IPhone :: Why Does A Page Updates If I Change To Another
Jun 15, 2012
Why does a page updates if i change to another? It so silly? If im on this side and i go to another, then, it updates automatic. I hate that. This happening when i press the buttom to the right when im using Safari and change page...
why have a link from the i886 forum home page to the Android updates page whenthe updates page doesn't discuss the i886;the i886 "settings" don't discuss Andriod, except somewhere in the licensing doc (I just read about it, I didn't bother to go looking for it in the phone's microfont.)nobody on the internet seems to know for certain what Android version the phone ships with, andSprint/Moto have apparently made no effort to date to disabuse anyone of item (3).I request you please stop the pointless taunting of innocent i886 users and remove the Android update link from the i886 Forum Home page. I suggest that a link to the daily Dilbert comic strip would add more value to the i886 user's experience on this website than the android link ever will.
I recently changed my apple id. On my iphone, I signed out and logged in with the new id. This works fine till I try to update my apps. The update is still listing my old id. How can I correct this?
As silly as this sound if you enter in any search box for "change default web page" you will get no answer or something really stupid.I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING HAVING TO DO WITH BLACKBERRY PERIOD ON THE BROWSER.
I recently ordered a w995 from overseas, and for some reason I am unable to change the default page on the web browser. Although I tried changing the setting in Internet Services -> Options -> Advanced -> Connectivity -> Default homepage, the browser seems to ignore the page I provide. Is there any way that I can override this behaviour?
This sounds totally "noobish" but, for some reason my "Weather" app has jumped from the homepage native app group on my 3GS to the second page. Is there anyway to get it back on the homepage where it belongs? I've tried to drag it drop it on the homepage but it no workie!!
On my iPhone4, I have 3 pages, 1/2 filled with apps. Is there a way to move an app from like page 3 to page 2? (The reason this came up is because I have my sports apps all together on page 2, and another sports app on page 3 so I can't seem to get it over to put it with the others.)
I have a new Tour Blackberry 9630. Is there a way to have Web page bookmark shortcuts on the Home page? I have tried several copies, moves etc and can not seem to make it work. Want to be able to click on a bookmark and have it open Internet and go to that page.
My daughters both have 9300's One is running on 6.0 2949 the other 9300 will not let me upgrade from 5.0 1399. When I plug phone into PC and check for updates I get message saying no Blackberry updates
Since the Market App was updated to ver. 3.1.5 on my htc Desire, that when I get a new message in the notification area that there are updates for any of my20 Apps and clicking on updates it goes straight into My apps but no updates are showing only installed apps so don't know what apps need to be updated, or if already updated it does not say what app was updated.On clicking on all my apps there is no ticks in any of the Automatic Update boxes! Before the update to ver. 3.1.5 you could see what apps needed to be updated and why and had a choice if you wanted it updated or not
how do i move an app from one page to another? When I upgraded to the latest software on my 4s, the camera went to the last page rather than remaining on the home page?
So far I think I have a perfect phone. No weird yellow dots or lines or dead pixels etc, However I just noticed that if I have like a white wallpaper, and I go swipe from screen 2 to screen 1, My iPhone flicker for like .01 second just one time. It doesn't happen if say I was in page 10 then I click on the home button. Only if I swipe from page 2 to 1. I dont think I can see it if I put a dark wallpaper.
Note. I tried this on 4.0. And 4.0.1 software and the same thing
I want my first page on my Iphone to have no icons and just show the dock. Then swipe to next page with all my apps. I've been trying a bunch of things but it always just reverts back. Any ideas on how to do this?
For the past couple of days, I keep getting the message that Safari cannot load a page when I click on links or try to do a search on my iPhone. My signal strength would be strong the whole time. And if I keep hitting reload, the page will usually eventually load, but it's taking a lot of time. I don't have the same problem with other apps that require a data connection. I've already tried rebooting the phone multiple times by pressing the home and power buttons simultaneously, but that hasn't solved the problem. I also cleared history, cookies, and data. I haven't tested it enough yet while I've been on a Wi-Fi connection since the past couple of days I've mostly been on 3G so not sure if it's a network issue although as I mentioned the signal strength appears very strong and if I launch other apps that use a network connection, they have no loading issues.
I Updated my 64gb iPhone 5s to 7.1.1 and when I scroll the page goes all jerky and all over the place this happens to most of my apps even on multitasking. how do I fix this ?