I noticed that recently in "Battery"'s "History details", "Awake" is pretty much solid all the time( I do _NOT_ have "root", How should I go about finding which app is keeping my phone awake? I did not install any new apps recently, however I do update my apps all the time..
I know how rooting and flashing works but I've been using HTC devices since the nexus one so there are some differences I just want to make sure of. I got my 6P yesterday, I unlocked the bootloader and flashed TWRP. I wanted to gain root but Im not sure about flashing the modified boot img and the vendor thing.
My build was K but I got an OTA before unlocking the bootloader which updated to L. Anyway I don't know why I just formatted every thing in TWRP instead of the factory reset and I lost the OS X_X I tried to restore my nandroid with no luck. Anyway I got the factory img (MDB08L) from google dev and flashed used 'flash-all.bat' in the bootloader, the phone is running fine right now but I would like to update to the latest firmware 6.0.1+root since im not getting any OTA.
I would like to install CleanCore(6.0.1), the guide is
-> Flash Bootloader & Radio (as needed) -> Flash CleanCore -> Flash Modified Boot (named angler-xxxxxx-boot.zip) -> Flash SuperSU or SuperSU Beta -> Flash latest vendor.img (ROM & Vendor builds need to match!)
1. Should I use MMB29M factory img and flash 'flash-all.bat' like I did with the L build for the first step? then I flash new recovery? -Flashing the rom through the recovery 2. so after I flash the rom I boot into the bootloader and flash the modified boot img with fastboot flash boot boot.img right? 3. then I go back to recovery and flash SU which I should download before. 4. vendor img is flashed in recovery too or fastboot?
Would it be possible to root my phone and just use Adblock to modify my hosts file and then unroot it? I'll obviously have to keep my bootloader unlocked. I'm just wondering if I'll have any issues with Android Pay and the monthly security updates. Can I take updates with a modified hosts file?
I'm having issues with DPI change, I used ADB to change the DPI using a simple adb shell wm density 460 && adb reboot, all good, only issue is a few things are.. weird.. For instance the "top apps" icon, little blue thinggy in the playstore is awkwardly big, it's larger then the font, but I didn't use the phone stock so I don't know if that's just how marshmallow is or if that's a dpi problem. I also noticed when loading The Sims FreePlay, the EA boot logo it extremely over scanned, the letters EA barely fit on the screen, the eBay app, the user display picture is cut off and only shows the bottom right corner on an icon that's huge and again over sized, as well as snapchat sending all of my snaps with extremely small font, yet on my screen before sending they look just fine.
So after looking into this further, the build.prop was never changed, it still says dpi 560, but I know for system files I need to mount /system in order to write to it without root. So I booted to recovery as that allows me write access to system, mounted system, says mounted /system at the bottom of the log, open adb, run adb devices, nothing comes up, it's not found, reboot phone, run adb devices, works fine. What's the deal? I can't get the 6p to work from recovery when mounting /system, it says it's mounted but on the computer end nothing is happening.
I also want to keep this phone as stock as possible, kind of a purist douche bag like that so I don't want to run TWRP, or at least I'm not committed to this DPI change being this important that I want a custom recovery.why I can't mount /system in the stock recovery? or rather, why I can mount it but why it's not working?
Best rooting method? I don't need to change the ROM, but the precious root method doesnt seem to have survived a reboot. (I used CFAutoroot). Is it necessary to change recovery maybe that's why I had issue?
I just received a notification on my 6P saying that the january security update is available. The thing is that I'm rooted with systemless root, xposed, EX Kernel and TWRP.
I really love openness of Android and I always prefer root access on my Nexus devices. But I have read at a few places that, if we root our nexus 6p, fingerprint scanners might not work. Is it true? Will there be a possible solution to make fingerprint sensor work even after rooting in future?
Is there anyway to recover deleted photos that I lost while rooting the phone? Unfortunately, I had not activated the google photos backup at the time of root so I do not have them in the cloud.
I installed GSam Root Companion with systemless root, but now I'm on standard root and want to uninstall. I'm able to hit the uninstall button inside the app and it does its thing and prompts to reboot, but the app stays installed. When I open the app it says the root feature is still installed. How can I uninstall the root companion app?
A new update is out for the 6p with monthly security updates. I have two questions:
1. I'm assuming Google is going to break systemless root. Does this update do that or does it still work? 2. Now that we're seeing monthly updates, keeping root is going to be difficult.
I'm trying to back up Titanium Backup folder from phone (nexus 6p) without luck, I have USB debugg in developing section of phone + MTP enable to transfer files, I could see the internal memory with all the goods but not my root files, when use root explorer I could see " Titanium Backup folder ", My concern if I need to wipe phone I want it to have back up, any other way to accomplish this ? I do have a back up in the cloud, would I be able to use cloud backup file if need to ?
I used Gravity Box's Ultimate Notification Control on my rooted Galaxy S4. Mainly to control Google Hangouts to notify me only on the first message of each group.
Now that I've moved on to the 6P, is there a similar app or method to control these notifications?
I do not plan on rooting right away. Mainly because I want to be able to use OTA updates to the stock ROM. A way to mute consecutive notifications from hangouts messages would be amazing.
So I bought a Kingston DT MicroDuo drive. Works great when I am flashing my roms and stuff, TWRP picks it up no problem. I then loaded some files to install after flashing my rom.. Root explorer doesn't read it.. I gave it root permission.. but cant find it.. Normally I go back until in at the root directory and its under the folder Removable. but I don't see it.. is it different with Android 6.0?
I am thinking of keeping my phone stock given (Android Pay, Security Updates, Work requirements for email/messages). Is there any way to update the hosts file without unlocking the bootloader and installing TWRP? I just want to get rid of the ads as they are soo annoying for non-donate/IAP/Pro-version apps.
Do you think it may be possible that we can get root access without unlocking the bootloader - I'm a little reluctant to unlock the bootloader because of the QFuse blowing.
I am looking for a clear explanation of how to flash Android 6.0.1 with root and encryption disabled without wiping data. With all the explanations through the forum, all the "if's" and "but's" get confusing and can be clear as mud.
So I tried to root my 6P with the Nexus Root toolkit , first I unlocked the bootloader, that went well . After that I tried to root it but my build number wasn't there (MDB08L) So I researched if that would be a problem and a couple of people said they followed the same instructions as with the MDB08K build and it worked just fine on theirs so I proceeded.
I selected the "any build" from the options on the toolkit and it seemed to be going well, I followed the instructions , flashed the files on twrp and from there I rebooted and it got stuck on a bootloop... :/ so then I tried to use the toolkit to fix the bootloop and selected the MDB08K and after it ran and finished it isn't exactly bootlooping but it is now stuck on the black Google logo and does nothing ...