I have a blackberry 8330 and the flash won't turn off for some reason. I lost it in the snow a few months back but everything works fine other than the flash. I went to camera flash settings and turned it off but nothing. Even when I turn the phone off it stays on and wares down the battery.
I have a question. I have my friend's 8330. For some reason, it won't turn on when I charge it. It has a weird charger port. Could that be the problem? I tried a different battery from an old 8320, and it didn't work. Not even the red LED will light up. The screen won't do anything either.
I need to know how to turn on and off the ringer on my 8330, not matter what setting I have it on it does not ring, it vibrates. I am not sure if I turned something off or what but I have tried everything I can think of.
My data port on my 3 month old 8330 died and Sprint gave me a new one today. The contacts were transferred at the store - but after I restored from my DM backup done one week ago - none of my other settings were restored. What did I do wrong or what have I missed? Sprint rep told me the backup restore would get my new 8330 back to being just like the old one - but it's not.I want to get my email settings, apps, ring tones, wallpapers etc, back. I don't want to have to create everything over again when I have a good backup.
I have two Blackberry 8330's here. One is a 8330 and the other is a 8330m. The 8330m receives MMS pictures embedded and the 8330 receives an SMS with a link to look at the picture online.I know this isn't new but I haven't been able to find any solution to this if there even is one.
One thing I found is that somewhere it was said that the two phones receive different types of Service books depending on the model.Now, maybe this is a stupid question but I am asking it anyways .Can I somehow copy the MMS service book from the 8330m and put in on my older 8330 ? If it's possible, will this fix the MMS as an SMS link problem ?
Long story short, I just cracked the screen on my storm1 so I'm activating my old 8330. I'm trying to find out what the best 8330 OS is. I've searched and can't find anything.
I have had my BB 8330 for almost a year now, and just recently, it's starting locking up OFTEN. Almost daily. It will lock up if I take a picture sometimes - it takes so long to save it, I have to do a battery pull. It also locks up when I go to my Facebook Application sometimes, and also if I try to SEND a photo to an MMS address, it will lock up then too. I did notice an "uncaught exception - memory full" error message just today - probably because I let the "locking up" run quite a time and didn't pull the battery yet. If this is the problem, what is my fix? Too many pics on the memory card? Too many apps installed? Too many emails in my inbox? I'm completely clueless.
I am frustrated popping my hard case off daily - which is wearing out the "tightness" of my case, and it's pretty hard to get off!
I just got my first blackberry today and can't seem to figure out how to browse the net. The sales person told me to click on the "world", which I did, but it only lets me search the blackberry site. How do I get to Google?
I know the questions are elementary for the rest of you, so please be kind.Also, I downloaded some ringers off of this site, but can't seem to find them on the phone. I know they are there, as I played them as soon as I got them. I just want to add them to different contacts.
All of the sudden, when I plug my 8330 in, the charge icon is there...but it does not charge.I tried with both a wall plug and usb to the computer...same.
On my 8330 the clock on the main screen won't change time, it just sits their with the exact same time. If I go into option and then date/time the time in their is correct. If I update time in the menu, the clock on the main screen will change but then it stays at that time. I have not installed any apps lately. Running software.
it wont show up wen i plug it to the computer i tried other computers i tried different usb cables,my old 8100 blackberry connects no problem,but my 8330 doesn't i dont understand it my computer charges it but it wont show up
OK my wife and I both have 8330 and we wanted to know if there is a way to sync OUR calanders together? So when I put something on mine it also shows up on hers and the same if she does it. Any ideas?
Why is my bb telling me it "cannot open" an xls and a doc file? I can find the files on my media card, but when I try to open them, I get the error message ... I'm using OS 4.5.something, so I'm assuming I have docs to go, but can find no reference to it on my bb anywhere in any menu, and cannot open the files? (I'm on a Sprint 8330, if that makes any diff ...)
So, frustrated with how long google sync takes so I took it off. Going to roll the dice and count on never needed to do a hard reset.I am curious though, how often have any of you ever had your units crash (8330) and lost all your data needing a restore ?
I have had mine for a year and never had a problem with it. Unlike my windows mobile device which was forever leaving me in a bind.
I am using a BB 8330 & syncing to Outlook on my home computer. I have many years of calendar entries that I would like to keep in my Outlook calendar, however, don't want to use up so much space on my BB with the older appointments. I have my sync set up to two-way & to sync all appointments. If I set the "keep appointments" option to anything other than "forever" will it delete the older appointments from my Outlook as well or just on the BB.
I use the Curve 8330. I have a the envelope icon showing, but I do not have any new mail message. I have tried turning the phone off for a little while, but it is still there. I have gone through each email account, and confirmed that there are no new messages.
Ok, my SMS icon has disappeared for no particular reason. Nothing I've seen in other threads is helping. I have an 8330 from NTelos. I also keep getting the "nullpointer" exception after battery pulls.
-It is NOT hidden
-It is NOT combined
-battery pull does nothing
-the software is updated
-'restore theme defaults' did not fix it
-changing from 3rd party theme to stock theme did not fix it
-re-registering with the network did not fix it
-uninstalling/reinstalling BBM does not help
anything else i can reasonably try before i throw it out the window?
Im not getting any sounds from anything on my phone. That includes: Phone calls...SMS...MMS....EMAIL...MUSIC...ALARM (Profile always on LOUD). Some days my phone will work and some days not. Ive seen some people say to just "Pull the battery" but that fixes it for the time being, doesnt solve the solution. Isn't the answer for everything! lol. My biggest concern is I use my alarm to get up of a morning on my BB, and now with profile set on "Loud" still doesn't ring. Is anyone having problems with this sence the OS 4.5 update? When I click on my songs...ALL SONGS...a message always pops up and says: (Error Playing: Device Media, Processor is busy). Now all of this has worked fine up till about 2 weeks ago. Thats what I dont understand, my update to 4.5 was over a month ago... And ive also gotten the message: Uncaught Exception, thread is not ready...something like that. I mean I love this phone but it has caused me a lot of problems! And when you pay this much for a phone, should not have to just settle with "Do a battery pull 3 times a day".
So I just downgraded from 5.0 back to 4.5 cause I couldn't take the low memory and freezing that I had with my 8330 verzion, but now I can't stand that I don't have threaded texts. Before I downgraded I set up a couple of people on my BBM to be SMS only just to see if it worked, and it did. I figured that BBM would just transfer over so I would have threaded BBM/SMS's. Well figures that I don't and crunchSMS doesn't show that I have notifications just wondering if anyone knows how to get BBM to let me add someone just to SMS with. Sorry if this is confusing.
So i got my blackberry curve 8330 from us cellular in october of 2009. lol. not that long ago. I have my original holster and all. I was using some clip on case i bought at us cellular until recently. i use the holster now and thats all fine and great, EXCEPT for the second time this week, i've pulled it out and it has a purple-ish tint. it's never been exposed to water and it hasn't dropped very much, but not at all recently. I'm using my original OS. (i tried to upgrade to some "leak" but it made my berry freeze alot) but obviously i wiped it clean. i haven't download anything "new" on my phone. all the apps i have now were apps before my upgrade/downgrade. I've decided that if it happens again, im callin us cellular about, but what could be causing this? is it something i might have done? btw: the first time, it didn't correct itself until i placed it back in the holster. This last time, it corrected its self when the back light was off for like 2 minutes straight. but it just started happening this week.
No Browser is running and I dont have any apps. I was on the phone for 15 min and my battery was half dead when I got off. Was never like that before. I've had this phone for almost 2 years. The same thing is happening with the rest of my families Blackberrys. Why is this?
Just started having this problem in the last week. My 8330 won't give me any of my new emails unless I "wake it up" by using the internet. The minute I surf somewhere it'll pop up every single email since the last time I used the net. So for example, I go to bed, and the next morning it won't be showing me any of the emails I received overnight (and I get several every night). If I use the internet to go to to a website, they all come through, bam bam bam.
Also, brand new problem. Just now I tried uploading some things to twitpic and they still haven't gone through. I sent two twitpic emails to my account over an hour ago. Both outgoing emails have clocks beside them (not marked delivered). Twitpic worked 10 hours ago... what is going on?
It seems like it happened after I plugged my bb into the computer for the first time. My wall charger will not charge my phone. I know it's not a problem with my charger because I was able to charge my old razr with the charger. And i've tried numerous wall outlets, so it's not the outlet I was using either.
My phone charges when I plug it into the computer, so i'm not sure whats going on. I just got this phone a few months ago after having problems with my oldd blackberry.
I don't want to have to get rid of my bb, because for the most part I love it, so has anyone had to deal with this? And maybe fixed it without having to spend money?!
i have reset IT policy via crack utility, wiped file system, wiped apps-reloaded firmware, successfully loaded "combined 3" service books using instuctions from this forum-but cannot get internet-i am using the paid version of cdma workshop and have access to programming menu, have reset spc to "000000"-the phone is making and recieving calls-just no internet.
I thought I read somewhere that I could, but I can't figure it out.I downloaded the gmail app and a second one related to that one, but I can't seem to find any gchat function.
I'm wanting to leave my AC wall charger at home as I don't want to lose it. USB cables are a dime a dozen so I figure I can take the mini USB cable with me and no biggie if I lose it. My question is, can I plug my 8330 into any computer via the mini USB cable and charge it? don't want to sync or anything, just charge.
My family member has ATT. She is using the 8310 from ATT and wants to use OS5 for the new messaging threads. I figure my old Curve 8330 from Verizon can be converted to OS 5. Can this phone be converted to work with ATT