my macbook air's hd failed and has just been replaced. i'm a backup kind of guy but was away for a month and lost that month's stuff. except it's on my iphone - at least some great photos are - in a folder from my old iphoto. anyway, how do i get those photos into my new iphoto? they're not photo stream or camera roll.
I have 300 photos on my iPhone 4s that I want on my PC. The only method I have found is to send each photo to my email individually. This means my email will be filled with 300 messages. That's very time consuming. How do I tansfer them all to my PC at one time?
Loving my new iPhone 4. Great camera. The Camera+ app (not CameraPlus) seems to be one of the better photo apps out there.
However, I can't seem to transfer my photos from it (saved to camera roll) to my Mac. Aperture does not recognize them, in that they are blank with just a border around them. iPhoto says they are in an incompatible format and thus cannot be imported. But they are jpegs, apparently.
Anyone in the same boat? Am I doing something wrong here?
I have an iphone 4s. And I want to transfer the photos I've taken with my phone to my pc. I don't think my pc is up to date enough to run icloud. Is there another way?
I recently upgraded from iPhone 4 to the new Iphone 4s and when I connect phone to computer to transfer photos from phone to computer, I am unable to do so. No matter what I set, I can only get photos From computer on Phone, not the other way around...What do I need to do to get the photos I take with phone to sync and transfer when I connect to computer? I have 2 issues: one is a PC and one is a mac mini. I have 2 phones and one connects to the mac and the other to a pc..
Info: iPhone 4S, Other OS, PC is XP and Mac is OS X 10.6.8
Feel like such an idiot because Macs are supposed to be so intuitive, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to transfer the photos I took with my iPhone to my iMac. I have the phone plugged in through USB. The iMac doesn't seem to recognize it. When I open iTunes though, of course I can see it. But I can find absolutely no utility to allow me to transfer the photos to my computer.
I can not seem to get the photos from my iphone 4S to transfer to my windows computer. photostream is total crap and will not work. 28 photos of 300 were transfered and then it stopped working. Need help. Thanks,