone app) and since my runs and bike rides are automatically logging all sorts of cool data into my Moto account, I'd like to just add a few basic details manually from other types of workouts (swim, weights, tennis, yoga). It needn't be too complex or detailed, just time, distance (if applicable), calculate pace, and maybe a free text area for notes or titles of events.
I've noticed that once I share a workout on facebook when I try to see the link it shows me the following error message:An internal error has occurred. Please log out and log in again.View Stack Trace:Then I log out from MOTOACTV and Facebook and log in again but nothing change.
I have previously been syncing my golf workouts automatically with success. Recently, the rounds (workouts) will not sync. I have tried manually initiating sync from the device (runs forever) and syncing USB (times out) without success then tried reseting the device to factory. I reconnected USB and had to choose replace my devictill no success. I was able to re-download courses and my previous rounds were still on the device (this confuses me as I performed factory reset