IPhone :: Transferring Photos On My 4s To My Separate Plugin Hard-drive?
Mar 22, 2012Is there any way of transferring photos on my iPhone to my separate plug-in hard-drive?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
Is there any way of transferring photos on my iPhone to my separate plug-in hard-drive?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
I don't have enough space on my macbook to back my pictures up onto it. I am wanting to back up my pictures from my iphoto onto an external hard drive.
How do I transfer my 7,669 photos from my iphone 4s to my external hard drive. (windows NOT mac) ?
iPhone 4S, Windows 7
how do i erase the photos on my iPhone that has been already saved on the hard drive
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Mac crashed last Friday. First timeIs there any way to get my photos FROM my iPod Touch back into my new hard drive. The iTunes sync only goes one way from the computer to the iPod. It syncs the photos taken with the iPod (really an old iPhone 3G without phone service) but not the folders which I synced from the old hard drive to the iPod over the past year.
Info:iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2
Was wondering how i can use my iphone as an portable external hard drive.
iPhone 4S, Windows Vista
my mac's hard drive stopped booting. so all i have right now is my iPhone (my music, videos, apps).i would be getting a new macbook pro, but i would like to know if there is a way extract my apps, music, videos etc. to a mac.anybody have any experience with this? i have been checking out google but i did not find anything.
View 6 Replies View Relatedi want get 720 video off my iphone4 without uploading to Internet or any other site. i want to directly save it to my hard drive.pixelpipe isn't what i am looking for. is this even an option?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo my hard drive died on me, had to get a new hard drive. Now how do I go about apps getting apps that I've bought onto my new computer, or am I out of luck? I know when I hook up to the computer, I get a message saying that if choose to sync, that it would overwrite my bought apps, therefore I wouldn't have them anymore Please help.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy hard drive crashed. No back up of Itunes. Put new drive in and downloaded Itunes. Now when I sync all my programs will not transfer to the new hard drive. Also, under general settngs/itunes wi-fi sync/ there are 2 names both corespond to my computer. One I synced with all programs and data dated April 25, 2012. It is greyed out when I try to sync. The 2nd identity (smae name) dated today syncs but only minimal cell phone info is backed up. I deleted Itunes and reinstalled again. Still the same problem. How do I get Itunes to back up everything?
iPhone 4, iOS 5, Syncing to Windows XP
My hard drive crashed during an upgrade of OS X to support icloud. My only data backup is my iphone. I need to xfer music, photos, etc. to another computer in the house. How do I do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was using the iPhone 4S on an old laptop, but got a new PC. Everything works fine except that I cannot move any music files from my new PC *to* my iPhone. It still works on the old laptop, but does not work on the new PC. I de-authorized the old one and authorized the new one (under the Store tab in iTunes) but that did not solve the problem.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
I just bought a new iPhone and my computer which had the back up from my old phone broke. I have the hard drive from my computer inside another computer. How do I access my old phones backup from the hard drive, through iTunes and onto my new phone?
NOTE: it's not an external hard drive, it is a PC hard drive that I installed into another PC to access it.
Password protecting iPhone 3gs as a Portable Hard Drive? I recently bought a Brand New iPhone 3gs 32gb Black.I specifically bought the 32gb model so I can use 20gb as a portable flash drive and the rest for regular iphone stuff.Well I am able to use the iphone as a hard drive fine, but I recently noticed a problem.
I am not able to password protect the folders that I am adding.The reason this concerns me is because I have roommates. And 1 of them happens to have an iPhone 3gs also. There are times where I might have to leave my phone unattended in my room like when I go take a shower, etc.
Or even in the unfortunate event where I lose my phone which has never happened before thankfully.
I just wanted to know if there is a simple way to password protect the folders on my iphone 3gs hard drive so that nobody can access the files without the password.I've been searching google for the past hour and am shock that it is the year 2010 and Microsoft has still not implemented this into Windows.
All google search results turn up is websites that want you to download this trialware/freeware which alot of them do not look legit.Is there a simple quick and easy way to do this without installing any software because I really don't want to get any spyware or virus all over this.Is anybody is in the same situation as me, or has a solution to my problem.
Yesterday, I picked up a new iPhone 4. I went to work, downloaded 4.0.1, downgraded the phone successfully, and jailbroke it. I hit the "Make it Easy" button and figured that when I got home I'd capture the SHSH files using Umbrella.By the time I got home, Apple had stopped signing 4.0.1 - I must have squeaked by just in time. Cydia still says, "Pending TSS request", but I think that means that Cydia didn't get it in time.Is there any possible way to get the blobs off of the PC at work? I know that itunes deleted them as soon as it was done with them, but has anyone ever recoverd them before? I hadn't done much with the PC the rest of the day, so there's a pretty good chance that they haven't been overwritten yet.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am wondering if there is a way to back up EVERYTHING on my iPhone as well as my Missus iphone but save it all on an external hard drive. The reason for this is my phone recently died beyond repair and I seem to have not backed up my movies songs and apps, needless to say it was extremely annoying.On top of this I am hoping to set it up so it backs up both phones daily over wifi automatically.I have looked on the Internet and can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
Is it possible to create a ghost image of your iphone before you restore it? I never backed up the pictures of my little and will lose it all
iPhone 3G, iOS 4.3.3
I am planning to travel to Central America, and I want to take pictures with my iPhone. I only have 8 GB memory, so I wanted to take my 1 TB WD Mac External Hard Drive with me on the trip. Is there any way I can connect my iPhone directly to the external hard drive, without the use of a computer?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
iphone disabled can not connect to computer because of hard drive crash how do I do a restore of the phone iTunes does not recognize the device because it is locked
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have got all my music, photos and apps sorted but how can I save my playlists, contacts, sms and notes? I am backed up to iCloud but if I sync my phone with iTunes will I lose all my data? I haven't dared click sync as I don't want to lose what I have on my phone.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
How do I transfer my .mp3 files from my external hard drive to my itunes library?
iPhone 4S, Windows 7
I have recently had to have my macbook harrdive wiped and so none of my music, apps or anything from my iphone are now on it. How can I transfer all this data back across to my computer?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1
i want to download ringtones from music on my computer,media player or external hard drive using windows computer;
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, windows computer
I'm wondering if it's possible to connect am external hard drive to z3?Over seen others doing it on other android device. Got an otg cable, connected my hard drive but the phone isn't picking it up or I'm doing something wrong.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with my BB Bold 9700. I have around seven apps installed none of them being of major size. Still with evey download of an update my space on the hardrive is reduced. How can I delete older update versions or is there any other way to free some space?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an external hard drive with media files on it and I wondered if there was any way to connect it to my Wildfire and play them on there as I used to on my PC? If so, what would I need?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way of format the E: drive of a Nokia N8 without using Hard reset?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy note 3 was able to access a second SD card through the micro USB port. I just tried to access an external hard drive that way. (with my LG g4) No luck so far. The G4 just doesn't see the hard drive.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow am I able to read an external hard drive, directly from my phone, I have an s5. The hard drive seems to requires some power to run it...
View 3 Replies View RelatedStarted to prepare for installation of the new Belle for my N8-00 but during step 2 of the installation (back up) a red expression mark appears telling me that "there is not enough space on the computer. Minimum requirement is 1,5GB on the e: drive. Please delete or move 0 MB from \e-enheten" (direct translation from Swedish version of Nokia suite, please see attached pic). I successfully made a back up using the common steps earlier today.The issue is that I don't even have an e-drive on my computer. C: is there (of course) then a whole bunch of network drives from my office network (F: ->X but no e: The only e-drive I have is the one on the phone and there I have enough space available.I have the latest version of Nokia suite btw (3.3.86).
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a xyboard and want to connect my wd passport hard drive to it, but it states it needs to reformat. Any one know if there is a driver for external hard drives to support the xyboard?
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