IPhone :: Getting Message No SIM Card Inserted After Trying To Update 3GS To IOS 5.1
May 14, 2012
I was asked did i want to update my iphone to the new IOS 5.1 and i clicked on update but now it doesn't recgonise my iphone anymore and I just keep getting a message 'There is No SIM Card installed on the iPhone you are attemting to activate'. is there anyway of restoring it to the previous software??
My x10 has always been saying I have no SIM card inserted even though I do and it works perfectly. My status bar always shows my connections to be changing all the time, going from 5 bars to 1 bar, to no connection then no sim card and all over again. I'm just wondering if it was the updates fault, and do I have to re-update or factory reset the phone. P.S the SIM card message disappears after a phone restart but will come right back once you put it to sleep.
i try to upgrade my iphone 3gs to ios5, but when all done suddenly my iphone couldnt open due to out of coverage. On the itunes says that 'there is no simcard inserted on your phone' why could it be happen like this?
when i tired to activate an iphone bought off a friend it says the sim car inserted in this iphone does not appear to be supported. he seems to think its unlocked but i cant activate it.
I just sold my 3GS and I'm trying to use my old 2G iPhone. But when I put the sim in its says "The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported" So I went to AT&T and got a new SIM card only to have the same thing happen. any suggestions? I can't go 17 days without a phone.
I was restored the iphone setting using itunes. after restore i got the "the sim card inserted in this phone does not apper to be supported" message appeared in i tunes and my iphone in emergency call mode only...
It was working fine first when it came but it didn't have any of my data on it and it was jail broken. I researched into this and it said that a restore of the software would get rid of that and then I'd be able to put my own data onto it. It was extracting the software everything seemed like a normal restore but then it came up with the message "the SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported" I cannot get passed it and O2 (I'm in the uk) the staff in my local shop just didn't have a clue what to do.
I know my Sim card is working because it worked with my other phone. I did not update to Lollipop because of all of the glitches and bugs that have been around. I just got this phone brand new a few days ago and realized that I couldn't make any calls/texts. I am getting 5 bars of signal. This is a T-mobile LG G3
I recently travelled from the UK to the US with a Galaxy S6. I'm on the Giffgaff (which piggy backs off O2) network.
I plugged my phone in to a US wall outlet with a travel adapter. I then when picking up the phone received a very violent shock (perhaps static, I am told), and the device was very warm. The phone now says No SIM inserted. However -- if I reseat the SIM card, it says 'SIM card added' and displays the 'Reboot' option. After rebooting the phone, no SIM card detected again.
I think, at least hope, this is software related, as it seems the SIM is being detected.
I'm running stock Android, and I've looked at the other, similar threads in this forum, but didn't find a solution. I tried " *#197328640#" and I get 'Not registered on network'.
My bold 9780 sporadically doesn't recognize my media card. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't! I've tried almost everything. Battery pull, newest update, even changed the card reader.
I just got a BB9900, and for some reason the device thinks the Micro Sd Card is not inserted, I have tried two different cards. My computer is reading the cards.
And then I click yes. it says "If lost clusters are found during the repair, do you want to save them?" so I click yes.. then it says "Repairing card please wait".. then it says "Media Card Repair Failed". What do I do? I took out the card and the battery.
all of a sudden i noticed after reviewing a pic i had just taken that my other pics were gone. I went to my options/ memory/ says "memory card not currently inserted in device". I can read the card find in an sd card reader attached to my computer but phone suddenly doesn't recognize. any ideas?
tried battery pull, nothing I have saved my files on the computer and reformatted then put back nothing.I have blackberry bold 9700
I just unlocked my phone and inserted my sim card inside this new phone and I can't make any calls. My old phone was a Blackberry Flip.. Does anyone know whats going on?? ppl said to update the OS or update it via the blackberry updater, but wouldn't that mess up my phone? How can I make my BB work??
my blackberry 9900 says there is no media card inserted in device but it is inserted. i have formatted it on pc pulled the battery and anything else i could try that has been recommended the card is recognized on pc it is my card from my old blackberry which it worked fine?
I got an error on my Phone that states " A Media Card has been inserted that contains errors. To correct the errors please use a disk error-checking utility on a computer. "
I am facing a great difficulty in sliding the micro SD card into the slot. The memory card just wont get fully inserted, only about 1/4 of it is able to get into the slot.
My son has passed his iphone 4s on to me as he now has a new one, he has had it unlocked from his carrier, but when I try to connect via itunes I get the message 'The SIM card inserted in this iphone does not appear to be supported'. I have read numerous posts and support pages and most say to restore the phone and all will be well. The problem I have is how do I restore the phone if I can't connect to itunes?