Cseries :: Water Damage Indicator In C3-01?
Oct 6, 2012
Does the C3-01 have water damage indicators? Vodaphone claim that mine has suffered water damage. It is less than a year old, has never been wet, dropped in water or used in the bath. The screen suddenly stopped working and when I took it in for repair it came back as water damage along with a photo, which I couldn't make sense of, showing the damage. I've got over a year to run on my contract and I'm paying for internet that I can't use. I've gone back to my previous phone, a 6303 which has spent the last few months sitting in a cupboard, and it works fine. I've had at least 6 Nokia phones over the last few years and have never had a problem. I live in the same house and have the same job, my lifestyle hasn't changed, yet the C3-01 has suffered water damage.
I'm really disappointed and I'd like know whether my faith in Nokia phones is misguided, I will certainly think long and hard about buying another. Is the newer technology (touchscreen) less robust and unable to cope with life?
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Sep 21, 2012
Is it possible for a phone to have water damage while the water damage indicator is inactive (white)
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Jun 13, 2012
My phone has been acting really strange recently (multiple apps shutting down, long app loading time, extremely bad battery life-- almost 20% decrease with 2 hour use) So I visited apple store today and they told me that all of the symptoms were due to water damage of my phone.
And water damage was least of my suspections. Okay so my phone has been near water, but never in it. I take my phone to the shower sometimes for music and that's the closest my phone got to water. The apple store showed me how the supposed to be white sticker inside the charging jack turned red and they told me that my warranty is now void.
They also told me that I need to pay $200 if I want a replacement and that there is nothing they can do when I told them that this phone has never been in water or suffered water related accidents.
I asked them if there was only one water damage indicator in a iphone. The person told me that there were four, two on the outside and two in the inside. He opened up my phone and told me that only one water damage indicator (external one) but they only need one indicator to turn red to void my warranty.
When I repeatedly told him that I never had my iphone near water he told me that it only takes one drop of water to trigger the indicator and that it could be anything like a raindrop. I think this is absurd.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 10, 2010
Where is the Water damage indicator on a Nokia X6?
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Aug 6, 2011
A couple days ago, my BB Curve 8520 (which I've had a little over a year) died. I thought it was just the battery, so I plugged it in and it took longer than normal (at least 4 minutes) to load the black BB screen and it stayed stuck on the carrier logo (TMobile) screen. I thought maybe it was just taking longer for some reason, so I left it and came back to it a few hours later and it was STILL on the TMobile logo screen!!! I removed the battery and noticed that the water damage indicator is now a light blue color....I have NEVER heard of that marker turning blue.....what does this mean?? I called customer technical support and they could not answer my question because they say they've never heard of it.....c'mon, I cannot be the ONLY person in the world with TMobile who happens to have the only phone with a phone behaving this way and with a blue water damage indicator!
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Aug 28, 2014
How many water damage indicators does GS5 has? Where were they located on the device?
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Jul 29, 2010
Where to buy HTC water damage indicator sticker replacement? I honestly don't know why I keep getting HTC's. 4 P4000's that all became bricks, 1 Diamond that broke within months, and now my new Touch Pro 2. The Diamond is known for having the water damage sticker in a place that it can be triggered by anything and they wouldn't fix it. 2 of my 4 P4000's had the sticker trigger for no reason as well.
Now I'm having problems (software mostly) with my TP2 and was about to bring it in. Sometime in the last week or so the water damage indicator turned bright red & now I know they won't even look at it. If there are ones inside I'm sure they will be fine as the phone wasn't actually near water.I've looked EVERYWHERE. There's water damage sticker replacements for all kinds of phones but not for HTC's.Does anyone know where I can find them? This particular strip/sticker is the rectangle one that starts as white with tiny crossed red lines. Even if someone knows if another company uses the same sticker I will get that!
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Jan 1, 2013
Is there a water damage indicator inside this device?
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Apr 20, 2010
So this morning I spilled a liquid on my blackberry tour. Just on the left side of my keyboard. Now none of my buttons work, except the trackball still rolls but does not click. I know for a water damaged phone I cannot get a replacement for free, but it did not touch water on the water damage stickers so the stickers are still white. Can I still get a replacement for free, or will the company some how know its water damaged in the front on the inside?
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Jan 10, 2012
ive just dropped my 8520 down the toilet and got it out straight away and now it turns on a little flickers well loading then goes off what should i do to fix it fully atm its on the raidiator rapped up in kitchen role and now ive just turned it on and it flickered for a few seconds red light on and off and now it is loaded up but the colouring keeps changing and flickering what is best bet to do
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Feb 28, 2012
how do you fix a blackberry 9900 with water damage?
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Jun 23, 2014
The other day I dropped my phone in the ocean, but was able to put it into a bag of rice and let it sit for 24 hours afterwards. It works fine now except for it won't charge. Yesterday I let it die and then plugged it in overnight. The next afternoon when I turned it on it was fully charged. I was hoping that that was the trick, but the next time I tried it wouldn't work. It isn't recognizing being plugged into a wall or my computer. It's a Japanese iPhone if that makes any difference... I've tried cleaning out the USB port on the phone, but that hasn't made any difference.Â
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Mar 8, 2010
Long time listener, first time caller. If anyone can help, y'all can.Small amount of water entered top of iPhone. Phone kept working, he plugged it in and charged it (car charger) - a few hours later went to take a photo and phone quit working. (After searching, I realize we should not have plugged it in.)
I had him put it in a bag of rice, and kept fingers crossed. No luck yet, but it's only been a day. I suggested leaving it sit and not trying to keep turning it on. I realize it may never come back, but the bigger problem is the texts and phone call history, which really we need to recover. I see from searching that it's not stored on the SIM card.The phone has not been synced or backed up w/iTunes recently. I'd love to have the phone back, but if it stays dead is there any way to recover that text/call data?
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Jul 2, 2010
I have a new iPhone 4 and a cup of water fell on it today. The water damage indicators did not turn red but they both now have a gray spot on them both. Is this an indicator of water damage for apple?
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May 17, 2012
Well yesterday i have dropped my Blackberry 9900 in the pool. I then directly used the rice method and left it all night. In the morning i have noticed two red strips one on the battery and the other one in the inner side of the phone where i place the battery. I have been told by a friend that this is the water damage sign. After i noticed the dark pink redish strips i decided to switch it on to verify that everything is working, and yes everything was working fine including the buttons. However the signal was on SOS only!! i thought that the SIM got damaged so i used it with another phone and it worked with connection signal full bars!! but when i put it back into my blackberry the SOS sign appear again!
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Mar 20, 2012
I have an old iPhone 3g that I have been letting my kid use as a touch since upgrading to the 4s. He dropped it in the toilet. I put it in rice and let it dry for a week. I was able to restore it using iTunes. It now will charge and iTunes does recognize that the iPhone is plugged in when I try to sync. However, it gives me an error message saying that something is either wrong with the phone or it is inactive, so it won't sync. I don't want to activate it, he just uses it for games and music. I have been using an old sim card to try to connect.
iPhone 3G
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May 14, 2012
About 5 weeks ago, I got my iPhone 4s wet. It was not completely submerged in water and had a phone cover on it at the time.I put it in a bag of rice for about 3 weeks and it is now fully functional.The buttons, sound, camera, touch screen, etc... it works the way it did before. The only way the phone will turn on is if I connect it to the charger, but it will only stay on for a few mins before a red line appears across the screen and fades out then will power itself up again. If i leave it connected to the charger it will keep doing this over and over again.
iPhone 4S
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Jun 1, 2012
Alright, went on a hike today, and even though I kept it (4S) in a plastic bag when not taking pictures, I have water damage. It won't respond to anything, and the flash near the camera is stuck on.
iPhone 4S
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Jun 3, 2012
today listening to my iPhone at the beach, a huge wave clobbered me. I grabbed it from the water as quickly as I could find it and dried it off asap. I tried to turn it off to keep it from shorting out, but it won't. I have it in a ziploc baggy with 2 pouches of industrial size bags of silica, but every time I try to turn it off it looks like it is powering down and then restarts itself.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 4, 2012
i recently had water damage to my iphone 4 but it wasnt completely submerged. I put it in a bag of uncooked rice for a while then plugged it in. My itunes recognized there was an iphone there and said it was in repair mode. strangely though, the iphone was not named and there was no seriel number like theyre usually is. in the middle of repairing my iphone back to factory mode, it seems that itunes couldnt recognzie my iphone anymore. it did get past extracting the software though.
i put it back in some rice, and now when i plug it in the apple icon keeps going on and off, like the phone is trying to start but cant. also, at one point it was telling me to plug my iphone into the usb even though it already was.
iPhone 4
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Jul 2, 2012
I dropped my phone in water yesterday and took it out.....it blinked for a few min and then turned black. I immediately placed it in rice and it stayed there for 16 hours. I can hear my phone, listen to songs but i cannot see the screen.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Jul 5, 2012
Ok do recently my iPhone speakers haven't been working. They work when you call but when you wanna listen to music it doesn't work. I went to apple and the guy told me the water sensor was activated something like that...he didn't tell me what exactly was wrong with my phone, he told me I could buy a new iPhone for $149. I want to know for anybody who has drop there phone in water what was broken was it the audio jack or the speaker system??? Don't tell my to get to the apple store and ask them for the a new phone ive done it twice and they won't give a new phone because I don't have the apple care warranty. I want to know what exactly is broken so I can get it fixed for a better price.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
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Jun 18, 2011
I dropped my E72 in Milk, turned it on after only cleaning the exterior, and it shorted out. Lesson learnt, I've cleaned it out etc. Don't bother lecturing me on this.At this stage, the phone will turn on, the Nokia title will come up, however the two hands will not play.It stays sitting at the Nokia title for about 5 seconds then it attempts to go to the main menu. Half of the main menu is visable, when the error message comes up saying "Not enough memory", and or "Phone cannot start, please contact retailer". Ok, so from this perspective, you would just judge this instantly and say the phone is stuffed. However I had many of important contacts, and notes in which I save frequently on this phone. I don't care if the phone will never work again, I just want to know if there is a way to survey what memory is available, and what is not. I want my contacts, I want my notes. Simple small bytes of memory, not megabytes.
I called up Nokia, and they dude was not extremely helpful, and kept refering to "Plugging it into the computer and using Ovi Sync". My computer does not recognise there is any devises plugged in when I plug in my E72 into the computer. Ovi sync will not have any better luck.I need someone else to do this for me, with detailed technical experience. Like maybe one of the guys at the Nokia warranty and repair warehouses. As title, my question remains, is it possible for the data to be retrieved? If so, great, I can order a new motherboard, and transfer the contacts/notes across, as all other components in my phone are fully functioning.
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Mar 28, 2010
So when I was sleeping on the couch, my phone and a bottle of water were next to me on the ground. Somehow someway, I think I dropped the bottle of water and obviously water went in it.
Woke up this morning, phone doesn't turn on it, but it feels a bit wet. I open the cover, there was some water on the cover, took out the batter tiny bit of water too. Got a towel and dried it all out (wasn't alot). Not knowing that one shouldn’t turn it back on, I put the battery back in, nothing happens (red light doesn't go on). Turn it on, nothing. I know for a fact the battery didn't die out.
Googled around and found out that I wasn't suppose to turn it on, then read about the indicators, basically they have to be all white, which thank god they are, i.e. the one on top of the battery and the one stuck in the phone, where the battery is placed. Also read the rice and bowl trick, which I just did. So going to leave it for at least 12 hours or so and take it from there. question is I guess, is there any hope, or it's done, coz I put the battery back in and tried turning it on.
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Aug 5, 2010
About 4 days ago I got some juice from a pint of blackberries onto my iPhone 3G. It worked alright after I cleaned it up, the next day it started giving me non-stop "this accessory is not made for iPhone" messages and now it has finally refused to charge when connected to a dock, usb or speaker. I've cleaned it with alcohol, poked around with a toothpick, etc to no avail. Any other suggestions (aside from replacing it or chucking it out the damn window)?
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Aug 17, 2010
When I was in Canada, I dropped my iPhone 3GS in a water drain, and it essentially got drenched. After submerging it in rice for seven hours and letting it sit for three weeks, it works absolutely fine - albeit one small problem.
The backlight is completely non-functional. It won't react to anything at all, I've restored, everything.
Now, all that's left is asking you guys for help. HELP! How can I get my backlight to work again? Is it fixable?
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Sep 5, 2011
Three weeks ago, I received a Bold 9000 which was accidentally placed in the washing machine (along with a blanket) a few days before. Before the phone was given to me, it was dried and in working order. Up until the past couple of days, I've been using the phone without any problems.Now, the phone does a horrible job with picking up my carrier's signal. When I'm indoors, I would get no reception at all ("No Service") when I would get reception using any other handset. When I'm outdoors, I would get either "No Service" or 1 bar of reception. Once in a blue moon, I will get full reception, but that does not last long. I've tried reinserting my SIM and turning the handset on and off, but nothing would fix the reception issue.The water damage sticker (visible after removing the battery) is red.Even though it was a gift (it was decided that the phone would be a gift BEFORE accidentally placing the phone in the washer), I'd still like to continue using my BlackBerry.
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Jun 26, 2010
Can anyone tell me what the color of the the water damage detection sticker should be on the c510.Both undamaged and damaged.
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Jan 21, 2010
My Moto V750 recently got wet and the only button that works is the power button, and I really want to check my 40 unread text messages. I've installed the computer drivers but apparently Bitpim does not support my phone yet. I tried P2K Commander but I can't figure out a way to view text messages with that program. Anyone have a solution?
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Apr 20, 2012
My Iphone received water damage and after 2 days of not being used I finally plugged it into my computer and troubleshooted it. It troubleshooted and was working for maybe 15 minutes and then went dead again. since then when I plug it in only the apple icon appears for less then half a minute then its dead again.
iPhone 3G
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May 22, 2012
Dropped my iphone4 in the toilet bowl. Now everything works except the power button. Will this issue be fixed automatically after the internal parts of the phone are completely dry?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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