IPhone :: What Is The Cause Of "error 1015" When Trying To Restore And Update
Jun 2, 2012
What is the cause of "error 1015" when you're trying to restore and update an iphone 3gs? My iphone is currently in recovery mode and can not get out of it. All the information about my iphone shown on itunes is only marked as- N/A. How can I get my iphone out of recovery mode and get it to recover and update?
My phone froze yesterday and the date changed to 1 jan 2000. I tried to restore it but now I get an error 1015 at the end. What can I do to get it to work again?
I was uptading mu Iphone 3g,after downloading the software Itone start it to iphone and then at the end time it shows 1015 error ,now icant restore my iphone.
While doing a restore of the iphone 3, error code 1015 was displayed nearing the end of the restore. What is the reason for this and how can this be rectified?
Was given an iphone by a friend who said it weren't working anymore. Tried to get it into recovery mode to install IOS 4.2.3 (I think, anyway - doesn't show the version number now?) with iTunes Went through the update process but then dropped out with error code 1015. From googling it seems that this is when a phone has been jailbroken... My friend bought this off someone a while ago and says the person who had it before did this with Cydia... and has only really used it as an ipod themselves so hasn't noticed anything. The phone still sits at the black apple logo screen.
After requesting for a carrier unlock with AT&T, I received their confirmation email and followed the directions. I have been trying to restore my iPhone 3G using the latest iTunes installed on a MacBook with OS X Lion. I have been unable to restore and use my phone. I am stuck at restoring it over and over giving me an error code of 1015.