Motorola Droid Bionic :: WiFi Completely Disabled Itself

Sep 12, 2011

I'm having a recurring problem where after fully charging my Bionic for the night, the Wi-Fi function will disable itself completely. When I say "completely", I mean that there is no way I can turn it back on! When I go into the "Wi-Fi" or "Wi-Fi Setting" function in Settings, the "Wi-Fi" button is displayed in gray instead of solid black, so I can't even select it at all.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Enable Wifi Networks That Say They Are Disabled

Sep 15, 2011

i have connected to a wifi network but the network disables as soon as it connects. how do i enable the network to actaully work?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 3G Connection Completely Gone?

Nov 29, 2011

So, I've had data loss all the time and it's not too troublesome cause it always comes back. However, this time it hasn't come back. My 3G connection has been dead for three days. I work in 4G and its fine, but when I come home in 3G it's completely gone. I've tried everything short of knocking it around like an old tv set.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Get A Text Message When The Wifi Is Off,it Will Turn The Wifi On?

May 25, 2012

I have had some troubles with my Bionic the past few weeks.I have a Wifi network at home but not in my Office or car.I will keep the Bionic's Wifi at home on all the time,but will turn it off whne I leave.Many times when I will either walk into another place of buisness or just get a text message when the Wifi is off,it will turn the Wifi on.So,it's searching for Wifi and taking the battery life down as well.I have taken the battery out with the Wifi on and rebooted.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Not Connecting To Known WiFi - Disabled

May 24, 2012

At home I am pretty sure it does the same thing. This morning when I got to the office, I noticed it was telling me that I have a wifi available. Open it up and there was the known wifi I have been connected to before, all week. Odd though, it says disabled but when i click it to connect, it says obtaining ip but then does back to not connected and says disabled. So basically I cannot connect to the wifi and I am 110% positive I have the correct password since I have connected to it just yesterday. Also curious why it isn't just connecting automatically to a known wifi. I have checked and others are on it right now.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: "System Updates" Option Disabled?

Sep 13, 2012

This morning I thought I'd check for updates, but was surprised to find that the "System updates" option on the "About phone" option from the Settings menu is disabled (greyed out).

I am currently "roaming" in Canada and have network data disabled, but am using WiFi. Could my location be impacting this? I have done a reboot.

Meanwhile my LTE XOOM still has the corresponding option available, but it has not connected to the network at all (data roaming disabled) since I have been in Canada.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Can't Connect To My Job's Wifi

Oct 15, 2012

I cant connect to my job's wifi because the wifi requires me to enter a user id/name but the Bionic's proxy setting dont have a field where a user id/name can be entered. Does anyone know of a different way to connect or a different setup?

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Motorola Droid :: Bionic-Wifi On But Still Seeing 3g / 4g Icon

Nov 18, 2011

I purchased my bionic at the end of October and I noticed that when I turn my wifi on at home, I still see the 3g/4g Icon, where as with my old Droid X it would go away. I noticed that even with wifi on the signal strengh for the 3g/4g still toggles back and forth and move up and down.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Turn OFF Automatic Wifi With ICS?

Oct 27, 2012

how to turn off the new Automatic Wifi Feature that was releases with ICS? I think it is great that the phone can turn on Wifi when you are close to it, but it would be real nice if you could set it to turn on only when near certain Wifi Networks, or even turn if off for that matter.

Short of waiting for the Auto Wifi menu to eventually pop up and ask how you want to use it, does anyone know where to actually go in the settings to do it when you want to and not when ICS decides to give you the pop up?

It is real frustrating since it does NOT shut itself off when you leave a Wifi Zone and there is no apparent way to set it to turn on only when near your Wifi zones which makes this feature more of an annoyance then a feature.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: WiFi Will Not Turn On, Error

Sep 24, 2011

I've heard that others have this issue too. I don't have the headphone wine, so I hate to bring this thing back if I don't need to. will it come in an update? Or, do I NEED to swap this handset out for a replacement while I am in the initial 14-day purchase window? Haven't seen anyone address those questions head on yet.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 3g Drops Once Wifi Connected

Feb 22, 2012

Typically when I am connected to wireless the 3g still shows but in white. Now when connected to wireless the 3g drops and only comes on when I turn off the wireless. Any ideas if this is normal after the update?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Apps Won't Download Unless WIFI?

Dec 21, 2011

Apps won't download on Bionic unless using WiFi, regardless of file size. Is that normal?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: 4G And 3G Indicators Remain On When Using Wifi?

Sep 16, 2011

I don't know if this is an issue but it did not happen with my Droid X and I'm concerned it may affect battery life. When I turn wifi on, the little "3G" or "4G" symbol remains on, although it does turn white indicating no connection (I guess). On my Droid X the symbol would disappear with wifi on, although the signal strength bars remained

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Deleted WiFi On / Off Widget - How To Get It Back

Mar 8, 2012

Accidentally Deleted WiFi On / Off widget. How do I get it back?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Long Time To Connect To WiFi?

Jan 19, 2012

Since the intial update (5.5.893) I have had this problem.When I turn on wifi, it takes about 30 seconds for my phone to connect.This happens whether I am at home, at work, or over a friends house.Here is what happens.I turn on wifi with my widget.? Wifi networks available immediately comes up, then goes away and the question mark over the wifi signal remains (on the left of the status bar).About 90 seconds later, I am connected to wifi.If I go to WiFi settings during this time, It does not list any WiFI networks. Then (after the previously mentioned 90 seconds) the wifi network appears, finds the IP address, and connects

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Lost All Data Connections Except Wifi

Oct 16, 2011

Starting late this afternoon, I lost all data connections except wifi. Verizon support told me an outage is nationwide for phones with LTE. As I am typing this, LTE is back for now after a 6+ hour outage. Hopefully Verizon fixed the lte/cdma problems that have been a problem for a couple of weeks.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: WIFI Battery Usage Snapshot?

Sep 15, 2011

Former OG user. Ran WIFI at home 24x7. Typically, wifi averaged about 2-3% of battery drain.

Got a Bionic this week, running Airplane mode at home , wifi on, disabled sleep policy. Look at these stats:

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Wifi Very Poor And Loses 3g And 4g Connection

Sep 20, 2011

I barely get a signal standing in front of the router! I dont even use it anymore. The phone also drops both 3g and 4g for no apperent reason.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Couldn't Get WiFi Hotspot Enabled

Oct 4, 2012

Went to tether my Bionic to my laptop this AM and realized I didn't have a USB cable with me. I called VZW to get the wireless hotspot enabled on my phone for a couple days. Check. Went to settings to turn on the Hotspot. Nothing. nada. zip. Got a message saying it was retreiving the agreement, and then got a message that said I needed to call VZW to enable the feature. But I just did that. Reboot the phone. Try again. Same thing.Call VZW back, they verify I was indeed provisioned for hotspot, and tell me to reboot the phone. Still doesn't work. Get handed off to a technician.Reboot the phone again. No go. Turn the Bionic off and pull the SIM. Re-seat the SIM, boot up the phone, still no hotspot.I'm now almost 90 minutes into trying to get my Bionic's hotspot feature to work (because I wanted to avoid a trip to buy an overpriced USB cable). Tech says we'll have to do a hard reset. I decline and tell him I'll add this feature to my list of disappointments with my Bionic. He asked if there was anything else I needed, and I said the release date for the ICS update, but of course, they couldn't help me with that.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Wifi Connected But No Data Transmitted

Mar 12, 2012

This is something I haven't run across before. I left work Friday phone was connected to our wifi no problem. Over the weekend the Bionic was on/off my home wifi without issue.

I come into the office this morning and wifi connects to the work wifi. The only data I get is LAN network so my exchange email and can access any device via my browser. It shows I have an IP address and everything but I can't get any data connection to the outside world unless I turn off wifi. So the wifi icon is on but it's grey instead of the blue like it should be.

I've cleared all my saved networks in my phone, pulled the battery, 4G sim. Only thing I haven't done is reset the phone. Going to test the wifi when I get home.

None of this makes sense why it connects to the APs, gets an IP and I can get internal LAN access but not external. I have other Android, iOS, laptops, etc all working fine.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: CDMA / 4G And WIFI Connection Stability

Mar 19, 2012

I have a Bionic. The device works very well with apps, but seems to have difficulty with some WIFI points and keeping connected to the 4G or 3G networks. I am in the New Haven, CT area near I95 and I have friends with an HTC Thunderbolt that can easily get the 4G consistently. This is my second Bionic, the first one stopped functioning even after factory reset. Most Single AP WIFI will connect, if not airplane mode toggle is a workaround and will allow it to see the AP and connect. Any enterprise network with multiple APs with same SSID will give me a connection problem about half the time. Once it starts the Connecting, Disconnected, Scanning loop, I must airplane toggle. This does not always correct the issue.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Screen Lock Disconnects Wifi Until Unlocked?

Nov 29, 2011

I recently noticed that my Bionic appears to disconnect from wifi when the screen locks. When I unlock the screen (and I have the dot pattern unlock), there's no wifi icon for a few seconds.

I have unlimited data, but still keep my DB on wifi all the time at home and the office. I'm guessing the DB goes into 4G or 3G mode when locked, which could be problematical if I had a measured data plan. Anyone else notice this behavior?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Playing Music While WiFi Hotspot Is Enabled?

Feb 13, 2012

Music cuts in and out reguardless of what player I use while the WiFi hotspot is enabled. I turned WiFi hotpspot off and music played as it should. Pandora, Tunein radio, mp3's... anything media wise it appears.bIt also appears this only happens while listening via a bluetooth device - in my case a Motorola T505.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Incorrect Location Showing On 4G - WiFi Fine

Jan 31, 2013

Recently, my location shows as Texas but am actually in Maryland. If I am using wi-fi, the location shows correctly. It shows incorrectly when on 4G. I tried rebooting, de-selecting location services settings and rebooting but still have this issue.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: SETTINGS.>wireless And Work Settings> ETHERNET IS "DISABLED"?

Oct 22, 2011


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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bluetooth Headset Call Quality Bad When Wifi Is Turned On

Nov 4, 2011

i don't want posts stating this has been reported before-the search enging sux on here.

as soon i turn off the wifi, the call quality goes back to normal. is this yet another bug? will it be fixed with an update? what's the story on this moto?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Car Dock = Phone Through Speakers By Default?

Feb 6, 2012

My only "complaint" is that whenever a call comes in or when I make a call, it always has it on the phonespeaker and not over the car dock audio connected to the radio. I have to press the speaker button to turn it off each time.way to have it default to the speaker being off?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Transfer Files To And From Bionic To A Windows 7 PC?

Nov 28, 2011

Does anyone know of any surefire way to transfer files to and from the Bionic to a windows 7 PC?

I have been using Zumocast, but that's only a one way deal. You can stream and download files from PC onto the Bionic, but not vice versa.Also, I tried to download a 1.4 gig mp4 file but it doesn't fully download, and makes my notification area on my Bionic force close and the whole phone just wigs out and requires a reboot. So Zumocast needs to do some updates in order to support large file transfer.

Anyway, I am looking for a way to transfer files from my phone to my computer(s) wirelessly. I don't always have my USB cable around.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bionic Apps Cannot Get Data Connection

Nov 17, 2011

Im having the same issue as a lot of other people (so i read). Mine has progressively gotten worse. My data connection shows active (sometimes it doesnt) but I cannot transfer data. After multiple restarts/battery pulls, i have data connection but NO app will transfer data except the web browser and dolphin. Even Gmail will not sync. So i can surf the web, but cant check my gmail app, pageonce, etc, etc. Wifi/bluetooth work fine. MOST of the time I can still text / make calls but not always.

I am hesitant to do a factory reset as the last time i did this, it did not change the problem and i was stuck with nothing because i had no data connection to connect to my google account with (nor wifi, i was on vacation).

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: How To Put Bionic Into Field Test Mode

Nov 15, 2011

I can get a 4G signal rarely in home. At work and mobile I am usually 4G.I expect to be on 4G for a few years (5G anytime soon?) and was thinking of spending $$$ on a Wilson repeater to pick up 4G with a directional antenna and amplifier for home: url...I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator and the principals involved seemed sound to me.Also, does anyone know how to put the Bionic into Field Test Mode?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Zumocast On Bionic Playing Different Codecs

Nov 15, 2011

Has anyone had a lot of luck with Zumocast on the Bionic playing differenct CODECS? I seems to work awesome but has some CODEC limitations, is there any way to use another video player other then the default Android one (which it appears to be utilizing)?

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