Motorola Droid :: Adding Multiple Contacts?

Aug 24, 2011

MNew To Droid after finally giving up my beloved Blackberry. Is there a way that I can add the contacts of an email that was sent to me and 4 others without having to do each one individually?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Stop From Adding Contacts On It's Own?

Jul 7, 2011

I go through the contact list and there are addresses for people I never heard of or emailed. Then my Yahoo mail was hacked after I noticed this. It seems the phone takes all the people in my address book and does a google search or facebook search and it will actually add a photo of the person (which I do not want) and it will not let me delete these new mysterious entries?All VErizon said was I have to make sure contact sync in unchecked in the phone which is it but in Gmail there is no place to unsync contacts. I don't use Facebook, Twitter, or any other socila media site and I want my privacy protected.This is a huge issue because I had a stalker and it cost me a great deal of time and money getting restraining orders and moving from place to place while being located every time.

This is dangerous for me and the phone will not turn off my GPS or stop adding these people in my contacts that may have been on a website I visited. That's the only way I can figure this happened and the Yahoo mail got hacked at the same time.I don't know what elese to do, the phone is locked, the credential password is very hard to remember much less guess and everything is off. No GPS< no sync with anything accept the calendar via Gmail which I made sure is set to PRIVATE.My Gmail profile is also PRIVATE. If I logged in on a PC it will ask do you want to make your profile public so people can find you?

I don't see what type of FILTER I'm suppose to add in my Gmail account to stop this contact sync? Or contact list that grows and grows while I have done nothing.Weirder yet the Verizon rep said it happens when you connect the phone to a PC, that's why she said I need this filter to stop contacts from being added. But I don't have a PC anymore, it broke a few weeks ago and this incident happened last week. The phone wasn't connect to a PC for 6 weeks.Does anyone know how to make me private and stay private. I don't want any contacts added in my phone or Gmail unless I manually add them period. I don't send updates, don't want to and don't want updates from any one else.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Adding Birthdays To Contacts

Dec 30, 2015

I can add/edit a birthday on a contact selecting only the month and day. **This is our preferred method**

My husband's Droid Turbo: For some reason, he is forced to enter a year and that messes with the Birthdays Calendar on his google account. Birthdays entered on his contacts do not display ever year on his calendar.

Question: How do we remove the year requirement and get his screen to look like mine?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Adding Old Contacts To Corporate Sync

Aug 24, 2012

When I got my phone, the Verizon rep helped move my 3000 contacts from my old phone to the new one.They are all there in the phone.But, they will not sync up into Outlook via MS Exchange.It WILL sync a newly added Contact, so sync is working between my phone and Outook.This works both directions, whether I create a new record on my phone or create the new record in Outlook.It just won't work with the ones loaded on the phone at the time of purchase.How tag all my original Contacts on my phone so they will flow up into Exchange/Outlook?

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Motorola I1 :: Adding Folders To Contacts?

Apr 18, 2011

how to add folders in contacts? It is a work phone and I am trying to set up a separate folder for personal use

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Motorola Fire :: Adding A Sim To Contacts?

May 4, 2012

I am trying to add a photo to one of my contacts as their display picture , but when I try to "set as contact icon" this message flashes up: "the set SIM contact icon is not supported" I have tried adding other photo's to my contacts, but I get the same message.

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BB Bold :: Adding Multiple Email Accounts?

Sep 5, 2011

My bb bold was sent off for repaid and I picked it up yesterday and tried to load the 3 email accounts which were present on it before it went in for repaid. I have managed to load my hotmail account however when I try to load the other two email accounts it says that I need t verifiy the details. I have confirmed that the details are correct however I'm having no luck.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Adding Home Screen More Than 3

Feb 18, 2015

Can you add home screens so you have more than 3?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Adding More Than 5 Home Pages?

Sep 19, 2011

if there is a way to increase the amount of home pages above the stock 5?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Zumocast: Adding Other Folders?

Sep 23, 2011

Is there a way that I can add my C: drive as a folder so that I can have access to all files on my hard drive?

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Motorola Droid :: Adding Separate Icon For 3rd Email Account?

Oct 1, 2011

I have three email accounts; gmail, earthlink, and microsoft outlook (work email). Phone has icon for gmail and a "generic" email icon. Can I add a third so that I can simply touch the icon on the home screen to access the emails separately?

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BB Bold 9700 :: Forwarding Messages And Adding Multiple Recipients?

Jul 31, 2010

I've noticed a couple issues when sending a text message to multiple people. On my old curve, I could hit the menu button, click "add TO", choose a contact, and thats it, simple. But on my Bold, I have to click, "Show recipients", and add another recipient. Now, the problem arises when i want to send it to only one more person. I choose the person and it has the next option for recipient open, which is blank cause im not choosing anyone else. I hit "ok", and it does nothing. I hit "ok" again and when i send the message, its sent duplicate messages, meaning each person gets the message twice. Same thing happens when forwarding. Id choose the person i want to forward the message to, but when I hit "ok" it doesnt do anything, so i have to hit it again and it adds the one contact twice. Anybody know how to fix this issue? Or is this just a common glitch that hasnt been fixed yet?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Adding Widget To Main Home Page?

Jun 30, 2012

how to add a widget to the home screen? i have a battery widget i want to add but if i tap and hold on the main page all i get are options for wallpapers?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Adding Bookmark Shortcut To Home Screen?

Nov 23, 2011

When I try to add bookmark shortcut to the home screen it just opens bookmarks does not show up on the home screen.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Messaging App Not Adding Yahoo Mail Account?

Apr 14, 2012

I have a yahoo mail account that has been working fine on the messaging app until now. Today I recieved an Authorization Error notification and since then I have been unable to use that yahoo mail account on my messaging app. I have tried removing the account and adding it again and also changing the password via my PC but it is still giving me an error message on my Bionic saying "Login to the account failed , please try again." Has anyone had any problems with their Droid Bionic's messaging app & yahoo mail account

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Multiple Txt Msgs/

Oct 23, 2011

I have been having this problem lately where my txt msgs are being duplicated when they come in. I am using a 3rd party txt app (Handcent). It's happened on basically everyone that sends me a txt and it's annoying

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IPhone :: Multiple Contacts With Multiple Phone Numbers?

May 11, 2012

I have contact list with records for a lot of people (300+), each with several phone numbers each, home, mobile & work, etc, .I can't seem to find a way to have the iPhone announce the name & number or name & type (home,mobile,work) of the caller from the contact list, my old cell phone could do that easily.

At the moment what I've been doing as a work around for a few (important) people is to create a custom ringtone for that caller & that phone number. Since it also seems there's no way to attach a different ringtones to each number in a single contact record I've had to create multiple contact records for each person, each with a different name/number combination such as "John Doe Work", "John Doe Home" or John Doe Mobile" then assign to it the custom ringtone I created for that name/number.

I need to this so that if I receive a call while I'm driving (or whatever) that I can't answer right then for some reason (often happens), the ringtone I created for that name & number helpfully lets me know who & where their calling from. It's very important to know where someone is calling from, if someone's calling from home then I know I've got some time, but if their calling from work then I need to get back to them quickly.

having to make multiple contacts & ringtones for a every person with multiple numbers is a extraordinary waste of time. My old cell phone could do this with no problem but there doesn't seem to be any way to do this with my new iphone.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Adding Google Music Account - Cannot Communicate With Server?

Jan 15, 2015

So my turbo is set up nice, but when I decided to add in my google play music account, after entering my email it says it cant communicate with google servers. I tried removing my google account and readding to the phone, but that didnt work either. 2 step verification is not turned on with my account as well.

Apparently all I had to do was click on my email that was on the main screen. Telling it to add an existing probably confused it? But anyways, now Im curious because my google music settings show NO authorized devices. Is my phone not authorized anymore? My old phone was on there, but I deleted it from the list, now no devices are there....I mean, Im listening to music with it, and I can buy songs, so Im confused. Or is it a moot point because I only use a STANDARD account?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Still Receiving MULTIPLE Copies Of The Same SMS?

Sep 22, 2012

I know that with the Gingerbread update the duplicate SMS issue was supposed to be fixed but it is still horrendous on my phone. I just received 10..10 copies of the same SMS. This is not a one off occurrence either. Almost daily I receive multiple copies of the same message. I know I'm on a Droid 2 and am due for a much needed upgrade but am trying to hold out for a Droid 5 (if there is even to be one). In other words I'll probably wait until the beginning of 2013 before I pull the trigger on a new phone. Is it safe to say there are no more software updates coming? I know it won't be ICS or anything but any bug fixes? The last time I reset my phone was approximately 60 hours ago, it just froze so had to hard reset.

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Motorola Atrix :: Changing Multiple Contacts Numbers In One Step?

Oct 6, 2011

Communications Authorities in Egypt changed Mobile networks numbers for all three providers by adding a number to each provider, for instance mine starts with 010 it will be 0100 and so on for other two providers adding 1 and 2.Now I have more than one thousands (1000) contacts in my phone book, how can I add this new digit to multiple contacts instead of editing one by one.

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Motorola Droid X :: Receiving Same Text Multiple Times

Oct 23, 2011

I have noticed that I am receving the same text 2,3 even sometimes 4 times in a row. In one text coversation this morning with my wife, about 60% of the texts she sent me were received multiple times. (she on Dx2). This happens randomply and with texts received from friends on other carriers. This started happening sometime after one of the last updates, but I have not had a lot of extra time to research it. I did search the forum but found no similiar problems.

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Motorola Droid X :: Multiple Instances Of Apps Downloading?

Jun 17, 2011

Netflix was downloading, and I hit Angry Birds to update and now I have multiple instances of those 2 apps downloading, 45 instances to be exact. Needless to say its killed my battery charge and its currently running hot. Can anyone please tell me how to stop the downloads? I have tried turning the phone on and off, I pulled the battery, I have tried to an FC to Market and the Download Manager, I tried clearing the cache on those 2, I even tried a cache partion wipe, nothing works.The downloads just start right back up. I have the phone on the charger, and I have it on Wifi to help speed the downloads along since I have not been able to stop them.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Text Message To Multiple Recipients

Jun 21, 2011

How do you compose a text message with multiple recipients?? i have no idea. I always just start in my contacts list.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Multiple Devices Signed Up For Fbn?

Jun 17, 2012

I currently have 3 razr maxx's signed up for the FBN. I was wondering if Matt or Mark if that in any way effects a persons chances of being selected. I was wondering if moto would simply see this like a person had 2 replacement devices, or how it works? Of course I have my main device set as my main device.

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Motorola Droid X :: Text Messaging To Multiple Recipients

Jun 22, 2011

my biggest complaint about Gingerbread reared it's ugly head this past weekend. The lack of "+" symbol in the "to" field of the stock text messaging app.

I wanted to text all of the people in my contacts list who are fathers, to wish them a happy father's day. Unfortunately, to address a text message to multiple recipients, I must remember every one of them, and type in their "letter" individually. I have to type in a letter, then pick one contact, then type in another letter, then pick another contact, then type in another, then pick...I'm sure you can see where this is going. And of course, once I thought I had gotten everybody and pressed "send", I then went into my contacts list and realized that I had forgotten several people, and had to do it all over again. Something that should have taken less than a minute instead took several minutes, and I'm sure I still likely forgot someone!!!

Just who's brilliant idea was it to remove the "+" symbol (that would open up the entire contact list for easy multiple picks) and replace it with the stupid "suggestion" arrow! They should be fired and shot...not necessarily in that order!

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Multiple Drives Connected To Computer?

Sep 16, 2011

Why do I have 3 drives associated with my x2 when I connect to my computer by USB?One has moto driver setup file that don't seem to run, and the other two appear to be my USB card and the phone memory, but the contents are almost identical. Yet the phone shows most memory free, while the USB card is almost full (I transferred my files to a 16 GB card and added music). Docs 2 go desktop sync in particular has issues and doesn't know which drive to enable, but I cannot disconnect only one drive

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Motorola Droid X :: Receiving Same Text Multiple Times?

Jun 2, 2011

Just like the title says since the GB update I've been recieving the same text up to 3 times often.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Handling Multiple Calls - How Does It Work

Aug 18, 2011

How the Droid 3 handles multiple calls? When I make an outbound second call, and that call is completed, how do I end that call and return to the first call? When I receive a second call, how do I end that call and return to the first? Apparently I get only one 'add a call' per existing call - the 'add a call' button is greyed out after one use. The very brief owner's manual says nothing about the additional call feature. Is there something available on-line that better addresses all the features of the phone?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Receive Multiple Texts Of Same Subject?

Jun 30, 2011

I keep receiving multip copies of texts. For example let's say a friend texts me. I receive that same text multiple times throughout the day, even thought I deleted it. Another example, let's say that you have your Google Calendar sending you text reminders for events/meetings, etc. Even thought I deleted the first notice I still receive that exact same notice for something that happened two to five hours ago.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: SMS Forming Multiple Conversations When MSG Limit Set?

Jul 30, 2011

I noticed this issue when I had reached the preset 200 msg limit on one contact it started a second conversation so when I would txt it would post in the original conversation and the reply would post on a second conversation. So, I went in and set the upper limit to 999. On a separtate contacts SMS msg's, when I hit 300, it split the conversations again so that even when I type a reply in the new conversation, the reply goes into the original sms and when they reply, it posts to a new SMS. Seriously, this gets confusing. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a workaround? I don't mind buying another SMS app if it will work until Moto has a bug fix out in an updat. I am using the stock app since i previously used Handsent and it deleted all my msgs on 2 different occasions on my previous Thunderbolt.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Adding Few Key Photos To Separate Folder On Home Page For Quick Reference

Mar 16, 2015

Is there a way to take a few images from the gallery or Google pix and put them in a homepage folder for ultra quick reference? I have a couple pix that I often have to refer to but they are currently really deep on the list and have to significantly scroll to get to them.

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