BB Curve 8520/8530 :: How Do I Keep Two Inboxes Separate?

Jul 23, 2010

I have my BB for work, so my "Messages" folder is for work emails. I set up the phone to also receive emails from my Yahoo addrerss. There is now a separate folder on the home screen for Yahoo emails. Perfect; just what I wanted! However, some of my Yahoo emails also show up in my Messages folder. How do I keep the 2 Inboxes separate?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Need Separate Icons For Email

Jun 29, 2010

I have two yahoo accounts and a work email account. All the emails are going to the one message folder. How do I set up a separate icon for each of these emails?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Separate Email / SMS Folders

May 20, 2010

I just got a replacement today for my previous Curve 8530. My previous one, when I first bought it, had separate folders for e-mails and SMS/MMS messages, but when I first started using the new one, they have been combined into one folder and I cannot figure out how to separate them. I saw a thread asking a similar question for the Tour 9630, but the answer given for that told to utilize menu options that are not available on my phone. Can anyone help me?

Curve 8530, OS v. platform

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Is The 8520 Housings Compatible With The 8530?

Apr 6, 2010

is the 8520 housings are compatible with the 8530? I know the answer is probably yes because there's no differences at all in the phone not like the 83XX series. Also, mine is Grey OEM by Telus. I just don't know what colour i'll customize it, any Idea? I like black and white just like my old Tour, but there's white 8520 so it would be less unique

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: BB Curve 8530 Media Player Wont Play Videos

Jul 17, 2010

This is my second blackberry curve 8530 and they both have the same problem, they won't play videos. They use to but now when I go to like you tube, or, or even my video recordings it won't play it says an error has occurred media attempt failed. I use to restart my BB and that would help for a lil while now it doesn't work at all. How do I fix this?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Ringer Does Not Change For Address Book Without Changing Each?

Feb 16, 2010

My husband got a curve 8530 the other day. All of the people in his address book have "classic ringer" as their custom ring tone along with the volume set about midway like its some kind of default setting. I have tried changing the profiles/ringtones and creating new ones (with different tones) this does not change the ringer for those 80+ people. In the Set Contact Alert menu there are only 3 people with a custom tone showing.The Classic Ring is not loud enough for him to hear and no matter how I try to change the default ringer it does not change the ring for the contact list.I've done a battery pull, no change.Updated it to newest OS.Contact list was imported from a Storm 2(he likes having actual buttons to push).

Am I missing something or 1) shouldn't all those people show up in the Set Contact Alert Menu, if there is a custom tone set up or 2) shouldn't their default change if I change the default for the phone.I haven't checked all of them, but did check at least 10 and regardless of what I do they're still the same. Ringer shows Classic all other options say active profile.Is there any way I can change their default ringer without having to give each one a custom ring--too time consuming?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Reboots Itself - Accept This Defect As Part Of Experience?

Feb 4, 2010

I had a 8330 (for 2 months) that would reboot itself constantly. Does not do it anymore 'cause I returned it for a 8530. The 8530 that I've had since Jan 01 is better, it only does it now and then when it is tethered to my pc.. Rendering it just about useless for my business activities. US Cellular is at a loss. Should I accept this defect as part of the BB experience?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: BB Curve 8530 - Keyboard Lock Update

Jul 16, 2010

I just downloaded the new OS when I plugged my phone to the computer... it sounded like a good idea to upgrade everything but I do not like how the UNlock function is only through the mute button now. I mean, if I wanted to just lock/unlock my phone that way with the push of only one button, I could use the standby (mute) button and press on it again to unlock it before. I really liked the previous version where you had to take the extra step of pushing two buttons (A and Send) to unlock it. Because I unlock my phone by accident a lot when it's in my purse and I reach for something and accidentally press the top button (mute button). Any ideas if Blackberry is planning on a new OS version soon that would restore the old locking/unlocking system? I do not necessarily want to downgrade to a previous OS version but I might have to as the "easy" one-button only unlocking option is not working for me.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Curve 8530 After Update V5.0.0.734 Mail Isn't Showing

Jul 27, 2010

I updated my phone the other day with the v5.0.0.734 OS. It wiped out everything. I had to go back and restore my contacts, reload ringtones and apps, etc. Got everything back the way it was now.

I have three email accounts synced to it. All are active, Wi-fi on, network on. New mail isn't showing up on my handset, only from my gmail account, the hotmails aren't showing up. Used to be you could look in the folder for each email account and see what emails were there, then there was one folder that showed all of them. What am I missing?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Dropped Curve 8530 For Samsung Moment

May 5, 2010

OMG I got rid of my bb 8530 for a samsung moment and its x100000 better!
High points

Webkit browser

Lots of free apps


GREAT screen

Good UI


Funny keyboard

Deletes #'s if but in the wrong way

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Upgrading Difference Between Curve 8330 / 8530?

May 10, 2010

I'm gettin sick n tired of this trackball on the 8330, I recently had to fix it cause it would only go up... so onto a new Blackberry! Can anyone give me some input about the 8530? I hear the camera has no flash , is that true? How is that supposed to be an upgrade!? Anything else I should know that's different between the two, aside from the obvious?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Email Doesnt Delete On 8530 Version

Jun 11, 2010

When i get a new email from yahoo, and check it on the BB and after I read the email and delete it, it will not show up on my yahoo email when I check on my laptop. But when i check my email for yahoo on my laptop, it still shows up on my BB and doesnt delete unless I personally delete it. Is there an option that when i check my email from my laptop that it will delete on my BB??

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Battery - Wifi Turned On

Aug 18, 2010

If i leave my phone unplugged overnight it will drop at least down 20 or 30 percent. The only apps that I have opened that possibly check the internet are facebook & my weather network app. I have the weather app set to check every hour. So how could it drop so fast? I also have wifi turned on but does that kill it that quickly?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Restarting Itself And Starts Back Up

Aug 13, 2010

my 8530 will suddenly, and for no apparent reason, decide to restart itself. I haven't noticed a pattern as to when it does this, and it doesn't seem to be a regular interval. I'll have it sitting next to me on the table, and suddenly it lights up, shuts down, and starts back up, and carries on as if nothing happened.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Trackpad Finish Coming Off?

Sep 10, 2010

Any other 8530 users having an issue with the trackpad finish coming right off?It looks like there is a plastic film on the trackpad to begin with. It appears it's just flaking right off. It's about 80% gone right now.

Trackpad is working fine. Haven't been able to find much info on this..

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 As A Wireless Connection For My Computer

Jun 5, 2010

Can I connect my computer adn use my 8530 as a wireless port

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Hide Previous Sms Messages

Mar 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to hide the previous messages with your sms messages? My screen has the history of every text message sent between me and the reciepient as if we are in a chat screen. On the curve 8330 all you had to do was go to options-sms-number of previous items and change the setting. Under the help option and in the user manual for the 8530 it says to follow those exact directions but for some reason that option is not available for me when I go to options-sms. I contacted my service provider Verizon and they stated the option isnt available on this model. So why would it be under the help menu on the phone. Can anyone help me I hate to read days and days of text messages between me and another person if I make a mistake and scroll up. All I want to do is see the previous text message in the new text message screen.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 What Is The Average Time Of Battery?

Jan 31, 2010

Quick question for anyone with the Curve 8530! What is the average time you get out of the battery? Mine is brand new, I turned Wifi off but I do SMS quite a bit. I'm getting about 1 to 1 1/2 days out of the battery. Just wondering if this is normal.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 / How Long Battery Life Is?

Sep 7, 2010

Quick question: How long is the battery on the curve suppose to last @ moderate use (ie. BBM, some web, few apps running).I unplug my phone around 7am in the morning and by roughly 3:30-4pm the battery has almost died. Now during that time all I'm doing is sending BBM messages (no pictures), minimal SMS messages and the only app I have running is 'Weather Bug'. Is this normal for the curve battery to die so quickly? I've read about other users saying that they can easily get a days worth of use out of their battery and they still have sufficient enough charge.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Screen Freeze / Goes Blank

Feb 15, 2010

I've had my 8530 for a little over a month, every once in awhile after I end a call the screen goes blank but when I use the track pad the screen comes back in sections. After I use the track pad to scroll upper left then upper right the bottom right and bottom left the screen is normal. Has anyone else had this issue?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 / Turn Off Suggested Text?

Jul 24, 2010

Is there any way to turn off the suggested text box that pops up when im texting on the Curve 8530? This is annoying. This is not the autotext feature that changes preset words like dont to don't. Its the box that pops up for instance when you type yay.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 How To Get Newest Software For Verizon

Sep 17, 2010

Where do I go to download the latest os software for my newly bought curve 8530

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Importing Contacts Into Sprint 8530?

Jul 16, 2010

My work just upgraded their old Moto phones to Sprint Blackberry Curve 8530's. We have an extensive contact list in csv file format that we need to get onto these phones. I have read about logging in to the BIS site and importing it there, but I get a message that email must be managed on the phone. What is the easiest way to get these contact on to the new Blackberries?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Set Alarm Wont Respond On 8530

Jan 21, 2010

On my Sprint 8530, the "set alarm" function in the clock icon does not respond. All the other choices in this icon respond. When I select set alarm, I just get the clock.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Sprint 3g On 8530 - How Can Turn On Screen

May 19, 2010

Is the 8530 gets 3g and if so how can I turn it on what on my screen now is 1xev on the back of the bb its says "qualcomm 3g cdma"

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Battery Life Is Too Short?

Apr 4, 2010

Just got my Curve 2 last Thursday, and was liking it, but now I am having some issues with it... wondering if you guys can help me.

1: The battery life it bad! I took it off the charger today at about 9:00, and have used some texting, about 20 minutes of Pandora, and a little bit of internet browsing, and now my battery is at 75%... I like in a coverage area with 5 bars (more on next one), and I am not using wifi very much, with screen at 10%, 10 seconds off, and auto dim, so I don't know what it is...
2: As above, I have 5 bars in my house, but when I hold the phone it will go down to two or one, sometimes zero, switch to no service, and not get good signal until I set it down and leave it there for a couple seconds. Very annoying, because it makes it hard to load web pages sometimes. I would use wifi but it is slower and less reliable than Sprint's network for some reason. If someone could help me with these problems, or at least suggest some things, that would be great!

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Updating Virgin Mobile 8530

Jul 10, 2010

I was wondering if I'm able to update my virgin mobile to the sprint final OS instead of the .601.. The .601 takes so long to load and everytime I turn my phone off and back on %5 of the battery disappears... Either it's my battery or the phone. But I just want to know if I could load the sprint OS instead of Virgin mobile. I just got my phone and it came with .601 but me not liking it.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Virgin Mobile 8530 Opinions

Jun 5, 2010

I really want to get VM now because they have the 8530. I would really drop my pre+ for one of them especially since verizon is getting quite expensive. How's the service? Although the $300 are a bit of a pain I'm willing to pay it for a cheaper price service. I would greatly appreciate comments from current 8530 and VM users.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: Virgin Mobile 8530 Tethering

Jun 14, 2010

looking into switching from Verizon to VMUSA. I have the tour and really would like the wifi and trackpad instead of the ball. I already own the tether application and was wondering if tethering would work on this carrier?

I read on one of the FAQs on the 8530 on the site that someone said they blocked tethering applications. I was just wondering how they can block a download or if that is even possible.

If anyone has a VM 8530 that is tethering, let me know! If i can't tether, then I dont know if im gonna spend the 300 on the phone.

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8330 Vs 8530 (with Wifi)

Apr 7, 2010

The 8330 is much more expensive thatn the newer 8530 (with wifi). Does anyone know the reason for this other than the 8530 seems more flimsy?

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BB Curve 8520/8530 :: 8530 Custom Ringtones

Jun 29, 2010

I have custom ringtones for several of my contacts, but when I receive text messages from these same contacts, there are only a small handful of them that the custom ringtone/alert works for, most of them just notify me using my default sms ringtone, does anyone know why this is? and does anyone know how or if it can be corrected?

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