IPhone :: Online Upgrade On None-data Plan Line

May 19, 2010

How will this work. I plan on using the early upgrade discount option on a different line for the 4th gen iphone. This line is NOT on a data plan, just standard blackberry, so how will I be able to use the phone with my line instead? I know when they ship the phone the sim card will be for the bb line and not my phone but yeah, still a little unsure.

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IPhone 3GS :: Transferring Different Line On Plan Without Data?

Jun 16, 2010

So I am hopefully getting the iPhone 4 on the launch date, however I would like to give my 3GS to my dad for fathers day. Is there a way without jailbreaking/unclocking so that the 3GS does not have a data plan? We are on a family share plan. I thought the data contract was required with the initial purchase of the phone due to the subsidy, but now that I am upgrading to the iPhone 4 I should be renewing my 2 year data contract. Any ideas?

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Xperia Mini/pro :: Internet Connection - Cannot Go Online With Data Plan

Aug 30, 2012

I have a problem with my xperia mini pro, it happens that I have a data plan and I cannot go online, do not know if the problem of software or equipment.

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BB Tour 9630 :: Web Browser Gone - How To Upgrade Without A Data Plan

Jul 1, 2010

So I did this tutotrial on how to update my blackberry tour without a PLAN LINK: How To: Upgrade BB With(out) a Data plan! - BlackBerryForums.com : Your Number One BlackBerry Community and on top of that my blackberry is DISCONNECTED at the moment because i will be Flashing my sprint bb tour to metro pcs. and i saw a comment that said the browser would be gone.

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IPhone :: Add New Line And Cancel Line / 599 Upgrade Vs 199

Jun 19, 2010

My wife's line isn't eligible for an early upgrade. AT&T wants 599 for an iPhone 4. Has anyone thought about. Doing this if you're in my shoes? Add a new family line and get an iPhone 4 for 199 and port out your old line and get an early termination fee of around $100 since she has had the phone for a year. Therefore the cost of a new phone is $299. AT&T said that I would have to wait 60 days to port the line back in otherwise it would be considered a win back.

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IPhone :: Upgrading One Line In Family Plan Using Another

Jun 14, 2010

I need some recommendations on what I should do. Here's my scenario, I upgraded my cell phone last year, and my line in the family plan isn't due for a fully discounted upgrade until next year 02/2011. My mother's line however is eligible for a full discount on the IPhone 4. I want to use her upgrade, but I want the new IPhone on my line without touching or affecting her plan. What would be the best thing for me to do come June 24th? I was thinking about pre-ordering from Apple, but I believe someone said Apple can only upgrade the line eligible for the fully subsidized pricing, and they don't have the ability to switch the phone over.

Pre-ordering from AT&T would be nice, but apparently if you pre-order from them, and pick it up in the store, you won't be getting your phone until the 25th. Would camping out the night before in front of the AT&T store be my best option? Or should I pre-order the phone from AT&T, get it delivered to my house (hopefully on the 24th) and then go into the store that day and have them switch the phone over from her line to my line?

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IPhone :: Can I Get An A TELUS Family Plan WITHOUT A Data Plan?

Jun 12, 2010

Right now I'm on a TELUS family plan with 4 people and there are no iPhones. I want to get an iPhone and have it on the family plan but also not buy a data plan. Is it possible to do this? So basically my plan would be around $25 a month with unlimited text and caller ID.

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IPhone :: Adding Line / Switching To Att Family Plan? Keep Rollover Minutes?

May 18, 2010

I want to add a line of service to my iphone plan with a blackberry bold and switch to a family talk plan. will I have to sign a new contract? my iphone contract is up and I want to upgrade in june. will I keep my 4000 rollover minutes?

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BB Curve 8500 :: 8520 No Data Plan With Carrier / In Post Payment Plan

Jan 4, 2010

I have the 8520, and have no data plan with my carrier in my post payment plan, i thought , since i have wi-fi at home, office and tons of hot spots. I can use my BB to access the web using free wi-fi as i have been doing with my last 4 smartphones.Big mistake. i have been charged 55 us last month, for data transfer use , i ran to my plan´s assistance office ( telcel in Mexico ), and the answer i got was. you have to get a data plan from us to be able to use wi-fi ( obviuosly i stared at her , just nodding my head ).There is no point in having a device that has acces to wi fi networks , if i cant access the wi fi network without you data plan, so i got the lady to bring the tech guy. His response was...naaahhh...it will access the wi fi. but we´ll charge u anyway. you need to disable the network from the phone and only leave the wi fi option on so you can access without any other charge, but this will leave you with no phone connection.

Is this real? did i just spend 399us in a gadget that has wi fi capabilities but will not be able to get on any wi fi connection form home or work, without being charged for data transmission over my cell providers network?cmon this sounds as stupid as it does in my head ? i would be really disapointed if i just left my old Nokia E71 SPhone, for this beautiful BB Curve 8520 THAT DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE WI Fi.

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IPhone :: 200mb Data Plan Enough? Or Should I Wait For IP4 Data Usage

Jun 18, 2010

I checked out my data usage on the att website and it turns out surprisingly that i consistently use under 200mb a month.

1. I beejive im every work day for at least 2 hours on edge(don't tell my boss) but it suprisingly only comes out to only about 4mbs per day (if i used 3g would the data consumption be higher?)

2. I maybe use slingplayer 1 day a month on 3g (sad) about 10mbs i think

3. I grab email manually by opening up the mail app maybe twice a day max.

Do you think i should switch asap? or is it best recommended to view iphone 4 data usage first in case i upload 720p video (which i doubt they will let you do)

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IPhone :: Could Not Activate Cellular Data Network / No Data Plan

Jun 20, 2010

I bought an iPhone 3GS off a guy on craigslist and it works great, no complaints. But every few minutes or so I get the alert saying that I "Cannot activate cellular data network - You are not subscribed to a cellular data service", and it's really annoying because it lights up my iPhone all the time and kills my battery. It's also really annoying - it comes up whenever I'm typing a message or playing a game; literally when I do ANYTHING on my phone. I do not have a data plan, but I have used 'unlockit.co.nz' to install a Fake APN to my iPhone to block data. Rogers has also given me a data block. This has been going on ever since I bought the phone, I thought installing a Fake APN would stop it but I guess not. I can't really restore since I have a lot of stuff on this iPhone already.. but if that's the only option then I will be forced to. I used to have an unlocked Fido 3G (about 2 months ago) without data and it never gave me this alert, do you think it has something to do with my 3GS being locked to Rogers?

This phone is a jailbroken iPhone 3GS (model MC143C) running version 3.1.3 (7E18) and locked to the "Rogers 5.0" network. If it helps the modem firmware is 05.12.01.if there are no real solutions, I still have 2 months left on my warranty. Would Apple fix it or give me a new one if I un-jailbreak it?

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IPhone :: Retrieving Music / Data From ICloud Use Data Plan?

Jun 28, 2012

Does retrieving music and data from iCloud use up the data plan usage? And is there an adapter that will allow me to charge the iPhone with the standard charging cord for Blackberry and Android?

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IPhone :: IPad Data Plan On Data Card?

Jun 2, 2010

Does anyone know what happens if you get an (activated) iPad micro-SIM and put it in a PC data card? Grabbing the $30/month for unlimited data before it goes away would be attractive if it works.

I'm aware I'd have to get a micro-SIM to SIM adaptor, but what else? Change the APN my PC uses? Does AT&T check the IMEI? I've been searching but no one seems to have tried it, unless my search-fu skills are failing me.

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IPhone :: Pre-Order At AT&T / Using Upgrade From Another Line ?

Jun 7, 2010

Can I pre-Oder at an ATT store (for the $199 price) using an upgrade from another line on my family plan? Normally, I would go ahead and order from apple, but I read somewhere else (on these forums) that apple can't do it as their system cant access upgrade eligibility/etc, so I would need to go to a ATT store.So basically... am i forced to camp out at an ATT store to ensure I get one on launch, or can I pre-order and have one waiting for me? If it wasn't for the new micro SIM, I would have just upgraded the other line and switched the SIMs.

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IPhone :: 2 IP's At Upgrade Price On Same Line

Jul 12, 2010

Placed an order with Premier for iPhone 4 Friday before July 4 weekend but it got stuck in the "Attention" stage. So I placed a second order over the weekend which went through fine and I received it last week. The original order shipped out yesterday. Now I've got 2 iPhone 4's at upgrade pricing. I've already activated the first one and my contract end date has been updated to 2012. What do I do? I'd like to be able to keep the second one and have my wife use it; is this possible?

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IPhone :: Upgrade Swap / Only Possible Via Line On Same Account?

Jun 16, 2010

I've read through the excellent iPhone Upgrade Guide, and discovered the "upgrade swap" process and now I'm wondering if I can take advantage of it..My son and I are on a family plan, we both have iPhone 3GS's and since his line is the "main" line on our account, he's eligible to get a new iPhone 4 at the $299 price right now ..

My line is the secondary line and checking via https://buyiphone.apple.com/WebObjec...adeEligibility for my line shows my price for an iPhone 4 would be $699 before Dec 20, 2010 and $499 after Dec 20, 2010

My folks have an entirely separate account and they have their own famliy plan, checking my dad's line, he's eligible to get a new iPhone 4 at the $299 price right now; my mom's line is eligible for an iPhone 4 for $499 before May 21, 2011 and $299 after May 21, 2011.Anyway, reading through the upgrade guide, the upgrade swap asks "Can I use someone else's upgrade? Yes, this is called an "upgrade swap""

I've read through a ton of threads here about upgrade swap, but it seems everyone is talking about the "someone else" being an additional line on their existing account.Has anyone done an upgrade swap using a person/line that isn't on their own account? and if so, how easy or hard is what I'm asking?I'm not sure if I'm reading too much or too little into the upgrade swap section of the upgrade guide..

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IPhone 4s :: Stuck During OS Upgrade 1/2 Way Along The Line Under The Apple LOGO?

Aug 27, 2014

during an upgrade to the latest OS version on our IPHONE 4S, it stopped updating about 1/2 way along the line under the APPLE LOGO. what can I do to complete, or restart the update?

iPhone 4S, iOS 6

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IPhone :: Upgrade To 4G Through Family Plan?

May 14, 2010

It seems that the new (4G) IPhone according to the leaked prototypes has a micro SIM card. So the usual upgrade plan for many (wife has a free upgrade, gets the new phone, which is swapped with the spouses current iIhone) does not work as the physical format of the cards is different.

Any idea if AT&T can transfer the SIM and change the phone numbers so that this is working again. Is this why Apple is doing this? While there is an adapter from micro to normal SIM one has to physically cut the normal sim card down (gulp). Don't want to know what AT&T is saying if you go to them and say the card doesn't work since it was cut down.

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IPhone :: Using A Family Plan Upgrade?

Jun 7, 2010

Since AT&T seems to be ridiculous with this pushing upgrades back business, my 3GS made it so I can't upgrade myself, but I'm going to be using my little brother on the family plan's upgrade. The issue is, I'll be in California for Camp while my whole family will be in Oregon.

I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do this. Can I order it to Camp with his phone number on it, then when I get it, plug it into my computer and just put my phone number in it, and still pay the $199 instead of $399? Is there a better way to do this?

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IPhone :: Family Plan Upgrade For 4

Jun 10, 2010

I apologize for the constant barrage of IPhone 4 upgrade questions, but here is mine, laid out for my needs.
- My dad has himself and 4 other member of our family on a family*Family Plan.
- I am the only person in the family with an IPhone.
- Everyone is available for an AT&T upgrade, except for me (February 2011).

Here is my question:
I would like to get the new iPhone 4 when it comes out. My friend wants to buy my IPhone 3Gs. She is on Verizon. From what I read, I can do family plan upgrade transfers, etc. Could I use her phone to upgrade to an IPhone 4, sell my old phone, have her new IPhone transferred over to my 3G SIM card (I would keep my old number, and she would keep hers), and she would simply put a sim card back into her old phone, with her old number. Essentially, both myself and my mother would like to keep our existing numbers, but I would be using her upgrade for myself. However, I would be willing to change my number if that is the only way it works out. What is the exact process involved with this 'maneuver'?

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IPhone :: Family Plan Upgrade

Jun 14, 2010

So me and my sister are on a FAN family plan and we both want to upgrade to the IPhone 4. Shes getting a full discount and im only getting an early upgrade discount since i got the 3GS last year. Is it true that I am only allowed one pre order per household from ATT.com? and if so, how can i pre order the other one? can I pre order from apple and still keep my same voice, messaging, and data plan?

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IPhone :: Can I Use Anothers Upgrade For Myself On Family Plan?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm on a family plan with 3 people. Father, me, and brother. My father has a crappy black razr from a long time ago, me and my brother both got the 3gs the day it was released. My brother is the primary line on the plan, so he's eligible for the upgrade. My father doesn't care about his phone so he's eligible for an upgrade as well, but since I'm not the primary line and I just got my 3GS, I would have to pay $399. My father said I could go ahead and use his upgrade. Can I go in to Att and use his upgrade without ever activating the phone on his line? Obviously we do not want to have the data plan on his line, and I would like to keep the unlimited data on my account.

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IPhone :: Upgrade Will Extend Family Plan

Aug 5, 2010

A family plan has 4 lines. All lines are eligible for devices upgrade. One phone has been upgrade to IPhone 4, which extended the family plan another 2yrs. Now if upgrading the remaining 3 phones to discount phones listed on AT&T as well, will the family plan be extended 6 more years? (2 yrs x 3). I have heard, many time, that some people get iPhones 4s for all lines of their family plan. Wouldn't that make their contracts to up to 10 years? (if they open 5 lines, all upgrade to iPhone 4s) If it is true, isn't that crazy? (esp. with AT&T). The reason I bring up this question is a AT&T online chat agent told me that it is true that those 2yrs extended contract for each individual line will sum up to 2-10 years. I found it unbelievable. I want to upgrade all my lines.

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IPhone :: Family Plan Upgrade And Switching Phones?

Jul 28, 2010

I am on a family plan with the rest of my family, but got added several months after they started the plan as I had a contract I was waiting to end. Now, I'm thinking with a $15 data plan, no reason for me not to finally pony up and get an IPhone. But, my number/line is still several months from being "upgradable". I'd have to pay $400 for an IPhone. All the other lines would only have to pay $200. I'd rather not wait several months to upgrade. If one of them upgrades, then gives me the IPhone, how much would ATT complain at me about switching SIM cards and the data plan from their line, to my line, in the family plan?

I'm assuming ATT doesn't want people to do that, I'm sure they'd rather get $200 more out of me. I've seen several people asking about doing this, and very few solid responses. What solid responses I have seen have suggested ATT would cancel the data plan on one line, and open it on the new one, but I don't know how hesitant to do that they would be. If it was a small price difference, I'd bite the bullet, but I don't want to pay 100% more, or wait 4 months..I don't even want to have to renew for 2 years, but I guess you have to.

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IPhone :: Using 3Gs On ATT Without Data Plan?

Jul 7, 2010

I now have an iPhone 4 and am getting ready to sell my 3Gs. However, a family member would love to have the 3Gs but does not use texting, email, etc.Is there a way I can use the 3Gs on our ATT Family plan but without the cost of a data plan? My new iPhone 4 is on the Family Plan.Is this where "unlocking" the iPhone would apply?Very basic question - easier (for me) to ask than searching.

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IPhone :: Is The 2GB Data Plan Enough For The 4S

Apr 22, 2012

should I leave WiFi on?? I heard WiFi uses more battery when on. I have Verizon by the way. I only use the internet to:

- Check/Send Email (Send like 2 or 3 emails a week)

- Stream music like Pandora for like 1 hour, about three times a week

- Facebook

- Games using Game Center

I thought that I would connect to WiFi only when I download apps. Because downloading apps usually takes up all my data.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Is There Still Enterprise Data Plan With ATT?

Jun 10, 2010

I'm thinking of moving to ATT for the iPhone 4 but I'm wondering if there is still an additional fee to use an enterprise account on the iPhone. I've been looking on Apple & ATT's sites but haven't found anything about it recently.

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IPhone :: Data Plan Suggestion?

Jun 14, 2010

I do not currently have a smart phone. Just how much data is 200mb and I'm trying to figure out if that will be enough for me. I'll do the occasional surfing, GPS, online aps and when I'm at home I can be on my own network.

Can anyone give me an idea of comparison to know if this will meet my needs?

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IPhone :: 3GS Data Plan Removed

Jun 20, 2010

I sold my 3GS last week and then I put my ATT simcard into a temporay phone, I now think that I lost my data plan. I'm doing an upgrade swap so what do I do to get my data plan back when I have the iPhone 4 ?

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IPhone :: Data Plan With Prepaid Sim?

Jun 25, 2010

i was browsing the forums looking for a answer on this, i see alot of answers on this subject for T mobile.

Is there a way i can use the data plan from pay go (prepaid) on my unlocked iphone? I saw for t mobile you need to change the VPN and some other things.

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IPhone :: How To Start Using Data Plan

Jun 26, 2010

i have a jailbroken iPhone 3g with the new ios4 jailbroken w/ redsn0w. i want to be able to use the data plan that i just got for my number. Im on a family plan with At&t and i just got a new data plan put on my line. how can i start using it. i tried ultrasn0w with the source repo666.ultrasn0w.com and i installed it ultrasn0w but it still gave me could not connect to the cellular data network box. how can i start using my data plan.

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