I'm using Gmail in Lumia 950 while setting Battery Server to On, and I have set the sync settings to "As Items Arrive". I have also assigned Mail and Calendar App to receive push notifications while Battery Saver is On. However, I'm not receiving push notifications and I am forced to sync Gmail manually. My phone is running the latest release, i.e., .71. How this can be resolved? Or, is this is a known issue which MSFT is still working on?
Cleared data for google service framework trying to force the lollipop update on my T-Mobile g3 and also force stopped it. Now I'm not receiving push notifications.
anyone else having problems with the gmail push notifications right now on their iphones? i stopped receiving push notifications for 2 days ago. I still receive push messages from gmail from time to time, but thats like 40 min after i receive the email in the inbox.
I have had the new version of skype downloaded onto my phone for awhile and it has never given me issues until yesterday. It doesn't give me any push notifications while I am not in the app (no noises, banners, vibrations, sounds or preview of the message at all). I have new messages when I bring skype up that I never received notifications for. I'm not receiving notifications AT ALL.Â
I have notifications for sounds and previews and pretty much everything turned on in both my settings and in the app itself.Â
I contacted skype about this and all they could do, suggest downloading a previous version to my phone. How would I do that? Is that the answer to my problem? I've tried deleting and redownloading the app, that did not work.Â
I've been enjoying my new Galaxy S6 for the past couple days but one thing I've noticed is that I'm not receiving any Gmail push notifications. I only ever notice new emails getting pulled in when I open the Gmail (or Inbox) app, and it executes a refresh now that the app is open. If I'm not using the app or my phone's screen is off -- nothing.
I've tried a number of different things, including making sure Power Saving mode is turned off and ensuring that auto sync is enabled for my Google account. I've also made sure that all the appropriate Gmail labels are set to notify me.
One thing I've noticed, in the process of discovery for my Gmail issues, is that when looking at my Google sync information on my phone, the "last synced at" time is usually very out of date.. sometimes it's a couple hours ago, sometimes it's a day ago. I'm wondering if my phone is for some reason just not polling on a regular, more reasonable interval.
FYI I'm getting push notifications from other apps (including Hangouts) as expected.
My Droid Turbo has stopped receiving push notifications from several apps including Twitter and Gmail. I was recently out of town this weekend and ever since the 2nd day of my vacation my phone has stopped receiving push notifications.
I've been using a 950 XL since early December and have been experiencing spotty performance with receiving App notifications. After performing 2 hard resets (one in particular to solve the Outlook email image problem), my 950 XL has been performing well except with failure to receive notifications from apps which are all set ON for background use. These include the MSN News, Sports, and Money apps, as well as other apps such as CNN, ESPN, ABC NEWS, NBC NEWS. Fortunately, Outlook mail and calendar notifications work fine and IM apps such as Telegram and WhatsApp seem to work on occasion (with some delays), but Skype rarely works.
But after I do a soft reset, a flood of notifications from the aforementioned apps will normally come through. Notifications will continue to work for up to about an hour, then nothing until after I do another soft reset. The same thing then happens and notifications start to come through. I have Bluetooth enabled and paired with my Vector watch and Band 1, and notifications work perfect for them. I've tried turning off Bluetooth, but this did not solve my problem with receiving notifications. I just received the most recent firmware update 2 days ago and I'm currently on build .29.
So im not reciving any update notifications for any apps. If i go to the Store there is no notifications but if i got to an app like "Nokia Maps" there will be an update. Also I dont recive any of the updates for "Extras+info" that i keep hearing about. I know some people are saying to go to windowsphone.com and force the update from Puchased apps but it doesnt show up there.
Attached is my "Extras+Info" information. Iv tried factory reseting my phone too.
I have to open the messaging app to see if anybody has texted me. I've missed 2 very important time sensitive text messages already that have burned me.
I also have a band 2 (hate how it manages messages), but this problem occurs even when bluetooth and band 2 is off/not connected.
Nothing shows up on glance/lock screen even if I have messaging chosen to show quick status.
So ever since I got my i4 my push notifications do not come in on WWF at all. Before when I updated to iOS4 on my 3G I would get them all the time. But on my i4, I do not. Is anyone else having the same problems?
I'm using the free app and never had this problem til I used this game on my i4.
I'm using this blackberry without a data plan primarily for text and talk and do not need a data plan ( i know this means i can't use most apps.. i might get one later though ) but in the mean time how do i get gmail push notifications? right now i use the Browser to access my email, but is there an app i can use so i don't have to?
I noticed that the push notifications weren't working after I downloaded the app 'Draw Something'. Not blaming the app at all, btw. My wife gets notified when it's her turn and I don't. My wife also has a 4S and we have notifications set the same. So I upgraded to 5.1 last night and still no push notifications. I set espn and tvguide to give me a lot of notifications and have not got anything. I downloaded ipusher app and it's not working either. I'll assume the app is working and my phone isn't.
Anyone having trouble with Push notifications on the iPhone4?I've not been getting push's for Words With Friends and Facebook. Don't have any other push apps installed (besides Apple Store app - not sure what would be pushed for that tho).Yes my Notifications is set to ON. I called AT&T today and he reset something (which also cleared my voicemail settings - which I had to setup again).I also restored my phone. No pushes still.
I've got MLB At Bat installed on my iPhone 4, and have yet to receive any push notifications for when my selected favorite team start and finish their games (Marlins, if you must know!)
I've reselected the teams in the MLB app, but I've gotta wait until 7 tonight to see if it did the trick.
Also, I'm not even getting push notifications for Facebook or MSNBC anymore either.
I was wondering how could I get push notifications to work again on my iPhone 3gs that has a 3.1.3 firmware.I tried installing Push Doctor (http://cmdshft.ipwn.me/apt/), but it always gets stuck in "Downloading Packages" and just stays there.Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Seems like my g3 is cursed. After a factory reset I don't get any push notifications from any app. Once i open the app it refreshes itself. But once i exit I get no notifications from facebook google gmail e mail anything. I talked to customer service both provider and lg I restarted the phone i disables and then re enabled push notifications from apps. Nothing works on wireless or mobile network
I get push notifications from many apps that appear in the pull down notification list, but they are always cut off. Is there any way to see the full text of the notification past the ... ? Selecting the notification opens the app, which is not what I want. For example, I get breaking news updates but I can usually only see half of the headline in the pull-down. As it's a breaking news update, there is no article written on it yet so opening the app isn't useful. It's getting really annoying, I'd like to be able to read the notification without opening the app. I don't really see the point in only displaying part of the notification or message or email in the pull-down.
I remember a couple of months ago when fb push notifications went live on the facebook app...only to be plagued with extreme unreliabilty with no sound or vibrate...an ailment that still exists within the app today. i recently installed boxcar because of the great things and reliabilty i have heard it has...only to be disappointed again. and when i say disappointed, i mean the product didnt work AT ALL. i mean not one single push notification from facebook has been received. seriously...whats the deal...is it that hard to support push notifications for facebook?
I have an LG G3 with the latest Android OS (5.0.1) and latest application updates as well. Verizon is my carrier. This problem started occurring after I updated to the latest OS, and it is quite strange.
There are a selection of apps that will NOT send me push notifications over WIFI. Say, when I leave for work, and my phone transfers to 4G LTE, my phone BLOWS UP with notifications from apps like Snapchat, Twitter, Google Hangouts, ESPN, MLB AT BAT, etc. It seems like Telegram, Texting, KIK, and Facebook Messenger are the only apps that properly send me notifications over Wifi. Here's what's even stranger: I have two Gmail accounts attached to my Gmail app. One account sends me push notifications over Wifi just fine, but the other will only send me push notifications over 4G LTE.
I don't know why, but since yesterday morning I'm not getting notifications from apps installed on my iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.Messages, iMessages, mails, calendar alerts, etc., works fine, but the rest of apps shows a message telling me that I must connect to iTunes to activate notifications.I'm connected to iTunes but I don't know what else must do.All notifications are activated. It's been working since before yesterday without problem. And I've never used any jailbreak software.
I'm gonna try to be clear with my problem. I have a Gmail Account working on Microsoft Exchange, for IM messaging I'm using Beejive IM with Push and I'm also using Whatsapp. Before Updating it to iOS 5.1.1 all Push notifications were working flawless,however, after I upgraded it to 5.1.1, I began having troubles. After 1 minute of having the Iphone locked,I don't get any push notification nor on the email, nor on the Whatsapp, neither on the Beejive. If I unlock it and I re-open one of them, for ex, I go to check my contact list on Beejive, I get all the mails, and all the instant msgs that people had sent to me after I locked my iPhone; it's like, my iPhone was locked for 30 minutes. In those 30 minutes people sent me 4 msgs on whatsapp, 4 msgs on beejive and 4 mails. Once I unlock my iPhone and I go to one of the 3 apps (mail, whatsapp or beejive), I get the 12 items (4 msg from whatsapp, 4 msgs from beejive and 4 mails) at that exactly time. It's crazy, it's like, with this new update push notifications got disabled for every app or what happened to my iPhone on this upgrade? I really need help. WIthout Push, none of them apps works cool for me. I'm using Iphone 4 on a 3G network.
Ps: I tried restoring it x3, I unistalled the apps, mail, etc and nothing worked.PS2: If someone is using whatsapp or beejive im with push on the new iOS 5.1.1 and push notifications are working good for them,it so I will know it's my iPhone hardware problem to bring it to technical
I had a locked AT&T iphone which I recently unlocked paying for it through Negri Electronics. I see that my notifications are enabled but they are not working at all. For example my Whatsapp is not receiving any messages unless I open it up.
FYI. My iPhone 4 is not jailbroken and has the latest update.
I had a locked AT&T iphone which I recently unlocked paying for it through Negri Electronics (Apple approved), this means that I can update my iphone through iTunes without any problems, which I did and now I'm using another carrier chip. I see that my notifications are enabled but they are not working at all. For example my Whatsapp is not receiving any messages unless I open it up. This happens with alot of other apps that use notifications. FYI. My iPhone 4 is not jailbroken and has the latest update.
Anyway to change notifications so that when someone comments on a status or something i post i can have it pushed to my phone. It sometimes work but all the time I gotta keep going into facebook and see what the notifications are.