IPhone :: Why Is 4s 64GB Serial Number On The Box Different Then The Serial Number On The Phone
Jul 6, 2012
I just purchased a new Iphone 4s 64GB. I brought it to my carrier to have it activated. when I came home to register it with Apple, I noticed that the serial number on the box is different then the serial number on my Iphone.
my phone number and serial number not populated in phone settings. I think they used to. Have recently unlocked and flashed with stock firmware. Could this be related and does if matter?
My brother's girlfriends dad gave me his iPhone 3GS to call AppleCare and set up a replacement. I havent called becuase I can't find the serial number. The iPhone was dropped in water and it doesn't boot at all. The sim tray has no IMEI or serial number. He doesn't have the box or any backups avaliable on his computer either . Is there anyway Apple can fix it or replace the iPhone without a serial number? Could there be a serial number inside the iPhone?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.3GHz Core i5, iPhone 4S,new iPad
My iphone was stolen and I'm wondering can it be found using the serial number? I'm sure whoever stole it would have it activated and are probably using it.
I got a reply from a guy who had the same Proximity Sensor issue I have an he said his first iPhone was week 22 and his replaced iPhone was week 26. How do you know based on the serial number if a replacement iPhone4 is newer or older based on reading the model number? My current iPhone4 serial number starts with 8602.... how old is this one and how will I know if my replacement I am going to pick up today will be a newer model?
My iphone 4 has been stolen and now police are asking for IMEI number to trace the same. I got the serial number from my apple id but dont have IMEI no. I tried looking in itunes but in backup (in preferences - Device tab), it is showing only my phone number and not giving IMEI number.
I've recently had my iphone stolen, it was prepaid so he probably took the sim out. I am pretty sure I didn't have any applications as it was brand new is there a way to track the iphone any other way? Most suggestions I've had is no use because you need your phone infront of me which I physically cannot do to use applications. I have a serial number?
I recently upgraded to an iPhone 4s from a 4. After a few weeks, I removed my old phone (iPhone 4) from the Find My iPhone web page application. About a week ago, I took out the old phone to charge it, and it mysteriously disappeared. All I have for the old iPhone is the serial number. I have a suspecision that a particular person took the phone as that person was at my house around the last time that I remember seeing the phone and shortly thereafter, this unemployed person got an iPhone. This is only a suspicion, and I will not make and acusation without proof. Cell phone service for the device was discontinued when the new phone was activated. Is there any way for me to locate MY iPhone with only the serial number of the device? Apple support says that there is not.
Would it be possible to obtain my lost Iphone's serial number? It doesn't appear in the Itunes anymore (Edit/Preferences/Devices) I do have the IMEI number,
I am locked out of my iPhone 4th gen which mean i cant get into my iPhone to find the serial. I don't want to be told how to get myself in atm I need finding out which is the serial there is a
Only having one insurance plan for my iPhone and my wife's iPhone if we have the EXACT same phone? If we ever have damage, then we just fix the one, and then get insurance for the other? Square Trade doesn't ask for a serial number on the phone or anything.
I got this message: "We're sorry, but this is a serial number for a product that has been replaced. Please check your information and re-enter your serial number. If your information is correct, you may need to contact us." .