BB Bold :: Move Photos In 9650 To My Computer?

Sep 24, 2011

Have read posts on the forums page. My pics are stored on my card. The forum says to go to the home page and click on options, when I do that my options are to 1. Universal Search, 2. Change wallpaper, 3. # of icon rows, 4. downloads folder, and 5. Reset to default settings. No option for Memory and therefore no options to "auto enable mass storage mode when connected"

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BB Bold 9650 :: Computer Wont Recognize 9650 As Mass Storage Device

Jul 2, 2010

no matter what settings I use on the 9650 "Memory" settings. I cann't get any computer (Windows 7 or XP Pro) to recognize the device as "mass storage device" so I can access the memory card. There is plenty of items on the card, and I can access them fro mthe decive, but the computer won't "find" it. This is with DM 5.0 and 4.7, on windows XP Pro and Windows 7.

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How To Move Photos From IPhone 5s To Computer

Aug 23, 2014

How do I move photos from my iPhone 5s to my computer?

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2

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IPhone :: Move Photos From 4 To Windows-based Computer?

May 24, 2012

How do I move photos from my iPhone 4 to my Windows-based computer?

iPhone 4 (8GB), Windows XP

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BB Bold 9650 :: Move 2 Pics From Device Memory To Card

Jul 26, 2010

9550 arrives today. I found 2 pics that I need that were somehow saved to the device memory. Before I take my 9630 out of service . . . How can I move those two pics back to the card?

If I click on show all pics I see them but I can't get them to the card no matter what I try. Move says "up" and that's it. I see memory card but can't reach it.

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BB Bold :: Cannot Transfer Photo's From 9650 To Computer

Jul 1, 2011

I have my photos stored on media card - I select mass storage mode when i connect using USB cable and nothing - no pictures are recognized in media sync. When I open pictures from my computer - I see all the .rem files there - but nothing works to get them moved over.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Getting BB Email To Match Computer Inbox

Jul 14, 2010

Just got a 9650 from Sprint. This is my first BB, but not new to them as my wife and daughter both have them.Just activated the phone yesterday. Everything is working great and I'm very happy with the phone.What I want to know is can I get my BB email inbox to match my (hotmail, gmail, office) email inboxes? I'm getting all my emails fine from yesterday on, but any emails I have from before yesterday don't show up on the BB.Is this just the way it is? Is there no sync, just push?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Mms Photos - Can Zoom In?

Sep 10, 2010

when someone sends me a photo by text it comes as an MMS as there anyway to zoom in on the photo when you open it..I see how to save it and then I guess you could zoom, but anyway to zoom without saving...hard to see on the relatively small screen sometimes.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Putting Contacts / Calendar On Phone Via Computer?

Jun 27, 2010

9650 is my first BB ever. I'm generally happy with it.A few questions. Does anyone know how to get contacts, calender entries, memo's, tasks, etc into the phone through the use of a laptop? The CD-ROM that came with it wasn't recognized by my laptop for some reason so I just downloaded Desktop Manager from the BB website. I thought the manager would have the fields for this and I could just syncronize it with the laptop. To my disappointment this was not the case, apparently D.Manager is just a backup tool.I called Sprint and I was told I could use Gmail to enter contacts which is what I have been slowly doing. Oh yal, I don't have Microsoft Outlook either.Does anyone know of some software or something that can help me get ALL of the above mentioned item information into the phone thru my computer?Also, can anyone tell me why my battery runs out of a full charge rather quickly?? I have to charge it everyday and that's because I hardly make or receive calls. I think I use the phone (browser, messaging, etc) less than the average person. By the way I set my brightness to 50 and the back lighting time to 10 seconds which I think are pretty generous settings to help save battery energy. Yet the phone still needs a charge everyday. Reviews say it will last 4 to 5 days on standby. Not the case for me at all.Lastly, do any 9650 Sprint owners out there notice the end key (red) to be kinda faded?? Wondering if Igot a lemon in that respect, my red keys look faded and the white of the buttons (majority of keypad) lean towards a whitish-orangeish hue instead of what looks like the brighter whitish-blueish hue. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Why Does It Take So Long To Transfer New Photos To Handset?

Jul 16, 2010

I plug my Bold up to my PC in Mass Storage Mode.I then copy the files from my PC to my Blackberry SDcard.
When I try to view the photos on my phone, I'm unable to right away.The new photos will not show until the phone rescans the entire SDcad for photos. This can take up to a minute or so. This is very annoying.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Will Verizon 9650 Trackpad Be Like The Sprints 9650?

Jun 3, 2010

Wondering if any of u have gotten ur verizon 9650? If so have u noticed ur trackpad left side being higher than right? I ask becuz as we all may know the sprint 9650 has that. Doesn't bother me...nor do I think its defect.

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IPhone :: Download Photos From 4 To Computer Without Deleting Those Photos Already On The Computer?

May 13, 2012

May i know how do i download photos from my iphone 4 to my pc without deleting those already on the pc from the previous download?

iPhone 4

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BB Bold 9700 :: How To Upload Photos From Computer To Phone?

Aug 24, 2010

New BB user here and love it. How can I upload photos from my computer to my BB?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Droid They Would Be Willing To Trade For A BBerry Bold 9650 (Verizon)

Jul 22, 2010

*moderator edit*

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BB Bold 9650 :: Tour 9630 And Bold 9650 Accessory Compatability?

May 17, 2010

Im super siked the the 9650 has arrived and im ready to get rid of the 8330, but with every smartphone of mine i've always had a black silicone smooth skin and a screen protector so if i buy a tour 9630 skin and screen protector will they fit on the bold 9650 right?

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BB Bold 9650 :: BOLD 9650 / Verizon Browser Errors

Aug 18, 2010

My phone is 3 days old and did not have issues until last night. The browser allows me to initally connect ot a webpage, but will not allow me to click on any links. The cursor switches appropriately when just navigating vs. hovering over a link, but the track pad will not regist any "clicks".Has anyone encountered this or know of the fix?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Tour 9650 Visual Voice-mail App

Feb 5, 2010

This was on the interwebs today:BlackBerry 9650 Tour Visual Voicemail Leaked, Heralds Verizon Release?

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BB Bold 9650 :: 9650 - How To Save SMS Text To Draft?

Jul 8, 2010

I purchased the 9650 bold a few weeks ago. I do not do a lot of texting, but when I do, the texts are pretty long. On my old BB I hit the back arrow key and it saved to draft, (i would often have 4-5 texts in draft before I sent all out) If im not mistaken you cant do this on the new 9650?? Do I need to get an application to assist with this? ANy suggestions? Sorry if this is a rookie question but...Im a rookie when it comes to these phones.

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BB Bold 9650 :: 9650 Memory Card Problem

Jun 21, 2010

When I upgraded my 9630 to my new bold 9650 I had a 16gb micro sd card in the 9630. I copied all of the files from my card to my computer, put the 16gb card in my 9650 and formatted the card. I then copied all of the files from my computer back to the sd card and put the card back in the 9650. All seems to be ok, I have my pictures etc. When I go to connect my BB 9650 to my computer I get a message on the BB that says: "Content rights do not match this device. Please insert the media card back to the right device." this only happens if I have the memory option set to "Auto enable mass storage mode storage set to NO" Any ideas?
Thank You

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BB Bold 9650 :: 9650 And Vibrate In Holster Setting

Jun 8, 2010

Is anyone else having trouble using the "Vibrate in Holster" setting? My 8330 would automatically switch to vibrate when I put it in my holster that has the magnetic closure. My 9650 fits in the same holster but doesn't seem to switch to vibrate even though I have that setting chosen under my sounds profiles.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Restore 9650 From 9550 Back Up?

Jun 2, 2010

Just wondering if I get a Bold 9650 next week and I back it up with all my apps and settings from my backed up Storm2 9550 file will that happen successfully or should I just reload all apps from scratch?

BTW: I have SocialScope on my Storm2 will it be an easy transfer to my Bold 9650?

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IPhone :: Correct Way To Move To Another Computer

Apr 13, 2010

Ok so i have a lenovo s10 net book that has my itunes and iphone 3gs synced to it. I just bought a new mac book pro and want to move everything over to it. So heres my questions. My iphone is 3.1.2 JB with blackrain. The new computer has itunes 9.1. what is the best way to move all my stuff and sync my iphone to it without causing issues and loseing my jailbreak. I want to start syncing the iphone to the new macbook pro.

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IPhone :: Move Its Info From Old Computer / OS To New?

Apr 30, 2012

I am at a loss as to how I should move my iPhone 4 apps, info, etc. from my old desktop onto my new laptop (my desktop is a 2007 mac mini). I need to move my mac account info to iCloud and want to streamline my life onto one computer which is the latest MacBook Pro with Lion.

Info:Mac mini (Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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IPhone :: Move Songs From It To A Computer?

May 17, 2012

How do I move songs from my iPhone to a computer?

iPhone 3G

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BB Curve :: Move A Voicemail To My Computer?

Jan 16, 2010

easiest way to move a saved vociemail over to my computer with the intent to upload it to Internet?

this voicemail is going to be paired with a still picture on Internet as part of a memorial tribute to someone who passed away. we were hoping to use her voice and i have it saved on my phone, but no idea how to make the conversion.

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BB Bold 9650 :: 9650 Burning Hot When Charging

Jul 11, 2010

Anyone else have this problem? I usually sleep with my Bold in bed with me (who doesn't) lol, and have been waken up many times to a sizzling hot phone. like burning up hot. I put it on the nightstand and seems to cool down. but I always slept with my tour laying next to me in bed, and it never got that hot. Please let me know, or test this theory tonight Just want to make sure it is not a bad phone or battery. thanks for your time.

Not being weird its my alarm clock and i don't have a nightstand on my side of the bed and I sure as heck am not leaving it on the nightstand with my wife's bold. mine needs comfort lol. Also i realize this may have been posted before, but i am more looking for 9650 specific threads. and more charging specific threads as well.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Is Keyboard On 9650 Same As 9630?

May 17, 2010

Is the keyboard on the 9650 exactly the same as the 9630? Or is it the same as the keyboard on the 9700? The keyboard on the 9700 is much nicer in my opinion to that of the 9630 as its a little wider it seems and keys seem a touch bigger.

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BB Bold 9650 :: Bold 9650 Vs Curve 8530?

Jul 12, 2010

Since my contract is up on Sunday (for me and my mom anyways, my dads isn't until october, so they are making us pay the early termination fee or go without a phone for 3 months, oh and this is Verizon i'm talking about, but you probably could've guessed that) and I am thinking about either getting a bold 9650 or curve 8530 for Sprint, since Verizon makes you add $30 onto each blackberry(crooks). But I was looking at the features and I would like the Bold but for some reason the cheapest I can find it is $99, while the Bold for Verizon I can find for free. My question is, is the Bold a lot better, enough to spend 100 dollars instead of 50? and why is it that I can find the Verizon bold for free but not for Sprint?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Curve 8530 / Bold 9650 / Which One Is Best?

Jul 27, 2010

I am going to switch to Sprint, coming from AT&T (iPhone 3G) and I'm currently looking to buy a BlackBerry. I will mostly use it for BBM and not necesarily for web browsing. Which is best for me, the Curve 8530 which is free or the Bold which costs $150?

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BB Bold 9650 :: Curve 8530 Vs Bold 9650?

Jul 4, 2010

Anyone with the new BOLD come from an 8530? Just curious how they compare?

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BB Bold 9650 :: *Video* Hands On With Bold 9650 From WES

Apr 26, 2010 showing from Kevin over at WES of the Bold 9650!

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